New Parent Home

Campus Resources

Balancing both educational and parental responsibilities is easier with help from UVU. There are many departments and services across campus where you can find the help you need to succeed academically while taking care of your family.

Wee Care Center

wee care center

The Wee Care Center offers on-campus childcare for degree-seeking UVU students. Children between six weeks and six years old are eligible for care during class hours.

Wee Care Center

Women’s Success Center

Women's success center

Parenting is a common educational barrier for women. The Women’s Success Center hosts resources and programs that support student parents throughout their time at UVU.

Women’s Success Center

Care About Childcare

child playing

Care About Childcare is a resource and referral agency that helps parents in Utah, Juab, Wasatch, and Summit counties find exceptional care for their children. Learn more about the different childcare options available and how to choose the best program for your child.

Care About Childcare

Accessibility Services

campus in the spring

The Accessibility Services can set up accommodations for pregnancy-related conditions. If pregnancy is causing medical issues that conflict with your ability to attend class, you may be eligible for temporary accommodations.

Office of Accessibility Services


people walking on campus

The CARE Hub at UVU connects students to resources that support their basic needs, such as food insecurity, housing, childcare, and safety.


Leave of Absence

walking in hall of flags

A leave of absence may be helpful for parents and caretakers who need to put a pause on their education to focus on family responsibilities. Undergraduate students may take a leave of absence for up to seven semesters, including summer semesters.

Leave of Absence

Family Friendly Study Rooms

couple studying

Finding a quiet space to study while caring for children can be a challenge. There are several family-friendly spaces on campus where supervised children and babies are welcome. Children on campus must always be accompanied by an adult.

  • The Gibson Family Study Suite in FL 116
  • Women’s Success Center in LC 303
  • Keller Building
Family Friendly Study Rooms

People and Culture

people talking at a table

UVU employees should contact People and Culture for information about parental leave, health insurance, pregnancy accommodations, and other resources for parents and caretakers.

People and Culture


Students chat on campus
The TRIO Educational Opportunity Center and Student Support Services provide ongoing support to students from underrepresented backgrounds, including women, student parents, and nontraditional students.
Learn More

UVU Student Resources

A directory of resources available to UVU students.
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