Frequently Asked Questions


What is a R401 (PDD)?

The R401 document is sent to the state for approval. The title “Program Development Document” (PDD) was used as a replacement term for the R401 in the past. It is a form that must be filled out to receive program OR administrative unit approval from an outside body such as USHE or NWCCU. It is formally known as the R401.

How do I know if I need a R401 (PDD)?

All new or deleted programs and academic administrative units must have a R401. Any program modifying their core 25% (since the last NWCCU visit or a previous R401), changing their name, or CIP code also need a R401.

How do I know which R401 (PDD) form to fill out?

Call the Curriculum Office for the correct form and assistance.

Why do I need a department vote on my curriculum?

The department vote is part of the curriculum process. It offers transparency and allows all full-time faculty members a chance to participate in or be made aware of any curricular changes, additions, or deletions

Why do some courses in CourseLeaf CIM have a box at the top that lists “Programs referencing this course” and/or “Courses referencing this course”?

This box is called the “eco system” and indicates programs and/or courses that specifically list this course. If you are submitting a modification to an existing course that involves a prefix, number, or total credit hour change, then EVERY program and/or course in this list must also be submitted to reflect the change to this course. Call the Curriculum Office if you need assistance.

I submitted my course/program but need to make an additional change. How can I edit now?

Go to the particular course/program in CourseLeaf CIM. In the upper right corner, under “IN WORKFLOW” you can see where your item is in the workflow. Queues shown in green have already approved, the orange shows its current location, the ones in gray have not reviewed the item yet. These queue indicators are also links. You can click on the queue/link you need to send an email requesting a rollback, or in some cases, if the queue is managed by a faculty member, they may be willing to make the edit for you. You may also email the Curriculum Office with a rollback request.

How do I make changes that affect multiple programs?

Any change that affects multiple programs within your department must be submitted by a faculty member and all the changes must be reviewed and approved together. If a course change affects a program(s) outside of your department, contact the Curriculum Office to see if your change is eligible for a facilitation request. If UCC approves the facilitation request, the curriculum office will update all courses and programs outside your department once the course change is fully approved. If the change involves moving from upper division to lower division or vice versa, or if the course is a required course in a program, the submitter must notify all  associated department chairs and associate deans of the change, and they will need to submit the needed change.

How do I get an exception?

Curriculum deadlines are firm. However, if your change/addition is required by an outside accrediting body or is required by local industry, you may be able to receive an exception. Please email the current UCC Chair, (and cc Debbie Ferguson) to see if your course or program may warrant an exception.

What are the curriculum deadlines?

Curriculum deadlines will differ depending on the type of curriculum proposal. New programs, program modifications, and program deletions that require a R401 (PDD) will need additional time for internal reviews as well as outside approvals and are due much earlier. The curriculum webpage has upcoming deadlines and the curriculum timeline process that you can review to know where you should be in the process. Contact the Curriculum Office with questions.

Once I submit a curriculum item, how can I check where it is in the workflow, and how will I know when it has been fully approved?

It is important to frequently check on the progress of your curriculum proposal. You can see where your item is by pulling up the particular item in CourseLeaf CIM. In the upper right corner, under “IN WORKFLOW” you can see where your item is in the workflow. Queues shown in green have already approved, the orange shows its current location, the ones in gray have not reviewed the item yet. In addition, ALWAYS read your emails from CourseLeaf CIM. If an item is rolled back, an automatic email is sent to the faculty member listed as the initiator. In this case, you will need to make necessary edits and resubmit. Once your item has been fully approved and processed, you will receive an automatic email notifying you of this. It is the responsibility of the faculty member that submits to monitor their proposals.

What is University Advanced Standing (UAS) and does my course need it?

Before students can register for upper-division coursework (3000 or higher), they must qualify for University Advanced Standing (UAS) by:  Completing, and/or transferring in, at least 24 credits of college-level coursework (1000 or higher); Having a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher; Complete Quantitative Literacy, (MAT 1030 or higher) and ENGL 2010 or equivalent. All courses 3000 or higher must have UAS as a pre-requisite. Contact the Curriculum Office for instructions to submit an exception request.

How does it affect students if junior or senior status is added as a prerequisite?

Using “senior status” or “junior status” as a prerequisite has one major drawback. A student’s status does not change until courses have been completed (and grades have been issued). That means that if a student is currently in their junior year right now, they can begin to register for fall courses as soon as registration opens in the first of April. However, if they want a course that requires senior status, they will not be able to register for that course until May, after grades come out. This likely means that advisors will have extra work giving overrides to students that ask for it, and students that do not ask will have a delayed registration. So, only select junior or senior status if it is imperative, and it will not adversely affect your students.