800 East Expansion to Center Street

800 East Expansion to Center Street


  • The City of Orem is currently evaluating the expansion of 800 East from Center Street to 800 South. The current level of service (LOS) of 800 East from Center Street down to 800 South is Level B. Projections show that this road will go from a LOS B to a LOS E or worse in 5 years if no action is taken
  • Both Orem and MountainlandAssociation of Governments (MAG) have in their transportation masterplans an addition of one lane in each direction on 800 East to increase flow during peak hour traffic. Orem has proposed that this happens in the next 5 years, while MAG has classified this project as a Phase 3 improvement, not to be started until 2035-2040.
  • The overall goal for this capstone project was to develop a concept thatwould operate at an acceptable LOS up to year 2050 while taking into consideration the following:
    • Cost
    • ROW impacts
    • Public health and safety
    • Social impacts
    • Global impacts
    • Cultural impacts
    • Economic impacts
    • Feasibility
  • 800 east typical section
  • chart
  • blueprint
  • blueprint