Doing Business with the Hispanic World

September 12, 2024,  9:30am- 12:30pm
Grand Ballroom, Sorensen Student Center, Utah Valley University

Doing business abroad is an attractive opportunity for many entrepreneurs, especially in a rapidly growing market like the Hispanic American one. During the DOING BUSINESS WITH THE HISPANIC WORLD, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Conference, Utah Valley University (UVU) joins the Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (UHCC) to help you expand your network, understand the challenges, and explore new opportunities and trends in international markets.

During the Conference, diplomatic and commercial delegates from various countries, such as Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru, El Salvador, Guatemala, among others, will participate in a roundtable and open dialogue with participants. This will allow you to address all your questions about high-quality investment and key factors to consider for making informed decisions and evaluating market conditions.

Countries Represented

Dr. Marcus Borges, MBA, BCDNM
CEO Oxpher Business & Consulting
   Costa Rica
H. E. Catalina Crespo Sancho
Ambassador of Costa Rica to the USA
   El Salvador
Hon. Fernando Pérez
Cónsul General of El Salvador
Ms. Gaby Morales
Commercial Counselor, Government of Guatemala, Los Angeles
Hon. Educardo Baca
 Consul of Mexico - State of Utah
Hon. Czibor Omar Chicata-Sutmöller Sagenschnier
Consul General of Peru to Utah

Sponsors include.

US Translation        IBR        BRC