UVU Wellness Programs Internships


Are you a senior in a health-related program looking for experience in health promotion? Wellness Programs offers paid internships that fulfill four internship credits over the course of two semesters. Jumpstart your career by gaining new skills and networking with professionals in your field with a UVU Wellness internship.

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General Information

  • This internship is located on UVU’s main campus.
  • It is a paid internship ($12.50 per hour).
  • One semester of internship is equivalent to 2 internship credits.
  • Interns will work one of two schedules for a total of 10 hours per week. The available schedules are Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday from 9am to 2pm or from 10am to 3pm.

What You’ll Do

  • You will plan and implement our weekly events, including Munchie Monday, Tasty Tuesday, Wellness Wednesday, and Thinking Thursday.
  • You will provide wellness coaching to individual clients. We offer 15 different coaching programs, including intuitive eating, nutrition strategies, meal planning, plant-based nutrition, coping with celiac disease, sleep, social wellness, physical fitness, making exercise a habit, stress less, live happy, blood pressure, preparing for pregnancy, and running for beginners.
  • You will gain public speaking experience by providing classroom presentations on a variety of health topics, including sexual health, alcohol and tobacco, intuitive eating, general nutrition, disordered eating, the 8 dimensions of wellness, stress, and sleep.
  • You will choose a health topic, create an educational booth about your topic, and present your booth at the campus health and wellness fair once each semester.
  • You will gain skills in social promotion by creating health education materials and social media posts.
  • You will perform monthly health screenings, including body composition and blood pressure assessments.
  • You will evaluate events.
  • You will have the opportunity to help our dietitian with the monthly healthy cooking demo.

Our Services

  • We have massage chairs in our office, which are $2 for 15 minutes or free during finals week and the first Friday of the month.
  • We have a Fit 3D machine. A single body composition scan is $6.
  • We have a stress reduction room available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • We have a dietitian. The first consultation is free, every appointment after that is $10.
  • We offer weekly mindfulness workshops, including a sound bath once per semester.
  • We walk a mile every Wednesday at 1pm. All students, faculty, and staff are welcome to join.

Email [email protected] with additional questions.


Contact Us

Contact UVU Health & Wellness Programs

UVU Health & Wellness Programs

Hours: Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm