About the web at UVU

Web governance

The web governance model at UVU consists of the University Communications Committee (UCC) managing the process with the help of the action-oriented Strategic Web Action Team (SWAT), and directing the efforts of the IT based Web & Mobile Solutions (WMS) department and the Marketing department (together they form the Web Team).  All these efforts are done to assist and support the Web Community on campus which consists of all the individuals in departments, approximately 400, across campus who are responsible to maintain their part of the UVU website.  This Web Community enables the website's success and impact. The individual editors control the content for which they have expertise.

All websites and other Internet sites used to conduct UVU activities must contribute to the overall mission of the university and be consistent with standards of academic and professional conduct. This also means all official UVU web pages must be in the university's web content management system. Since colleges, departments, and other units are a subset of the university, they are expected to reflect this association.


SWAT stands for Strategic Web Action Team under the direction of the University Communication Committee. We are a committee that directs the changes needed to keep UVU's Web current and dynamic. The committee represents all of the areas on the university campus. SWAT also includes members from the Digital Experience & Accessible Technology department and the University Marketing and Communications department. We provide a medium of communication to discuss concerns in regards to the UVU Web.

We are responsible to audit all of UVU'S web pages to make sure they are current and have an accurate brand. We must provide information that is current, accurate, and consistent with the university's mission to its stakeholders and the community at large.

SWAT needs to make sure that official information included on the UVU web site meets the same high standards as other official publications. We must ensure all web content, web pages, and channels created and maintained by the university, will comply with established policies, standards, and guidelines that may include but are not limited to the yearly web audit procedure, UVU design and development guidelines set for the various categories of web pages, and university policies related to web technology, usage, and accessibility. SWAT is a service oriented group that promotes positive improvement to the UVU Web.

Strategic directions

UCC drafted the Web Strategic Directions document in 2009 to help guide the efforts of all web entities on campus.  Since that time, WMS. Marketing, SWAT and UCC have been working diligently to accomplish the goals and objectives set forth.  As the web changes, the goals and objectives within the Strategic Directions will shift with the changes.  The Strategic Directions themselves will be reviewed on a 5 year cycle.

Web Community

The Web Community at UVU is the heart and soul of our website.  This group is made of dedicated content experts across campus in their respective departments.  It includes site owners, site managers and content contributors from all areas of campus.  Working with Web & Mobile Solutions (WMS) and Marketing to put together the best content, writing, designs, and development for the web, the Web Community maintains every part of the UVU public web presence.