Prospective Students

Graduate Admissions

What type of admissions process does UVU use?

Utah Valley University uses a selective admissions process for admitting students to graduate programs. The University provides educational opportunity free from discrimination in accordance with federal and state law and university core values. (Policy 510, Sections 4.1, 4.2).

Where can I find admissions requirements and application procedures?

Please see the graduate program’s website for admission requirements and application procedures. (Policy 510, Section 4.3).

Are there deadlines for graduate admissions?

Applicants must adhere to established admission deadlines and provide all required application materials as stipulated by the university and program. Please see the graduate program’s website for program admissions deadlines and required application materials. (Policy 510, Section 4.4).

How will I be notified of admission?

Applicants are notified of admission through an acceptance letter, which includes a UV ID number, residency status, and instructions for pre-enrollment activities, including orientation and advising.

How long is an offer for admissions valid?

Acceptance of graduate admissions offers is valid only for the semester in the offer.

Applicants who do not begin attendance during the semester in their admissions offers must reapply and pay the application fees before the applicable semester deadline. At the graduate program’s discretion, graduate programs may defer enrollment if students apply for a deferment before the end of the semester for which they were admitted. (Policy 510, Section 5.8).

Are there minimum university admissions requirements for graduate students?

In order to be admitted to the University as graduate students, applicants must meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. A bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college/university, a nationally accredited program, or an international college or university recognized by a Ministry of Education. International Admissions officers shall determine if applicants with international degrees meet the graduate program’s requirement of a recognized bachelor’s degree or equivalent.
  2. A 3.0 cumulative undergraduate GPA or a 3.0 GPA calculated on the last 60 semester hours (90 quarter hours) of undergraduate work.
  3. Any additional or more stringent admissions criteria established by specific graduate programs in addition to the minimum required by the University. (Policy 510, Section 4.5).

Are there additional admission requirements for international students?

Additional admission requirement for international students are in the International Student Admissions section.

Does meeting minimum qualifications guarantee admission to a graduate program?

Meeting minimum admissions criteria does not guarantee admission to a graduate program or to the University as a graduate student. (Policy 510, Section 4.6)

Each program may establish admissions criteria beyond the minimum university requirements. Policy 510, Section 5.1).

Can exceptions be made for applicants who do not meet all minimum university graduate admissions requirements?

Individual graduate programs shall only admit students who meet the minimum university graduate admissions requirements into their graduate programs unless an exception is approved by the Graduate Council Appeals Committee. Students who are denied admission or do not meet the minimum university requirements shall not be admitted as non-matriculated graduate students.

In extraordinary circumstances when an applicant does not meet all minimum university graduate admissions requirements, the graduate program, at its discretion, may appeal to the Graduate Council Appeals Committee. Under extraordinary circumstances, the Graduate Council Appeals Committee may approve an exception to minimum university graduate admissions requirements. (Policy 510, Sections 4.7 & 4.8).

How can I appeal a graduate admission’s decision?

The graduate program’s appeals committee shall consider admission appeals to their graduate programs. Graduate applicants appealing denial of admission to a graduate program shall provide supporting materials and information justifying the request to the program director within 30 days of the date of denial communication.

The graduate program director shall present the written appeal to the graduate program’s appeals committee for consideration. The decision of the graduate program’s appeals committee shall be final, except for appeals for minimum university graduate admissions criteria.

The Graduate Council Appeals Committee shall consider admission appeals from graduate programs for exceptions to minimum university graduate admissions requirements. The Graduate Council Appeals Committee shall consist of a subset of Graduate Council members. The appeal request shall be submitted in writing by the program’s admissions committee. The decision of the Graduate Council Appeals Committee shall be final. (Policy 510, Sections 5.3 & 5.4).

Can I take graduate courses without being admitted to a specific graduate program?

Only students admitted into a UVU master’s degree or graduate certificate program or admitted as a non-matriculated graduate student shall be permitted to enroll in graduate level courses. (Policy 524, Section 4.2.1).

Non-matriculated graduate students may be admitted by the graduate program directors to take courses in their program if they meet the minimum university graduate admissions criteria. (Policy 510, Section 4.9).

Students admitted as non-matriculated graduate students shall meet course prerequisites unless exceptions are approved by the program director. Non-matriculated students may take a maximum of 12 semester hours as non-matriculated students. (Policy 510, Section 5.5).

Can credits earned as a non-matriculated student be applied to a graduate degree or graduate certificate?

If approved by the program graduate faculty, a maximum of 12 semester hours of non matriculated credit, taken no more than three years prior to approval, shall be applied toward a graduate degree or graduate certificate. (Policy 510, Section 5.6).

What does it mean to be conditionally admitted into a program?

Graduate programs may conditionally admit students into their programs subject to requirements that the students remedy deficiencies in preparation, such as completing specified courses or completing a bachelor’s degree. Such students shall be considered undergraduate students until matriculated into their graduate programs. When conditionally admitted students meet requirements to be considered qualified for admission, they shall be admitted into the graduate program. (Policy 510, Section 4.10).

If the required conditions are completed and supported by an official transcript by the deadline specified by the department, conditionally admitted students shall be fully admitted into their graduate programs. If the conditions are not completed by the deadline, the conditional admission shall be automatically revoked. (Policy 510, Section 5.7).

Can conditionally admitted students take 6000-level courses?

Conditionally admitted students shall not be permitted to take 6000-level courses. (Policy 510, Section 4.10.1).


International Student Admissions

Are there additional minimum university admissions requirements for international graduate students?

International students can only be accepted into full-time graduate programs.  Please check with your program of interest to ensure that it offers a full-time option.

In addition to the requirements stated in the Graduate Admissions section, international applicants must meet the following minimum admission requirements:

  • For international students whose native language is not English, a TOEFL score of 80 iBT (550 pBT) or higher, or an IELTS band score of 6.5 or higher within the past two years. Programs may establish more stringent TOEFL or IELTS minimum score requirements, so check with your program of interest to see if they have more stringent requirements.
  • International students must also meet all US government requirements for international students.
  • International graduate students on visas shall not be admitted or enrolled as non-matriculated students. (Policy 510, Section 4.5).

Who determines whether or not international degrees meet the graduate program’s requirement of a recognized bachelor’s degree or equivalent?

International Admissions officers shall determine if applicants with international degrees meet the graduate program’s requirement of a recognized bachelor’s degree or equivalent. (Policy 510, Section 4.5).

International Graduate Application

Complete the International Graduate Application

Fill out the application completely (must be 18 years or older to apply).

The Affidavit of Support for an International Student at Utah Valley University
The Affidavit of Support form is to be completed by the person who will be providing money for tuition, fees and living expenses, with an original bank statement or Tax return attached. Please note: If you are sponsoring yourself you will need to provide a letter from your bank showing the needed amount on deposit under your name. ALL FINANCIAL SUPPORT PAPERS MUST BE IN ENGLISH, SHOWING AMOUNTS IN U.S. DOLLARS.

Each program has a different affidavit of support. Currently there are four programs that are able to support international students: MBA, MAcc, MFPA, and MSW.

Official Transcripts or Records Send official transcripts or records, with your application, showing you have graduated with a recognized bachelor’s degree or equivalent.

English Proficiency is Required You must submit either an official TOEFL test score of 80 iBT (550 pBT) or higher, or an IELTS band score of 6.5 or higher. Please check with your program to see if it has more stringent language requirements. Test scores must be less than two years old.

Pay the Application Fee The application fee is $50 and is nonrefundable. This is to be submitted in U.S. currency by check, money order, or credit or debit card..

Notice of Processing Time Inasmuch as mailing time varies for each country, please allow 3-4 weeks for your documents to be processed and returned to you in time for you to obtain your visa and make the necessary travel arrangements. You should arrive here a week or more before the first day of class for mandatory orientation, advisement and registration.


Tuition and Utah Residency

How is tuition assessed for graduate courses?

For the purposes of tuition assessment and financial aid, all university students are classified as either graduate or undergraduate students and are assessed tuition based on that classification regardless of the course level. Matriculated graduate students are subject to the tuition rate for the graduate program to which they are admitted. Non-matriculated graduate students are subject to the graduate tuition rate of the graduate program that offers the class(es) in which the student is enrolled. (Policy 510, Section 4.11).

Can my tuition and fees change during my graduate program?

Tuition and student fees are established by the Utah State Board of Regents.

Tuition and student fees are subject to change without notice and will be updated as new information is released. Should a tuition increase take place, it is usually applied beginning Summer semester. Historically, tuition increases have been approximately 3%.

We encourage students to take potential tuition changes into consideration when establishing resources for financial aid.

What is the tuition for my graduate program?

Graduate tuition varies by program. Please see the tuition website for information about graduate tuition for your program.

What do I need to do to be considered a Utah resident?

Students who attend UVU from another state will be required to pay non-resident tuition rates. However, after twelve continuous months, it is possible for students to apply for Utah residency for tuition purposes and significantly decrease the cost of attending UVU.

While the "Twelve Continuous Months Rule" is the most commonly used, there are other ways to qualify for Utah residency.


Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP)

The Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) is for students in UVU approved WRGP graduate programs who are residents of specific western states. Time spent in Utah, while receiving WRGP, does not count towards establishing residency for tuition purposes.


  • Fall Deadline: July 1st
  • Spring Deadline: December 1st


  • Must be enrolled in one of the following UVU approved WRGP programs:

    Master of Accountancy 

    Master of Arts in Constiutional Government, Civics, and Law

    Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy 

    Master of Business Administration 

    Master of Computer Science 

    Master of Education 

    Master of Education in Applied Behavior Analysis 

    Master of Education in Higher Education Leadership 

    Master of Education in K-12 Education Leadership 

    Master of Education in School Counseling 

    Master of Financial Planning and Analytics 

    Master of Physician Assistant Studies 

    Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling 

    Master of Science in Cybersecurity 

    Master of Science in Mathematics Education 

    Master of Social Work

  • Must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • Must upload a copy of a valid driver's license from the state of residency when applying
  • Must be a legal resident of one of the following states or territories: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, Wyoming, the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, and Guam

Students pay the following:

  • 100% of the graduate program's resident tuition
  • Student Fees
  • Course Fees

How to Apply

For more information and to apply visit the Scholarships page


Financial Aid

Unsubsidized Stafford Loans

Financial aid is available from the federal government to students who qualify. This aid is provided in the form of Unsubsidized Stafford Loans by submitting an application via the FAFSA – Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

Students may apply for this funding online at after they have completed taxes for the year prior to when they will start their program. For example, a student starting the program in Fall 2017 would complete the FAFSA with information from their 2016 tax return.

For additional information, contact the UVU Financial Aid Department at 801-863-8442.

Graduate Assistantships

Some master programs offer a limited number of graduate assistantships. If you are interested in a graduate assistantship, please contact the program director for more information and for an application.

Additional Options to Help Cover Tuition

There are several resources available online which may provide additional options to help cover the cost of tuition. While UVU does not endorse any particular company, additional funding information may be found at the following link.

College Affordability Guide - Extensive financial aid guide including federal aid, public and private loans, payment plans, and more.


Graduate Transfer Credit

What are the requirements for transferring graduate credit?

Graduate credits from another regionally accredited institution or equivalent shall have been completed within four years of the graduate student’s matriculation into the graduate program and cannot be older than six years at the time of graduation with a master’s degree or graduate certificate from the University. Graduate transfer credits are also subject to grade and grade-point average minimums of the graduate program. (Policy 524, Section 4.5.1).

Can graduate transfer credit replace residency hours?

Approved transfer credits shall not replace required residency hours. (Policy 524, Section 4.5.2).

Will graduate transfer credit be calculated in the student’s UVU grade-point average?

Approved transfer credits shall not be calculated into the student’s UVU grade-point average. (Policy 524, Section 4.5.3).

How many graduate credit hours must be taken at UVU for degree or certificate programs?

To be eligible to graduate with a master’s degree or graduate certificate, a minimum of two-thirds of graduate program credit hours must be completed through the University.

Individual graduate programs may require students to complete more than two-thirds of graduate program credit hours in their individual programs at the University. Individual graduate programs may establish more stringent transfer credit criteria. (Policy 524, Section 4.5.4).

Who evaluates graduate transfer credit?

Each school/college with a master’s degree or graduate certificate program shall have faculty responsible for evaluating graduate transfer credit and determining whether these credits are appropriate to the master’s degree or graduate certificate being sought. The program director shall designate faculty to evaluate the credits.

Designated faculty shall evaluate a student’s graduate coursework transcript and inform the student of the awarding of any transfer credit. Following faculty evaluation of official transcripts, the approving faculty shall inform the Transfer Credit Office of any approved transfer credit. The Transfer Credit Office is responsible for posting transfer credit to the student’s record in the university student information system. (Policy 524, Sections 5.4.1-5.4.3).

How do I appeal a graduate transfer credit decision?

A student may appeal the graduate transfer credit decision to the program director in writing. If the student disagrees with the program director’s decision, the student may appeal the decision to the dean in writing. The decision of the dean shall be final. (Policy 524, Section 5.4.2).




Graduate Program Contact Email

Master of Accountancy (MACC)

Jenny Haroldsen

[email protected]

Master of Arts in Constitutional Government, Civics, and Law

Troy Smith

[email protected]

Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT)

Elizabeth Fawcett

[email protected]

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Tamara Jensen

[email protected]

Master of Computer Science (MCS)

Jinpeng (JP) Tang

[email protected]

Master of Education (MED)

Debora Escalante

[email protected]

Master of Financial Planning and Analytics (MFPA)

Tamara Jensen

[email protected]

Master of Physician Assistant Studies

Karen Mulitalo

[email protected]

Master of Public Administration (MPA)

Steven Sylvester

[email protected]

Master of Science in Clinical mental Health Counseling

Carrie Merino


Master of Science in Cybersecurity (MSC)

Basil Hamdan

[email protected]

Master of Science in Engineering & Technology Management

Kyle Merrill

[email protected]

Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)

Marianne Craven

[email protected]

Master of Science in Mathematics Education

Debanjan Bhattacharjee

[email protected]

Master of Social Work (MSW)

Kristin Lambert

[email protected]

Graduate Certificate Mathematics

Debanjan Bhattacharjee

[email protected]

For Admission and Application Questions                     

Phone:  (801) 863-5340 

Email:  [email protected]

Director of Graduate Studies
Jim Bailey - [email protected]

For Non-Admissions or Non-Application Questions
Please reach out to the Program Director from the list above.