Doing Business with the Hispanic World

September 12, 2024 | 9:30am- 12:30pm
Grand Ballroom, Sorensen Student Center, Utah Valley University

9:30     Inaugural Event

Introduction: Dr, Baldomero Lago, UVU Chief International Officer

  • Mr. Ryan Starks, Executive Director, Governor's Office of Economic Opportunity
  • Senator Luz Escamilla, State of Utah
  • Mr. Juan Pascua, Executive Director, Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
  • H.E. Catalina Crespo Sancho, Ambassador of Costa Rica to the USA

10:15    Roundtable Panel Discussion

Moderator: Mr. Javier Chavez Jr., JD, MBA

Panelist include:

  • Senator Luz Escamilla - State of Utah
  • H.E. Catalina Crespo Sancho, Ambassador of Costa Rica to the USA
  • Hon. Fernando Pérez, Consul General of El Salvador
  • Hon. Antonio Cruz, Deputy Consul of Mexico, State of Utah
  • Ms. Gaby Morales, Commercial Counselor, Government of Guatemala, Los Angeles
  • Mr. Álvaro Silva-Santisteban, Executive Director - Investment, Tourism and Trade Commission of Peru, Los Angeles
  • Dr. Marcus Borges, MBA, BCDNM, CEO Oxpher Business & Consulting

11:30    Break
11:45    Networking Session
12:30    End

Countries Represented, other countries pending.

Dr. Marcus Borges, MBA, BCDNM
CEO Oxpher Business & Consulting
   Costa Rica
H. E. Catalina Crespo Sancho
Ambassador of Costa Rica to the USA
   El Salvador
Hon. Fernando Pérez
Cónsul General of El Salvador
Ms. Gaby Morales
Commercial Counselor, Government of Guatemala, Los Angeles
Hon. Educardo Baca
 Consul of Mexico - State of Utah
Hon. Czibor Omar Chicata-Sutmöller Sagenschnier
Consul General of Peru to Utah

Sponsors include.

US Translation        IBR        BRC