Wellness Presentations

UVU Wellness Programs offers presentations on various health topics. Professors, instructors, and community members are welcome to request a wellness presentation to lead their group in a variety of health and wellness discussions.

Please submit requests at least 2 weeks before your desired presentation date.

Schedule Today

What to Expect

  1. Request a presentation using the registration form.
  2. We will reach out to you to confirm your presentation and give you the contact info of the presenter(s).
  3. The presenters should contact you 1-2 weeks before the scheduled presentation to confirm the details.
  4. The presentations are designed to last 40-50 minutes and will include lectures, discussions, and interactive activities. 
  5. Instructors and participants will be asked to evaluate the presentation.


Wellness presentations are free for UVU-affiliated groups. Community organizations may request a wellness presentation for $50.

UVU Wellness interns giving a health presentation

Contact Us

Contact UVU Health & Wellness Programs

UVU Health & Wellness Programs

Hours: Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm