Wellness Coaching

Everyone needs support sometimes to meet their health and wellness goals. UVU Wellness Coaching is here to help. Choose from one of our fifteen programs and meet one-on-one with a wellness coach who will provide basic education, help you set goals, and support you in making sustainable healthy changes to your behavior. Wellness coaching is available to all students, faculty, and staff.

How to sign up for wellness coaching

  1. Register for your program. You can find the registration link on the program pages listed below.
  2. Check your email for a message from your coach to schedule your meeting.
  3. Arrive at SL 211 at your scheduled meeting time.
  4. Pay for your appointment, if applicable. Some programs are free while others have program fees. Check your program page for more information.
  5. Meet with your coach. Appointments last between 30 – 60 minutes depending on your program.
  6. At the end of your coaching session, you and your coach will schedule your next appointment.

Student signing up for UVU Health coaching

Room for UVU Health coaching sessions

What to expect during your coaching session

  1. Get to know your coach
  2. Share your vision and priorities with your coach. Your coach is here to support you in a non-judgmental way.
  3. Learn about the coaching topic.
  4. Make a plan to overcome barriers, and set goals with guidance from your coach.
  5. Make a plan for follow-up.

Our Wellness Coaching Programs

Wellness Coaching sessions are free, $15, or $35. Free sessions are one-week sessions, $15 sessions are 3 weeks, and $35 sessions are 6 weeks. You will pay for your program in person when you visit our office for your first appointment. (Financial waivers are available if needed.)

Meet the Coaches

Portrait of Abby Hall

Abby Hall

Wellness Coach

I graduated from UVU with a degree in Public Health and am currently working towards my Master’s degree at BYU. I am also a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach. In my free time, I love running, hiking, strength training, trying new recipes, playing and watching sports, playing the piano, and spending time with family and friends. My favorite wellness coaching programs are Physical Fitness, Nutrition Strategies, Sleep, and Running.

Portrait of Kelly Henderson

Kelly Henderson

Wellness Coach

I am a UVU graduate with a degree in Public Health. I love teaching people about different health topics and helping them make behavior changes that will allow them to live their best lives. I love reading, embroidery, and spending time with my family. The coolest places I have ever traveled to are Alaska and Boston! My favorite wellness coaching programs are Stress Less and Sleep.

Portrait of Kerri Scott

Kerri Scott

Wellness Coach

I am a UVU graduate with a degree in Public Health, and a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor. I’m also a mom to six kids with several adorable grandkids who keep life fun. I love interior design, the beach, ranch dressing, and getting lost in a good TV series or book. My focus at UVU is to foster a culture of wellness on campus, focusing on meeting others where they are in their pursuit of lifelong wellness. My favorite wellness coaching program is Never Diet Again - Intuitive Eating.

People discussing accommodations for a UVU Wellness Coaching program


Our goal is to provide beneficial services to all members of the UVU community. If you need accommodations for any of our programs or services, please contact us at 801-863-5553. We look forward to working with you!

Contact Us

Contact UVU Health & Wellness Programs

UVU Health & Wellness Programs

Hours: Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm