Graduate Students

Graduate Student Handbook

Graduate Student Handbook


Student Policies and Expectations

Are graduate students subject to the university’s Student Rights and Responsibilities Code?

Graduate students are subject to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Code contained in Policy 541 Student Rights and Responsibilities Code. (Policy 510, Section 4.13). Students are expected to know and uphold their rights and responsibilities as UVU students as stated in the Student Code of Conduct.

Is UVU a drug-free/alcohol-free campus?

Utah Valley University is a drug-free campus and has a “zero tolerance” alcohol and drug policy. UVU has developed an alcohol, tobacco, and other drug policy not only in response to the federal drug-free legislation, but also to encourage and sustain an academic environment that promotes the health, safety, and welfare of all members of its community.

Alcoholic beverages, unlawful drugs, and other illegal substances shall not be consumed, used, carried, sold, or unlawfully manufactured on any property or in any building owned, leased, or rented by UVU, or at any activity sponsored by the University.

What are the accommodations for students with disabilities?

Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Require that reasonable and appropriate accommodation be made for all individuals with disabilities in accessing an education. To be eligible for such accommodation at UVU, students are responsible to provide relevant medical or psychological evidence of their disabilities. This documentation is kept by the University Accessibility Services Office, and appropriate accommodations should be arranged in coordination and consultation with that office.

Faculty members should provide information to students (preferably via class syllabi) regarding students’ rights to access appropriate accommodations. “Students who need accommodations because of a disability may contact the UVU Accessibility Services Department (ASD), located on the Orem Campus in LC 312. To schedule an appointment or to speak with a counselor, call the ASD office at 801-863-8747.

Can I bring children to class?

Children are not permitted in University classrooms or laboratories unless they are an integral part of instruction. Children should not be left unattended in hallways and/or restrooms.

Can I give gifts to faculty or staff?

Faculty and staff are subject to the gifts section of the State Ethics Code, Section 67-16-5 which states: “It is an offense for a public officer or public employee, under circumstances not amounting to a violation of Section 63-56-1001 or 76-8-105, to knowingly receive, accept, take, seek, or solicit, directly or indirectly for himself or another, a gift of substantial value or a substantial economic benefit tantamount to a gift.

Do I need to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA to remain in my graduate program?

Graduate students shall maintain a minimum cumulative 3.0 GPA to remain in their graduate programs. (Policy 510, Section 4.12).

Individual programs may establish higher grade point average requirements. (Policy 524, Section 4.3.5).

What happens if my cumulative GPA falls below 3.0?

Graduate students whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 shall be placed on academic probation for the following semester. Students whose GPAs remain below 3.0 after the probation semester shall be suspended from their graduate program and shall not be permitted to register or attend graduate courses. (Policy 510, Section 5.10).

How do I appeal a suspension from a graduate program for failing to maintain a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA?

Graduate students who are suspended from a graduate program for failing to maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA may appeal in writing to the director of the graduate program within 30 days of the suspension. Supporting materials and information justifying the request should be supplied.

The graduate program director shall present the written appeal to the program graduate faculty for consideration. The decision of the program graduate faculty shall be final. (Policy 510, Section 5.10).

Can I reapply for readmission to a program after I have been suspended?

Graduate students suspended from the University for violation of minimum cumulative GPA requirements or Policy Student Rights and Responsibilities Code who wish to complete their program of study must apply for readmission to the applicable graduate program. The graduate faculty may review the reason for suspension when considering suspended students for readmission. (Policy 510, Section 5.11).

How long do I have to complete my graduate program?

Graduate coursework shall be completed within a period of six years; individual programs may require graduate coursework be completed in fewer than six years. When extenuating circumstances warrant, a student may request an extension to coursework completion time limits. (Policy 524, Section 4.3.3).

How do I request an extension to coursework completion limits?

To request an extension to coursework completion time limits, a student shall submit the request in writing to the program director (or his or her designee) of the applicable school or college. The program director’s decision shall be final.

What are the lowest grades that can count towards a graduate degree or certificate?

Credit for courses in which a student earns a grade of C- or lower shall not be applied toward any master’s degree or graduate certificate program. Individual graduate programs may establish higher minimum grade requirements for individual courses. (Policy 524, Section 4.3.4).

What is the maximum number of credit hours I can take as a graduate student?

Students enrolled in master’s degree or graduate certificate programs shall not be permitted to register for more than 16 credit hours per semester, unless an exception is approved by the Director of Graduate Studies.

To request an exception to semester maximum credit-hour registration limits, a student, upon recommendation by the program director, shall submit the request in writing to the Director of Graduate Studies. (Policy 524, Sections 4.2.2 and 5.2).

What is the mission of Utah Valley University?

Utah Valley University is a teaching institution which provides opportunity, promotes student success, and meets regional educational needs. UVU builds on a foundation of substantive scholarly and creative work to foster engaged learning. The university prepares professionally competent people of integrity who, as lifelong learners and leaders, serve as stewards of a globally interdependent community.

What are UVU’s Core Themes?

  • Student Success: UVU support students in achieving their educational, professional, and personal goals.
  • Inclusive: UVU provides opportunity for individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds and perspectives and meets regional education needs.
  • Engaged: UVU engages its communities in mutually beneficial collaboration and emphasizes engaged learning.
  • Serious: UVU fosters a culture of academic rigor and professional excellence.


Class Registration

Where can I get information about registering for courses?

Please see course registration information.


Student Resources

Where do I get a map of the campus?

Here is a link to the Orem Campus Map, which you can download.

Where do I get my photo student identification card?

You get your student photo identification card at Campus Connection, which is located in SC 106f. * Due to construction, Campus Connection has been relocated to the second floor of the Sorenson Center.

What parking is available for students?

Parking information and permits can be obtained at Parking Services, which is located at 936 S 400 W, Orem, Utah 84058.

Who can I contact regarding general admissions, registration, tuition payment, financial aid, graduation, and transfer credit questions?

Many of these types of questions can be answered at Registration, which is located in BA 106 or Admissions and Residency in BA 006.

What student health services are available on campus?

Student Health Center is dedicated to assisting students in their educational pursuits, by maintaining their health, during their college experience. We are a team of professionals ranging from Doctors, Licensed Nurse Practitioners, a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, Medical Assistants, Licensed Personal Counselors, Psychologists, Personal Trainers, as well as other well-qualified staff. The student health center is located at SC 221, and its phone number is 801.863.8876.

How can the Ombuds Office help me resolve problems?

As UVU maintains an Ombuds Office under the direction of the Associated Students’ Organization. The Ombuds is appointed each academic year by a Student Government appointing committee, chaired by the Student Body President.

  1. The University hereby recognizes the establishment of the Associated Students of Utah Valley University Ombuds Office. The Ombuds Office will address current issues and personal problems facing UVU student
  2. The Ombuds will assist students in finding solutions to issues and problems facing currently enrolled UVU students. These issues and problems may include issues between:
    1. Students
    2. Student and Faculty
    3. Student and Landlord
    4. Student and University, including policy issues
  3. The Ombuds will not engage in any adversarial relationship with any party. A position of neutrality will guide the Ombuds’ efforts. The Ombuds will provide all evidence of wrongdoing or evidence of unjust policies and procedures, if any, in an effort to bring about an equitable solution between the parties and in order to set a precedent for similar issues in the future.
  4. The Ombuds is appointed and supported by ASUVU and is not an employee of the University. With the approval and financial support of ASUVU, the Ombuds may obtain legal advice, but may not retain legal counsel for any student.

What resources are available to help me find internships and employment after graduation?

The Career Development Center has resources to help you find internships and employment opportunities and to develop your career skills. They can assist in preparing your job search documents.

What type of accessibility services are available to students?

The Accessibility Services Department is committed to helping students with disabilities receive reasonable accommodations during their college experience at UVU. They provide a variety of services, software and equipment for students with a wide range of disabilities. Visit them to see how they can help you achieve your best!

What resources are available to help me prepare for graduate admission tests such as the GRE, GMAT, MCAT, or LSAT?

Student Resources: 


Graduate Admissions Tests Information


Campus Life

What are my dining options on campus?

UVU has a variety of dining options on campus. Visit Dining for detailed information.

Does UVU offer a Meal Plan?

Yes, can save 5% at participating dining locations by opening a Green account to activate your Meal Plan.

Where can I get information about local bus transportation?

Campus Connection is where you can get information about bus routes, passes, and prices.

What are my housing options?

Student housing information is available. UVU does not own or manage any housing or dormitory options on or off campus. The department works with local landlords to provide accurate housing information so students can choose the most suitable housing while attending UVU.

How can I get a membership in the Student Life and Wellness Center?

Graduate students taking at least six credits per semester can get a free student membership.

Does UVU have an intramurals program that I can participate in?

Yes, the Intramural Office is dedicated to helping UVU Students, Faculty and Staff in finding their own niche on campus. They provide opportunities to participate in a wide variety of individual and team sports at various levels of competition. They strive to provide not only structured and organized programs, but are always looking for new activities to include in their program and accommodate each person's interests and strive to provide activities to fit their interests.

How can I find out what events are happening on campus?

View the event calendar to see upcoming events. Campus Connection is also a great resource for students to find out about events and purchase tickets for events.

What about fine arts events such as Music, Dance, and Theatre?

The Music, Dance and Theatre departments in the School of the Arts offer many performances throughout the year.

Where can I find more information about athletics at UVU?

The Athletics department is the home of UVU’s great sports programs and athletes.

Are there any other areas on campus I should be aware of?

It may be helpful to know that UVU has a Post Office on campus for your convenience. It is located across from Campus Connection.

Student Development and Well-Being offers additional information about campus resources for which you may be interested.


Graduate Student Forms

Graduate Student Leave of Absence Form




Graduate Program Director Email

Master of Accountancy (MACC)

Kevin Smith

[email protected]


Master of Arts in Constitutional Government, Civics, and Law

Troy Smith

[email protected]


Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT)

Elizabeth Fawcett

[email protected]


Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Jeff Peterson

[email protected]


Master of Computer Science (MCS)

Jingpeng (JP) Tang

[email protected]


Master of Education (MED)

Mia Kang

[email protected]


Master of Financial Planning and Analytics (MFPA)

Benjamin Cummings

[email protected]


Master of Physician Assistant Studies

Karen Mulitalo

[email protected]


Master of Public Administration (MPA)

Steven Sylvester

[email protected]


Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Carrie Merino

[email protected]


Master of Science in Cybersecurity (MSC)

Basil Hamdan

[email protected]


Master of Science in Engineering and Technology Management

Susan Thackeray

[email protected]


Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Noelle Taylor

[email protected]


Master of Science in Mathematics Education

Debanjan Bhattacharjee

[email protected] 801-863-5414

Master of Social Work (MSW)

Kristin Lambert

[email protected]


Graduate Certificate Mathematics

Debanjan Bhattacharjee

[email protected]


Graduate Studies

Application Questions:[email protected]


Director of Graduate Studies
Jim Bailey - [email protected]

For program information, please reach out to the Program Director.  Contact info provided above.