Once UVU has fully hired you, the department Administrative Assistant will notify you that you can access myUVU. If you are logging in for the first time, you can set up your myUVU account by going to the myUVU landing page. Type in your UVID (which will be provided to you) and your temporary password, which is "Wolverine," followed by your 8-digit birthday in MMDDYYYY format (no dashes – only numbers). When you log in, you will be prompted to change your password. Be sure to keep track of your UVID and password.
Two-factor authentication provides an additional level of security when logging in to UVU systems. UVU now requires all faculty and staff to use two-factor authentication. You can find instructions to download the Microsoft Authenticator App from IT Services.
How do I set up my UVU Email?
Once you have your UVID and have set your myUVU login and password, you can set up your UVU email address by going to theE-mail Identity Management Utility page.
You can find out more about your accessing your email online through the IT Services page. If you have any problems or questions with this, call the IT Service Desk at 801-863-8888. It is required that you use your UVU Email for all university communications.
How do I get a UVU ID card?
You don’t have to get an ID card if you don’t want to, but it is helpful. Once you have your UVID, you can let the department Administrative Assistant know, and they will fill out the necessary forms for Campus Connection to get your ID card printed. The card will also give you access to ride UTA for free.
How do I park on campus?
You will need a parking permit to park on campus in any open employee or student spots. You can obtain a permit online from the UVU Parking Services website.
Once you have your UVID, you can fill out the form online. Parking permits are electronic, based on your vehicle's license plate. Be sure to park your vehicle so parking enforcement can read the license plate.
Remember to fill out this form at the beginning of each semester. If you have any questions, go to the Parking Services FAQ page. You can also call them at 801-863-8188.
How do I connect to the UVU Wi-Fi?
Depending on your device, there are instructions for connecting to Wolverine Wi-Fi on the IT Services Wireless Network page.
If you are registering a mobile device, that will complete the process. Your device should then be connected to the Wolverine-Wifi network automatically. If you are registering another type of device, that button will download a program called the “Bradford Security Agent.” The program is necessary for connecting to the network and scanning your device to ensure it meets campus network standards.
At this time, your device will be fully connected to the Wolverine Wi-Fi network (if your device meets UVU’s Network Access Policy). If you have any problems with this process, call CET IT Support at 801-863-8508. Or you can visit their office in CS 716.
Please be aware that “Wolverine-Wi-Fi” is an unsecured network. If security concerns you and you would like to join the Wolverine-Secure network, you will need to contact CET IT Support.
How do I get access to the TM Office?
Technology Management has supplies for your use in GT 613. You may need electronic access to this area during off-hours. If you are teaching on campus, let the department Administrative Assistant know you would like access to this area, and she will make that request. When the request is approved, you will receive an invitation email that will go through the process of downloading and activating an app on your smartphone.
What are the pay periods for adjuncts?
Typically, the first deposit is made roughly four weeks after classes begin, followed by deposits in the middle and at the end of every month through the end of the semester.
Pay is usually divided into seven deposits for semester-long classes; for block classes, pay is generally divided into 3 (1st block) or 4 (2nd block) deposits.
For specific dates, see the Payroll Calendars page in my.uvu.edu.
UVU has a variety of training that you need to keep current on. You can find Compliance Courses via the myUVU portal on the Employee tab under Performance & Development. Look for "UVU Learn" and "Compliance Courses." These training courses are for all UVU employees and include information on FERPA (student privacy), Title IX, Cybersecurity, etc.
The Office of Teaching and Learning requires faculty to participate in their Online Teaching Academy Certification to teach online courses. You will receive a stipend for completing the course and do not need to take it before beginning teaching. Certification classes are available three times a year.
Is there any software that I need?
As an employee of UVU, you have access to several software packages. Office365 will be the most useful as it includes Outlook email and Teams. Teams is helpful in communicating with students either by audio or video. You can download this and other software via the myUVU portal by clicking on Technology Services and Support on the Employee tab.
What is Canvas and how do I access it?
Canvas is UVU’s Learning Management System, where you can access a shell for all your assigned classes. This shell has been created by the Office of Teaching and Learning and approved by the College of Engineering and Technology. Inside the course shell, there will be various items to assist you in teaching, including a syllabus template that you will fill out with your teacher information. Inside Canvas, you can also communicate with students and manage files, tools, assignments, grades, and more.
When you get access to myUVU, you will automatically get access to Canvas unless you are a new employee and your class won’t start for more than 30 days. You can log into Canvas by going to uvu.instructure.com, or you can log in to myUVU and then click on the “Canvas” link on the Faculty tab.
The Office of Teaching and Learning (OTL) can help you if you have any questions or problems with Canvas. They are an excellent resource for any Canvas issues or concerns. You can contact them by calling 801-863-8255 or by email: [email protected].
What textbooks are used for my class?
Please get in touch with the department's Administrative Assistant, who will provide you with the materials required for the course.
What are the guidelines for the course syllabus?
The department syllabus template is contained within your Canvas shell for each course that you are assigned.
How do I print materials for my class?
You can use our scanner, copier, and any supplies you need in our main office (GT 616) or annex office (GT 613). Alternatively, you can email the department's Administrative Assistant with the documents you need to have printed ahead of time (1 or 2 days if possible), and they can print them for you. That way, you can stop by the office whenever you need to and pick them up.
What if I have problems with the projector or computer in the classroom?
If you have any problems with your computer, the projector, or streaming devices, including audio in your classroom, call Media Services at 801-863-1111. They are helpful and should be able to come down immediately to help. Their number is also on the computer control center in every classroom.
They are available until 10 pm every night, so they should still be able to help you even if you have an evening class. They are also available all day on Saturdays. If, for some reason, they are not able to help you, the assistants at the IT Service Desk may be able to help you. You can call them at 801-863-8888.
How do I communicate with my students?
There are two ways to communicate with your students. The first is through Canvas. Students will probably use this first if they are signed up for a course you are teaching. If students are not currently assigned to a class, you are teaching they will try to communicate with you through your university email.
UVU employees shall use their assigned uvu.edu email accounts when conducting university business (such as business conducted as part of one’s duties on behalf of UVU) and shall not use non-UVU email accounts for university business. Please be reminded that UVU is subject to open records laws such as the Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA). R840 and UVU’s new email guidelines are also designed to assist with document preservation and records management. If you conduct UVU business through your personal email accounts, such emails may be subject to GRAMA. For this additional reason, only uvu.edu email accounts must be used for conducting UVU business.
How do I do a late add?
The department adheres to dates and deadlines specified in the student timetables found at the UVU Schedule, inclusive of waitlist period end dates and last day to add classes dates. No students will be added in any case if there is not an open spot in the course section.
For 1000 level courses (such as Tech 1000 or Tech 1010), the Technology Management department does not permit late adds after the waitlist period is complete. Our reasoning is that the end of the waitlist is already one week after the term has started; that is 7% of the entire term.
For 2000, 3000, or 4000 level courses, if a student is requesting a late add after the wait list period is complete, the below steps are necessary and do not guarantee acceptance. It is up to the instructor if they want to add the student.
Note: The Tech 481R Internship course is the only exception to above. With the permission of the instructor and the college internship coordinator, a student may be permitted to add this specific course later in the term assuming all internship agreement criteria can be met within the applicable time frame.
Late adds are now handled by faculty members directly. Be sure to have the student's UVID ready.
For more information, go to the Faculty Late Add page.
When can I approve a Withdrawal?
NO withdrawals after the end of the withdrawal period, as specified on the UVU Schedule, can be approved by faculty without additional approval from the department chair at a minimum.
The chair and department will not sign any withdrawal form after the last day to officially withdraw as listed on the UVU Schedule unless one more of the below are met at a minimum and then only with support from the faculty member:
If not a Technology Management student: if the student is wanting to withdraw from all classes after the withdrawal period and Technology Management is not their home department, they need to work through the department chair of their major. If the student is only dropping one class, the criteria above applies and the request is submitted to the department chair after discussion with the faculty member.
How do I submit final grades?
Final grades are not submitted through Canvas. You must do this in the myUVU portal.
How can I change a missing or incorrect grade?
If you need to change a missing or incorrect grade, follow the steps below. Be sure to have the student's UVID ready.
What is the difference between UW, I, and E grades?
Best practice: UW should be given only when a student stops attending and completing work before the regularly scheduled date to officially withdraw as found in theStudent Timetablebut did not actually officially withdraw.
Rationale: The assumption here is that the student did not realize the necessity to physically withdraw or made an error in this process, but all intentions of the student were to withdraw from the class prior to the withdrawal deadline
Financial and academic impact: As unofficial withdrawal grades are considered in a student’s GPA calculation, a UW could negatively impact the student’s cumulative GPA Satisfactory Academic Progress standard. Because unofficial withdrawal grades are not considered completed grades, but are considered attempted credit hours, a UW could negatively impact the student’s Completion Rate and Maximum Time Frame Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. Financial aid funds may or may not need to be returned based on a last date of attendance. SeeImpact of UW, I, W, and E on Financial Aid
For "extenuating circumstances" students can request a Petition for Exception to Academic Policy form from the Registrar. They need documentation for their claim. They can drop off the completed form at the Registrar’s Office – BA 106.
Best practice: I should be given only when a student has completed 70% of all course work but was unable to complete it because of extenuating circumstances such as incapacitating illness, death in the immediate family, change in work schedule as required by an employer, or other similar emergencies and has communicated with the instructor prior to the end of the semester.
Rationale: As per the academic policies and standards listed in the UVU catalog: Students are required to complete all courses for which they are registered by the end of the semester. In some cases, a student may be unable to complete all of the course work because of extenuating circumstances. The term “extenuating circumstances” includes: (1) incapacitating illness which prevents a student from attending classes (usually more than five consecutive class days); (2) a death in the immediate family; (3) change in work schedule as required by employer; or (4) other emergencies deemed acceptable by the instructor. If circumstances are deemed appropriate, the student may petition the instructor for time beyond the end of the semester to finish the work. If the instructor agrees, an “I” grade will be given. An Incomplete Grade Form indicating work completed and work to be completed must be signed by the student, the instructor, and the department chairperson, and turned into the Registrar’s Office at the end of the semester. “I” grades should not be requested nor given for lack of completion of work because of procrastination or dissatisfaction with the grade earned. As a general rule, students must be passing the course and completed 70% or more of the course work in order to qualify for an incomplete.
For policy reference see policy 523 Grading section 5.2.1 #6 and thefull section 5.3
Faculty and student agreement form
Financial and academic impact: As incomplete grades are not considered in a student’s GPA calculation, if the student has an incomplete grade at the time Satisfactory Academic Progress is processed, the incomplete grade will not negatively or positively impact the student’s GPA. If an incomplete grade is not resolved within one year, the incomplete grade is changed to an “E” grade.
Best practice: In circumstances where the above two recommendations do not apply, but the student has not completed ample work to complete/pass the course, give the grade of E.
Rationale: “E” (failing) indicates inadequate mastery of pertinent skills or repeated absences from class.
Financial and academic impact: As failing grades are considered in a student’s GPA calculation, an E could negatively impact the student’s cumulative GPA Satisfactory Academic Progress standard. Because failing grades are not considered earned grades, but are considered attempted credit hours, an E could negatively impact the student’s Completion Rate and Maximum Time Frame Satisfactory Academic Progress standards. Financial aid funds will not be returned. See Impact of UW, I, W, and E on Financial Aid.
What is the process for student issues or concerns?
We have provided the students with a flow chart showing who to approach with any issues or concerns they may have. As you are a student's primary interface with the department, it may fall upon you to assist them with problems they are having in the classroom. Many times, students will contact you via Canvas. Please make sure you are responding to them in a timely manner.
The Student Retention office is a good resource for helping with any other your student's needs. Also, feel free to reach out to the Department Chair, Susan Thackeray, at [email protected] with any questions you may have.
If you have any further questions or those not answered above feel free to contact the Technology Management Administrative Assistant at [email protected].
If you are interested in teaching as an adjunct instructor for the Technology Management Department, please visit UVU jobs. We will only post jobs as openings occur. Once you are hired as an adjunct, we will make every effort to assign you a class at least once a year. However, a course you are given to teach may be dropped due to low enrollment. Your class could also be reassigned to full-time faculty if they need to increase their teaching hours for any reason. We hope that as we progress through this transition period of adding a master's degree, our adjuncts will have the opportunity to take on more undergraduate courses.