“The mission of the Physician Assistant Program at Utah Valley University is to graduate academically and clinically prepared compassionate providers who strengthen our regional healthcare workforce through exceptional patient care.”

Program Goals


Recruit qualified applicants who can successfully practice within the UVU service region (Utah, Wasatch, and Summit Counties) and the Wasatch Front.

Indicator of success:

  • The students admitted to the program who are from the UVU service region or the sponsoring institution will average 50% or greater over a 5-year period
    • 2021: 80% admitted from the UVU service region or from the sponsoring institution
    • 2022: 44% admitted from the UVU service region or from the sponsoring institution
    • 2023: 73% admitted from the UVU service region or from the sponsoring institution
    • 2024: 83% admitted from the UVU service region or from the sponsoring institution
  • Students matriculating to the program will complete 50% of supervised clinical practical experiences (SCPEs) within the UVU service region over a 5-year period

    • 2024: 100% of students completed half of their SCPEs in the UVU service region

Provide physician assistant educational and training opportunities to students from disadvantaged backgrounds, particularly those who are first generation to college.

Indicator of success:

  • Students accepted to the program who are first-generation to college (based on institutional criteria) will average 10% or greater over a 5-year period
    • 2021: 7% accepted students are first-generation to college based on institutional criteria
    • 2022: 37% accepted students are first-generation to college based on institutional criteria
    • 2023: 20% accepted students are first-generation to college based on institutional criteria
    • 2024: 27% accepted students are first-generation to college based on institutional criteria
  • Students accepted to the program who come from disadvantaged backgrounds (as defined by HRSA) will average 20% or greater over a 5-year period
    • 2021: 34% of accepted students are from disadvantaged backgrounds as defined by HRSA
    • 2022: 24% of accepted students are from disadvantaged backgrounds as defined by HRSA
    • 2023: 7% of accepted students are from disadvantaged backgrounds as defined by HRSA
    • 2024: 20% of accepted students are from disadvantaged backgrounds as defined by HRSA

Students will develop and display professionalism

Indicator of success:

  • 80% of students will increase or maintain a specific area of emotional intelligence over a 5-year period
    • 2024: 63% of students increased or maintained a specific area of emotional intelligence
  • 100% of graduates will pass the professionalism components of the program summative evaluation over a 5-year period. 
    • 2024: 100% of students passed the professionalism components of the program summative evaluation

Provide students with the knowledge, skills, and experience to be successful, competent PAs.

Indicator of success:

  • Five-year average first-time PANCE pass rate at or above the national average as reported by the NCCPA
    • 2024: 96% of graduates passed the PANCE the first time
  • Graduate Exit Survey mean scores will average ‘3.5’ or above on a 5-point Likert scale over a 5-year period

    • 2024: Graduate Exit Survey mean score was 3.8 on a 5 point

Message from our Director

Karen Mulitalo

Hello Prospective Students!


I'm excited about Utah Valley University's Physician Assistant program! Our team aims to provide our students with the highest-quality educational experiences. The innovative program design will help you master the skills you'll need to enjoy a successful career as a PA. We have listened to the needs of the local patient populations and employers along the Wasatch Front to develop a dynamic curriculum.  Not only will graduates enjoy an extraordinary career by which they can provide for themselves and their families, but they will also make meaningful contributions to the health and well-being of the communities they serve.


Join us, at UVU!


Karen Mulitalo - MPAS, PA-C