121 Website Ownership
Site owner system
The site owners system provides information about who owns, manages, and contributes to each website within uvu.edu. The site owners system is accessible to anyone in the Web Community. Access the site owners system to get details about who owns, manages, edits, and maintains your site.
Web governance at UVU
The web governance model at UVU consists of the University Communications Committee (UCC) managing the process with the help of the action-oriented Strategic Web Action Team (SWAT), and directing the efforts of the Dx-based Web & Mobile Solutions (WMS) department and University Marketing and Communications (together they form the web team). All these efforts are done to assist and support the Web Community which consists of all the individuals in departments across campus who are responsible to maintain their part of the UVU website. This Web Community enables the website's success and impact. The individual editors control the content for which they have expertise.
All websites and other internet sites used to conduct UVU activities must contribute to the overall mission of the university and be consistent with standards of academic and professional conduct. This also means all official UVU web pages must be in the university's web content management system (Omni CMS). Since colleges, departments, and other units are a subset of the university, they are expected to reflect this association.
Site ownership roles
Each department website has assigned owners, managers, and contributors.
- Administrative owners are usually a dean, vice president, or associate vice president, who oversees a division of the UVU web site.
- Web stewards are appointed by administrative owners as a divisional "point person" for all web issues. Responsible for content and coordination. The web steward is not a technical role, but coordinates with site owners, site managers, and content contributors. Web stewards sit on SWAT to help oversee the strategic direction of the web at UVU.
- Site owners are responsible for a department/program website. Site owners appoint the site manager and content contributors for their site. Site owners work with their division's web steward for content coordination.
- Site managers work on their department/program website under the site owner's direction. They coordinate with Digital Experiences & Accessible Technology and University Marketing on web issues. The site manager is a semi-technical role.
- Content contributors work on their department/program website to contribute and maintain content. Each site may have up to two content contributors. They are the experts for the content on their department/program website, and along with the site manager, work in Omni CMS to keep their site up-to-date and accurate.