Nine outstretched hands stacked in an "all in" gesture.


Cultural Competency Workshops

About the Workshops

The Cultural Competency Workshops are designed to help participants build caring relationships across Utah Valley University’s campus community by gaining the tools to improve self-reflection and awareness, communicate effectively across diverse cultures, fostering mutual respect, and promoting an inclusive campus.


Cultural Competency Certified Individuals


The process of getting out of our comfort zones to recognize how our identities affect and are effected by where we are and the social structures that we are part of and how our intersectional identity influences perceptions and biases of the world around us – these can affect research, teaching, leading, policymaking, and even every day interactions.

 Accessibility & ADA

This session provides general information about students with disabilities on campus, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Office of Accessibilities. Attendees will also learn about the experiences of students with autism in college and creating supportive environments for success.

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Autism in College

Attendees will also learn about the experiences of students with autism in college and creating supportive environments for success.

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The Ageism workshop focuses on how ageism develops and leads to injustice, disadvantage, and harm. It addresses ageism in all its forms, including prejudices, discriminatory acts, and institutional policies.

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Class and Socioeconomic Status

The goal of this workshop is to provide UVU faculty and staff with an understanding of what UVU students can experience in terms of class, socioeconomic status, and basic needs. With this information, we hope that UVU faculty and staff can integrate this knowledge into their campus role to show exceptional care to students.

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This workshop introduces gender as a social category, discusses gender-related terminology, and provides a brief analysis of gender roles and relations in society as well as in higher education.

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Green Zone

Modeled on the "Safe Zone" program, Green Zone is designed for faculty and staff to receive training about issues potentially facing service members, veterans, and their families. This workshop is designed to develop tools to better serve veteran and military affiliated students.

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Interreligious, Interfaith, and Worldview

Worldview: The foundational outlook you have on life that helps you make sense of the world around you. Interfaith: “Interfaith” is about how our interactions with those who are different impacts the way we relate to our religious and ethical traditions, and how our relationships with our traditions impact our interactions with those who are different from us.

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Mental Health

The Mental Health workshop provides a brief description on the prevalence of mental health issues, particularly anxiety and depression. Participants will also learn about important mental health concepts, such as empathy, anxiety, depression, and suicide. Finally, participants will be taught how to approach sensitive mental health issues with regard to students and colleagues.

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Queer Identity & Sexuality

This session focuses on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual + community at UVU with an emphasis on common vocabulary and understanding our student population through interactive group discussion and activities.

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Race & Ethnicity

A participatory workshop for cursory knowledge of definitions, history, and examples of race and ethnicity, including laws and policies predicated on both or either, and how such knowledge impacts what we do in higher education.

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This workshop provides information to support our refugee and immigrant students, faculty, and staff.

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Supporting Undocumented Students

Participants will gain knowledge of definitions, student impact and how to assist undocumented and DACAmented students effectively by understanding policy that impacts this population.

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The way the different parts of our identities combine and overlap to make each of us who we are combined with the way those identities can impact the societal advantages and disadvantages we may have.

 Body Image

Your body doesn't define you. No matter your size, shape, color, or ability, you deserve to take up space in this world. In this workshop, we will focus on size. We will discuss the myths, lies, and realities of health, obesity, and the natural shapes of our community. 

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Interfaith 2

Worldview: The foundational outlook you have on life that helps you make sense of the world around you. Interfaith: “Interfaith” is about how our interactions with those who are different impacts the way we relate to our religious and ethical traditions, and how our relationships with our traditions impact our interactions with those who are different from us.

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Interfaith 3

Returning Spring 2025.


The intersectionality workshop explores how different aspects of identity come together to create different life experiences for people.

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The idea that everything we do is in relation to other people and that the intersectional identities we hold are part of those interactions. That our identities can cause disparities in relationships between people and groups, especially when intersectionality and positionality are considered.

Anti-Racism, Racial Justice, and Whiteness

Stay tuned! We are updating this description to be compliant with Utah Bill HB 261.

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This workshop will be group discussion where participants will have time to consider identities that they each hold and how that impacts them in society. The facilitators will provide group expectations and then offer questions that each person will be expected to answer, these question will help participants better understand themselves and others.

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Global Competence

This workshop examines global competence and the importance of a global perspective on campus. Participants in this workshop to learn tools of global competency and how to apply this toolkit in their work.

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 Justice & Healing

This workshop will help participants engage in a discussion on how justice and healing are important aspects of inclusion and are important to building a community of belonging.

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Holistic Data Interpretation

This workshop is designed to help identify, gather, and present reliable and accurate metrics of engagement and discuss how we interpret the data into effective storytelling.

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At UVU we aim for a diverse and inclusive culture. Each of us have the power to better promote and move closer to this goal as we become aware of and understand microaggressions. Together we will explore what microaggressions are, share our experiences, and practice exceptional accountability.

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Effective Communication: The Power to Read Minds

Join us in this workshop to gain communication tools for personal and professional application! Develop insights to help prevent and de-escalate conflict through exploration of effective communication strategies. Learn from peers' experiences by sharing real-life scenarios. Leave with a customized action plan to address your communication challenges.

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