Curriculum Updates and Deadlines

  • The Curriculum Office is now accepting Curriculum proposals to be effective for Fall 2025. 
  • NEW program proposals (For Fall 2026 implementation) must have the approval of the dean’s office, and entered onto the dean’s Horizon Document. Once the faculty member (submitter) has received the dean’s office approval, they must contact the Curriculum Office for the appropriate USHE R401 document. The R401 document needs to be completed, as well as other documents, in collaboration with the dean’s office, College Financial Manager, Library (Lesli Baker), and IEAAA (Quinn Koller). THEN the submitter must submit the program (with documents attached) and all associated courses in CourseLeaf CIM by or before November 15, 2024. The department vote must be completed by December 1, 2024. The following documents must be attached to the program proposal before submission:
    • Program overview that includes a strong rationale for its need
    • Program listing and degree map (also called the graduation plan or plan of study grid) in collaboration with academic advisor(s)
    • Assessment plan
    • Financial plan
    • Program feasibility report from the Office of IEAAA
    • Library resource document
    • Strategic enrollment plan
  • Submitters of program modifications (For Fall 2026 implementation) involving 25% or more of the core must contact the Curriculum Office for the appropriate USHE R401 document. This must be approved by the dean’s office and attached to the program proposal. The program (with R401, Library resource document, and feasibility report attached) and all associated courses must be submitted in CourseLeaf CIM by or before November 15, 2024. The department vote must be completed by December 1, 2024. 
  • Non-substantial program changes, course modifications, and new courses for Fall 2025 implementation must be submitted so that department vote is complete by July 31, 2024. The last batch of proposals will be posted for Intercollegiate View from September 1-15, 2024. It is recommended to submit proposals early in the curriculum cycle before faculty members leave for summer break! Submit items in Fall of 2023 or early Spring 2024 for items to be implemented for Fall 2025. (This gives time to address concerns, curriculum impacts, and unforeseen delays.)
  • Course modifications that include course prefix, course number, or total credits, or for submissions to delete, it is recommended to contact the Curriculum Office for help identifying curriculum impacts.
  • The Curriculum Office staff are working remotely. Please call, email, or send a Teams message to a Curriculum Office staff member.
  • For information on COVID-19 and UVU please visit the COVID-19 Information page.
  • Full-time faculty may gain access to CourseLeaf (CIM) by setting up a tutorial with the Curriculum Office. View only rights do not require the additional training.