Policy Pipeline Updates: Policy Actions Approved by President's Council, February 9, 2023

Today, February 9, 2023, UVU's President's Council approved the following policy actions:

Policy 367 Employee Affinity Group

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Marilyn Meyer
Policy Stewards Rasha Qudisat
Policy Actions New 
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 1, regular policy process
Pipeline Draft Policy 367 Executive Summary


Presidents Council has approved Policy 367 to enter Stage 1. This policy will create employee affinity groups (EAGs) with the purpose of promoting equity, understanding, and inclusiveness. Through this policy, UVU would encourage the formation and ongoing engagement of employee affinity groups (EAGs) to facilitate a network and promote awareness, respect, and inclusion at the University. Employee participation in EAGs is entirely voluntary, but they would create a community for staff and faculty who share mutual interests and experiences. Employee Affinity Groups also support UVU’s efforts in recruiting and retention of minority groups and their allies, and advocate for policies and programs to meet the needs of members of underrepresented groups.


Policy 450 Processing and Control of Distributed Administrative Data

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Christina Baum
Policy Stewards Laura Busby
Policy Actions Deletion
President's Council Action

Entrance to Stage 1, regular policy process

Pipeline Draft Policy 450 Executive Summary


Note: This policy will be part of a bundle with Policy 445, which is already in Stage 1.

President's Council has approved Policy 450 to enter Stage 1 in the deletion process. The content covered in this policy is no longer necessary to have in this policy because it is going to be covered more accurately in Policy 445.

Policy 607 Course-Based Fees

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Wayne Vaught
Policy Stewards Laurie Sharp
Policy Actions Revision
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 2, regular policy process
Pipeline Draft Policy 607 Stage 2 Draft


President’s Council approved Policy 607 to enter Stage 2 University Entities Review. The revisions the drafting committee made can be seen in the draft in the Pipeline. In Stage 2, Academic Affairs Council, Faculty Senate, PACE, and UVUSA will provide formal commentary to policy owners by April 13, 2023. Contact your senator if you have comments. 

Policy 646 Faculty Appeals for Retention, Tenure, and Promotion

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Wayne Vaught
Policy Stewards Kat Brown
Policy Actions Revision
President's Council Action

Entrance to Stage 3, regular policy process 

Pipeline Draft Policy 646 Stage 3 Draft


President’s Council approved Policy 646 to enter Stage 3 University Community Review. The drafting committee made revisions based on comments they received from shared governance entities.  To see these revisions, university community members can view the Summary of Comments at the bottom of the draft file in the Policy Pipeline. Stage 3 commentary closes March 17, 2023. Individuals may submit comments to the policy steward or the Policy Office.

Policy 658 Establishment and Administration of Graduate Programs

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Wayne Vaught
Policy Stewards Jim Bailey
Policy Actions Revision
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 4, regular policy process
Pipeline Draft Policy 658 Stage 4 Draft


President’s Council approved Policy 658 to enter Stage 4 Board of Trustees Review. The Board of Trustees will review the draft and either approve it for publication in the manual or send it back to a previous stage. If sent back to a previous stage, the President will decide which.

For questions or comments regarding any of the above actions, contact the policy sponsor or steward(s) listed, or contact the Policy Office. To learn more about the policy approval process at UVU, visit the Policy Office's Policy Process webpage.

Please note that some of the above links may become outdated or broken as the policy drafts progress through the policy approval process, or are approved for adoption to or deletion from the Policy Manual. For the most up-to-date status regarding a policy or proposed policy draft, see the Policy Manual and Policy Approval Pipeline pages. To request a previous version of a policy or policy draft or for addition questions, contact the Policy Office.