I heard that you don’t ticket the first week of school, is that true?
No. Parking Services will issue tickets during the first week of school, as we do any other week of the semester. During the first week we issue more warnings than normal to inform new students of the need for a permit. Parking enforcement applies year-round. The only times we do not ticket for permit-related issues in yellow and purple student lots are during school holidays, weekends, and after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays. All other times a permit is required. All parking regulations are enforced throughout the semester.
With the UTA FrontRunner train station by West Campus, will UVU run a shuttle bus to and from that location?
UVU does not provide a shuttle service to West Campus or the FrontRunner station. Riders of FrontRunner can take a UTA bus from the station to UVU. UTA has a bus route between both locations, running approximately every 15 minutes to accommodate students, staff, and faculty. Please check with UTA for more details.
Do I need a permit if I take night classes or weekend classes?
No. Parking Services does not require parking permits in regular yellow or purple student and green employee stalls after 5:00 p.m. Note: Pay lots require payment from 5:00 a.m. through 12:00 a.m., seven days a week.
Where can I get a permit?
Parking permits are available online at the UVU Parking Portal. They are also available in our office located at 936 S. 400 W.
I have a sponsored account, how do I get a permit?
If you are sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs or the Utah State Office of Rehabilitation, you need to contact our office after your form is submitted to Parking Services.
Will I get a decal or a hangtag for my permit?
No. UVU uses a license plate-based permit system. Your license plate serves as your permit.
What if I drive multiple vehicles to school?
Students may register up to two vehicles to their student account, and employees may register up to three vehicles to their account. Only one of these vehicles may be on campus at a time. NOTE: NO VEHICLE MAY BE ASSOCIATED TO MORE THAN ONE PERMIT. If you share a vehicle with someone else on campus, you must decide which permit that vehicle will be associated with..
How do I add or change a license plate registered to my permit, or what if I have a new vehicle with no plates yet?
Please call our office at 801-863-8188 and we will gladly add or change license plates on your permit for you. If you have a new vehicle with a temporary state tag, please let us know the tag number found on that temporary license plate tag and we will add it to the system until you receive your plates. Once you receive plates, please remember to contact us with that information to avoid receiving a citation.
What days and hours are parking rules enforced?
UVU’s parking policy is in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The requirement for a permit in green employee and yellow or purple student stalls is required Monday through Friday from 5:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Permits are not required to park in student lots on campus during weekends or official school holidays. Parking in pay lots or the parking garage requires payment starting at 5:00 a.m. through 12:00 a.m., seven days a week. Any specially marked stalls or parking areas will be monitored seven days a week.
Is parking free during summer semester?
A permit is still required to park on campus, but you may obtain a parking permit for summer semester at no charge. Vehicles with no permit registered will be cited as per regulations. Parking in the parking garage or pay lots will require paying the posted rate year-round.
I am a student employee or hourly/part-time employee, can I get an employee permit?
Per campus policy, no student employee may receive a UVU employee parking permit, regardless of number of classes taken.
Classified hourly or part-time employees may receive an employee permit as long as they are enrolled in six or fewer credit hours. If a classified hourly or part-time employee goes above six credit hours of courses, they must notify parking services. Parking Services will monitor the status of part-time employees regularly.
Full-time salaried employees may have an employee permit regardless of credit hours taken.
I am a visitor on campus, where can I park?
Sixteen pay-by-phone lots are conveniently located throughout campus. These lots utilize the Passport Parking phone application allowing you to manage your parking session anywhere on campus. UVU also offers a Day Pass providing expanded parking options at a discounted rate in Yellow parking lots. Visitors with state-issued disabled license plates or placards may park in the designated ADA stalls.
I received a citation and want to contest it, where can I go?
Citations may be appealed within 10 calendar days of their issue. You may appeal a citation online at the parking website.
Why do I have to pay for a permit when I already pay tuition?
Parking Services is a fully self-funded operation at UVU. None of your student tuition, fees, or tax dollars are put toward the operation of Parking Services. All of the parking lots, maintenance, snow removal, lighting, striping, enforcement, or anything else parking-related is paid for by permit fees and citation revenue. This means that only those who use the parking lots on campus are paying for them. We encourage the use of alternate transportation, carpooling, biking, and walking to avoid purchasing a parking permit.
Why am I not able to use my student or employee parking permit in the parking garage?
The parking garage was built on a bond that must be repaid. As part of that bond agreement, all visitor parking revenue at UVU is placed in a separate fund to cover the costs of visitor parking facilities, including the parking garage. No regular student permit revenues will be used to pay for the garage. It is a self-funded entity, which requires any person who parks in it to pay the posted hourly rate. There is a specific parking garage permit available for those who wish to park regularly in the garage.
I have classes in the Health Professionals Building on West Campus, do I need a permit?
Yes. In order to park at the Health Professionals Building, you will need a purple or employee permit.
Can I park in a "UVU license plate only" stall?
These stalls are reserved for vehicles that have a UVU license plate from the DMV. All other parking rules still apply to these stalls. If in an employee section, the person must have an employee permit to park in the stall (in addition to having a UVU license plate). If in a student parking lot, the individual must have a student permit and a UVU license plate to park in the stall.
Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 7am - 5pm
Phone: (801) 863-8188
Email: [email protected]
Address: 936 South 400 West, Orem, UT 84058