Rasha Qudisat

Rasha Qudisat

Chief Engagement and Effectiveness Officer

Office: HF-115

Phone: 801-863-4938

Mailstop: 184

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Utah Valley University Seal.


Dr. Qudisat first joined UVU in April 2015 as the Director of Engaged Curriculum and was later promoted to the Program Director of Undergraduate Research and Creative Works in 2017. Through her service with the Jordanian government as a minister advisor, Dr. Qudisat worked as an evaluator for the World Bank, European Union, USAID, and UNDP to evaluate and develop projects for the local communities in Jordan. In 2010, she received her Certificate of International Developmental Evaluation from the World Bank and Carleton University, and in 2012, she received her Certificate of International Leadership from the Department of State.

After a brief period in Jordan, Dr. Qudisat returned to UVU in March 2022 as the Program Director of Diversity and Inclusion in the Office of Inclusion and was quickly appointed as the Interim Chief Inclusion and Diversity Officer (CIDO). She was officially appointed as the permanent CIDO in October 2022. By building on existing equity, inclusion, and diversity work across the university and adopting a bottom-up approach, the Office of Inclusion and Diversity expanded the support for UVU?s communities. With the landmark growth of the office and certain legislation becoming effective, the Office of Institutional Engagement and Effectiveness (IEE) was born. The IEE Office acquired a new data team and is keen to keep UVU a place for everyone! Dr. Qudisat is the executive sponsor and Chair of the University Planning and Advisory Committee (UPAC); the executive sponsor of the Campus Engagement Committee (CEC) and the UVU Chapter of UWHEN; the chair of the Executive EID Team and the Campus Climate Committee; and serves on the Bias Education Support Team.