International Travel Registration

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New $100 Late Fee for International Travel Requests Starting September 1, 2024

UVU Policy 252 states that all requests for travel (Concur) much reach the Office for Global Engagement one month (4 weeks) before departure. This is mainly due to the time it takes to navigate the multiple systems used in the process each request, and the volume of requests we receive. 

Due to this, starting September 1, 2024, we will be instituting a $100 late fee for any Concur request that reaches us less than 4 weeks before the departure date.  The fee will be used to fund our Global Student Leadership Program. Any travel request that we recieve 10 days before travel will not be approved. Emergency travel requests will be looked at on a case by case basis.

Please contact us using [email protected] with any questions regarding travel or this new rule.

International Travel Guidelines

  • UVU Policy 252 requires Concur requests be submitted  one month (4 weeks) before departure date. Any requests sent within the 4 week period may result in delays to the approval process and travel plans.

  • As per UVU’s Policies regarding International Travel  (142251, & 252), the University’s general liability insurance does not cover employees traveling internationally. Therefore, all UVU faculty, staff and students who travel internationally on university business are required to enroll in GeoBlue Travel Insurance. All non-UVU personnel on UVU-sponsored international programs are also required to enroll in GeoBlue.

UVU personnel participating in non-UVU-sponsored international activities should consult with the sponsoring institution/organization about acquiring international insurance. Many institutions require enrollment in their plan. 

Campus policy requires all faculty, staff, and students purchase international insurance from UVU's insurance provider, even if they have their own insurance or the program they travel on provides insurance.

It is your responsibility to know exclusions related to the GeoBlue policy. To avoid being personally liable, you should either (1) avoid situations that would be excluded, (2) purchase insurance for the activity (usually from the vendor you are working with, such as when renting a car), or (3) ensure the activity vendor’s insurance will cover you. Commonly encountered exclusions:

    • Medical Treatment Benefits provision for loss due to or arising from a motor vehicle Accident if the Covered Person operated the vehicle without a proper license in the jurisdiction where the Accident occurred. 
    • While traveling against the advice of a Physician, while on a waiting list for a specific treatment, or when traveling for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment.
    • Loss arising from:
      • participating in any professional sport, contest or competition;
      • while participating in any practice or condition program for such sport, contest or competition;
      • SCUBA diving, sky diving, mountaineering (where ropes and climbing equipment are customarily used), ultra-light aircraft, parasailing, sailplaning/gliders, hang gliding, parachuting, or bungee jumping.
  • All approvals for international travel will be tentative and subject to reversal at any time.
  • High Risk Travel Waiver is required for travel to countries listed as Level 3 on the Travel.State.Gov website.
  • Travel to countries listed as Level 4 on the Travel.State.Gov website, will not be approved.
  • Passports should have at least six months of validity when traveling internationally.  Apply for Passport Here
  • Concur will only be approved after the funds to cover International Travel Insurance are collected.

Faculty/Staff travel documents without students

Request must reach the Office for Global Engagement 1 month (4 weeks) before departure. 

  1. Submit a travel request in Concur (accessible through 
  2. Complete the Faculty/Staff International Travel Registration (online form).
  3. Complete the Assumption of Risk & Release (online form).
  4. Complete the Export Control (online form). Complete Export Control Training once every two years.
  5. Complete the High Risk Travel Waiver (Online Form). Required for travel to Level 3 countries.
  6. International Health and Evacuation Insurance: See below
  7. Register travel plans through the U.S. Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) 
  8. Any contracts and/or agreements that require a signature must go through a review by the Office for Global Engagement,([email protected]).

Non-UVU Participants

UVU Faculty/Staff program directors are responsible for providing the Office for Global Engagement (GEO) with lists of any non-UVU participants (including accompanying adults and minors and/or members of the community) travelling on UVU programs. GEO will approve non-UVU participants according to UVU policy 252. The program director will receive an email from [email protected] with instructions for registration and payment.

Approved Non-UVU participants must complete the following:

  1. Sign & submit the Assumption of Risk & Release. Minors under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian sign the Assumption of Risk & Release for Minors form.
  2. Complete the High Risk Travel Waiver (For travel to Level 3 countries)
  3. International Health and Evacuation Insurance: Non-UVU participants will receive an email from Customer Service from UVU's insurance provider, GeoBlue, that instructs them to register using a Certificate Number provided in the email so that they can print out an insurance ID card.

International Travel Insurance information and costs (Required for all travelers)

All travelers, and approved accompanying adults / minors, are required to be covered by UVU's international insurance provider GeoBlue. The cost of the insurance, for all UVU Faculty/Staff/Students, will be billed to the banner index provided in the International Travel Registration. Accompanying Adults/Guests will be charged separately and will be sent an email with the information on how to pay for the insurance.

The updated costs of the insurance is listed below.

Current cost of insurance:

  • Employee (Faculty/Staff): $25 per week 
  • UVU Students: $25 per week.
  • Accompanying Adult/Guests: $45 per week

Once insurance has been paid for and processed, the traveler(s) will receive an email from Customer Service from UVU's insurance provider, GeoBlue, that instructs you to register using a Certificate Number provided in the email so that you can print out an insurance ID card. 

Faculty/Staff traveling with students must provide a Banner Index to cover the cost of the International Travel Registration ($25) and International Insurance (See above).  The total of these costs will be billed before travel is set to begin.

Any approved traveler who is a minor, must be traveling with an accomanying adult who is not a program director.

Please email [email protected] for additional information.