UVU Wellness Programs offers presentations on various health topics. Professors, instructors, and community members are welcome to request a wellness presentation to lead their group in a variety of health and wellness discussions.
Please submit requests at least 2 weeks before your desired presentation date.
Wellness presentations are free for UVU-affiliated groups. Community organizations may request a wellness presentation for $50.
This presentation covers general information about alcohol and tobacco use, the prevalence of alcohol and tobacco use, the health effects of substance use, and basic information about e-cigarettes and vaping.
This presentation focuses on the eight dimensions of well-being and offers participants a basic overview of ways to improve their overall health. Dimensions include emotional, physical, occupational, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial well-being.
This presentation focuses on identifying disordered eating, and the psychological, social, and interpersonal triggers of negative body image and eating disorders.
This presentation covers the negative effects of dieting, teaches healthy eating patterns, and provides education on how to implement recommended dietary guidelines.
This presentation will teach participants how to reject the diet mentality and develop a healthy relationship with food. It will help participants learn how to eat more mindfully, differentiate between physical hunger and emotional hunger, and how to regulate your hunger rhythms.
This presentation covers simple anatomy, sexual health, sexual orientation, contraception methods, and STIs.
This presentation covers sleep recommendations for adults, the benefits of sleeping, the effects of sleep deprivation, napping, sleep disorders, and tips for better sleep.
This presentation covers the different types of stress, the science of stress, the various types of stress responses, and how to manage some of the most common college stressors.