2024 Web Audit

Web Audit

Person typing on a computer.

The UVU website will undergo a website audit every 12 months.  This audit will be coordinated through the Strategic Web Action Team (SWAT) during the early part of the year.  Each division’s Web Steward will oversee the audit for each website within their division.

The 2024 web audit needs to be complete by June 14, 2024. 

Web Audit Details

 The web at UVU

Web Community

The Web Community is a group for all members of UVU's campus who work with the web -- site owners, site managers, content contributors, and anyone else who works with UVU's web presence. We want everyone in the Web Community to have easy access to resources, help, training, and support services to provide the best web experience possible.

Learn more about Web Community

Strategic Web Action Team

SWAT is a committee that directs the changes needed to keep UVU's Web current and dynamic. The committee represents all of the areas on the University Campus. SWAT also has members from the Web & Mobile Solutions and the University Marketing and Communications department. SWAT provides a medium of communication to discuss concerns in regards to the UVU Web.

Learn more about SWAT