Academic Programs, Assessment, and Accreditation

Academic Programs, Assessment, and Accreditation in the Academic Affairs Division comprehensively oversees all facets of academic programming. This includes oversight of academic assessment, academic scheduling, advancement of effective teaching and learning methodologies, course and program development, and the pursuit and maintenance of specialized accreditation.

Academic Programs, Assessment, and Accreditation also plays a central role in ensuring UVU’s academic integrity and effectiveness by leading institutional accreditation efforts.

Administrative Units

image of a person typing on a laptop in their bedroom

Office of Graduate Studies & Online Programs

Image of a person typing on a laptop

Office of Teaching and Learning

Image of the UVU signage in front of the Orem campus, with a flower patch right beside it

Office of Accreditation & Academic Assessment

People in a meeting

Academic Planning & Effectiveness


Academic Programs, Assessment, and Accreditation | [email protected] | (801) 863-4410