Any individual doing research with human subjects must submit an application to the IRB. Research is defined as “a systematic investigation including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledge”. Research also includes pilot studies, feasibility studies, and other preliminary studies. Any work that will be disseminated in the public domain (ex. journal, book, conference, or website) is typically considered as contributing to generalizable knowledge. Instructors, departments, or schools that are collecting data for internal use only are not completing research and do not need IRB approval.
You may download the IRB Protocol Description Form here. Once your protocol form is complete and you have gathered all required documents you must log-in to Cayuse to submit your application.
The IRB has completed a step-by-step guide for the application process. Please follow these steps to assist you in developing and submitting your IRB application.
No, all activities involving human subjects research must be submitted to the IRB for determination of the level of review. The PI is NOT able to make a determination of exempt on their own. Research activities that fall into one or more of the exempt categories defined by the federal regulations will be given an exempt determination, rather than IRB approval. This indicates these studies are exempt from some of the federal regulations. However, they are not exempt from institutional policies or the requirements for ethical research, including the use of informed consent.
The UVU IRB defines a “class project” as any class-related project or assignment that involves human participants but is being conducted primarily for the purpose of evaluating learning (assigning a student grade) or teaching students to do research. Class projects must not involve more than minimal risk and may not enroll minors or vulnerable populations. To complete a class project you must notify the IRB by submission of a Class Project Waiver in Cayuse. This can be completed by selecting “Classroom Project” as the Review Type during your New Protocol application. The Class Project Waiver must include a document describing the class assignment, the risks associated with the project, and how the risks will be managed including procedures for maintaining confidentiality and monitoring the students’ completion of the project. It is the instructor’s responsibility to ensure their students complete CITI training and that ethical principles are adhered to in the conduct of the class activities.
Please note: If research activities being conducted in a classroom will lead to dissemination of the work outside of the classroom setting (ex. conference presentation, thesis defense, or publication) then the work is RESEARCH and is NOT considered a class project. This work must be submitted to the IRB following the standard IRB application process.
To make changes to your study after it has received IRB approval you must log-in to Cayuse and submit an amendment. You can find detailed instructions here.
If your application was approved prior to Jan 2019 you will not be able to extend your project completion date. The revised Common Rule went into effect in January 2019. All previously approved projects will need to resubmit a new application under these new guidelines in order to extend their project or make substantial modifications. Projects approved before January 2019 which do not wish to extend their completion date and only need to make small modifications are grandfathered in and may continue their research under the old guidelines.
UVU's FWA number is FWA00010961. This is used on reliance agreement documents.