
What We Are

The Institutional Review Board (IRB) is a committee mandated by federal law to protect the rights and welfare of human subjects participating in research activities. The IRB achieves this primary function by educating researchers. The IRB assesses the risks and benefits associated with a particular study, so that they can decide if the study is ethically and legally sound.

Utah Valley University encourages scholarly research and activities for faculty, students and relevant staff. The Institutional Review Board (IRB) furthers the University's research mission by:

  • Reviewing proposed research involving human participants, in order to protect citizens against potential risks of research participation while promoting high-quality studies that can provide rewards to participation and/or society;
  • Educating the larger university community about ethical issues in human participants' research;
  • Overseeing compliance with federal, state, and university regulatory requirements for human participant research.

All human subject research must be approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB). Colleges and universities that have human subject research being conducted on their campuses should have an IRB operating within federal regulations. UVU has signed a federal-wide assurance stating that all human subject research being conducted on campus will be approved by UVU's Institutional Review Board (IRB). Research at UVU involving human subjects being conducted without IRB approval is breaking federal regulation/law and puts all federal funding that UVU receives (e.g. federal research grants, student federal aid) in jeopardy.

For all UVU-affiliated studies involving human subjects requiring IRB approval, it is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator (PI) to submit required documentation to the UVU IRB Administrator. UVU does not endorse research that does not follow this protocol.

The UVU IRB website will provide all the information you need to take the IRB mandatory training and submit protocols for approval. Let us know if you have questions. You can email the IRB at [email protected] or schedule an appointment with the IRB Administrator (Appointments - sence (uvu.edu)) if you're looking for assistance. 


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Committee Contact Information

Cyrill Slezak, Physics

Steven Sylvester, History & Political Science

Adam Ogurlu, Elementary Education

Ellis Jensen, Exercise Science

Benjamin Johnson, Student Leadership

Lars Eggerstsen, Behavioral Science

Doug Gardner, Student Leadership

Matthew Flint, Community Health

Lyndsay Fait, Occypational Therapy Assistant Program

Matthew Horn, Chemistry

Dr. Greg Craner, Medical Community Partner

Meeting Schedule:

Our meeting schedule updates at the start of each Fall and Spring semester.


For questions about our meetings, or if you would like more information regarding the schedule, please email us at [email protected]