Financial Wellness
Financial wellness is living within your means and managing your money in a way that brings you peace of mind. Improve your financial wellness by creating and sticking to a budget, spending less than you earn, saving for the future, and managing your debt wisely.
Environmental Wellness
Environmental wellness is caring for the planet, surrounding yourself with positive people, and creating healthy spaces to live, work, and play. Improve your environmental wellness by keeping your living space clean and organized, respecting the people and places around you, and minimizing your impact on the environment.
Intellectual Wellness
Intellectual wellness is when your brain has enough stimulation to be stretched and enough rest to have time to process and retain important information. Improve your intellectual wellness by reading for fun, journaling, playing a musical instrument or experiencing the arts.
Emotional Wellness
Emotional wellness is the ability to successfully handle life’s stresses and adapt to change in difficult times. Improve your emotional wellness by learning to manage your stress, getting quality sleep, being mindful, and building resilience.
Physical Wellness
Physical wellness is the ability to maintain energy levels and a quality of life that allows you to do the things you need and want to do. Improve your physical wellness by exercising, eating nutritious foods, avoiding harmful substances, and getting plenty of sleep.
Spiritual Wellness
Spiritual wellness is being connected to something greater than yourself and having a set of values, principles, morals, and beliefs that provide a sense of purpose and meaning to life, then using those principles to guide your actions. Improve your spiritual wellness by taking time for personal reflection, practicing mindfulness, serving others, or finding a community that aligns with your values and beliefs.
Occupational Wellness
Occupational wellness is the ability to achieve a balance between work and leisure in a way that promotes health and a sense of personal satisfaction. Improve your occupational wellness by choosing a career where you can use your gifts and talents, increase your knowledge and skills, keep a balance between work and personal life, and build your professional network.
Social Wellness
Social wellness is building authentic, trusting relationships, and developing a sense of connection and belonging, and creating a strong support system. Improve your social wellness by learning to listen, being authentic and genuine, setting healthy boundaries, making connections with others, and loving and respecting yourself.