The UVU Police Department has a full-time victim advocate that provides victim services to all UVU students, faculty, and campus community. Our mission is to provide services to all victims of crime with the utmost dignity and respect, and that any victim of crime will understand the resources available to them on campus as well as off campus. Information for victim services are free and confidential.

Our victim advocate can be reached by dialing UVU Police Dispatch at 801-863-5555.

Other Resources Available

Teen Relationships

Recognize Red-Flags

How to Get Help

"There is always hope… You’ll find your feet. You’ll find your wings and you’ll be able to find your voice again."

By summer of 2019, at least 10 Utah women had been killed in acts of domestic violence
One in three women in the united states has experience intimate partner violence
Every year, approximately 80 Utah Children witness the murder or attempted murder of their mother

Victims’ Bill of Rights

Victims have the right “to be treated with fairness, respect, and dignity, and to be free from harassment and abuse throughout the criminal justice process.”

Victims have rights in relation to “important criminal justice hearings” which include preliminary hearings, arraignments, disposition of charges, conditions of release/bail hearings, trials, sentencing hearings, and parole hearings.

  • Victims have the right, upon request, to be informed of all important criminal justice hearings.
  • Victims have the right to be present at and to be heard at arraignments, disposition of charges, conditions of release/bail hearings, and sentencing hearings.
  • Victims have the right to be present at (but not to be heard at) preliminary hearings and trials.
  • These rights apply to all felonies in adult courts and to juvenile cases involving offenses that would be felonies if committed by an adult.

Victims and witnesses have the right to reasonable employer intercession services to minimize loss of pay and benefits.

Victims and witnesses have the right to be informed as to the level of protection available to protect them from intimidation and harm.

Victims and witnesses have the right to a secure waiting area that does not require them to be in close proximity to defendants and offenders.

Victims have a right to privacy and should not be forced to disclose their address, telephone number, place of employment, or other locating information, without compelling reason.

Victims have the right to have a sentencing judge, for the purpose of imposing an appropriate sentence, receive and consider reliable information concerning the background, character and conduct of those convicted.

Victims have the right to restitution when appropriate and may also be eligible for reparations.

Victims have a right to a speedy trial and disposition of charges.