Group photo of the presenters and participants of the parallel event
On Monday, March 21st at 2 pm EST, the Utah International Mountain Forum (UIMF), a coalition of student clubs at Utah Valley University (UVU), hosted the parallel event “Inclusive Student Engaged Learning Model to Empower Mountain Women Globally” for the 66th session of the United Nations (UN) Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). Sponsored by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS) and the Utah China Friendship Improvement Sharing Hands Development and Commerce (Utah China F.I.S.H. D&C), two non-government organizations in consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), this event was held through the student-engaged learning model (SEL). SEL is a model where students work inclusively as a group to solve real issues with a faculty mentor serving in a limited role as a mentor.
Alitha Thompson moderated the parallel event
This year, 15 students from UVU in Orem, Utah, Osh Technological University (OshTU) in Osh, Kyrgyz Republic, and Snow College in Ephraim, Utah presented along with 2 faculty mentors and Ms. Wendy Jiang from the Utah China FISH D&C. These statements can be found here. Along with the student speakers, technical and logistic roles were fulfilled by 3 members of the Snow College Student Nation Organization, 2 students from OshTU, and 3 members of UIMF. This event was also held in honor of the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development, as declared by the United Nations General Assembly last December.
Gulnura Amatova presents at CSW66
Plans for this event began in October of 2021 with members of the UIMF selecting assignments from the task list and then collectively writing a draft of the written statement for the UN Commission on the Status of Women. Using video chat and Google Docs, UIMF members were able to connect remotely to produce a document that was accepted by the UN ECOSOC as an official document in December 2021. Weekly meetings were held remotely between UIMF and OshTU to build a partnership that culminated in this parallel event. Nazik Erkinbek kyzy, Gulnura Amatova, Maisalbek Zakirov, and Baiel Abibilaev, along with their mentors Dr. Almaz Atabekov, Tatiana Panfilenko, and Tariel Talantbek uulu, dedicated months of early mornings meetings, and long nights of preparations for their presentations.
Nazik Erkinbek kyzy presenting on Kyrgyz women
Nazik presented a speech on the challenges Kyrgyz women face due to water issues related to global warming and the remoteness mountain regions while Gulnura spoke about the poverty found in Kyrgyzstan, a highly mountainous state, and how that poverty affects the rights and voice of women. Maisalbek showed his support by presenting the devastation conflict brings to women and children, basing his research on the constant conflict between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Due to technical problems, he was unable to attend the event and his mentor, Mr. Talantbek uulu, presented on his behalf. Dr. Almaz Atabekov and Ms. Tatiana Panfilenko, both spoke in advocacy of the SEL method and the effect it has had to empower their students to solve climate change and gain professional skills.
Dr. Almaz Atabekovspeaking during the event
Ms. Tatiana Panfilenko speaks during the event
UIMF members began actively working with the logistics of the event in January both in their personal time and through their class, Sustainable Mountain Development (SMD), taught at UVU by their mentor Dr. Baktybek Abdrisaev. On top of their regular course work, UIMF members along with added class members wrote their own speeches, promoted the event, handled technical requirements, attended preparatory events hosted by the UN and UVU, and worked closely with RANS and Utah China FISH D&C. In addition to UIMF President Dallas Karren and myself, 11 other UIMF members spoke at the event. Since the SMD course works required the study of individual mountainous states, students spoke about their research, along with personal experiences, on the challenges climate change brings to the already impoverished mountain regions.
Stephan Atkinson speaks during the event
Kory Armitstead speaks during the event
William Clark speaks during the event
Cody Conklin speaks during the event
Noyonkhangai Enkhtur speaks during the event
Stephan Atkinson, Vice President of logistics for the UVU Foreign Affairs club, spoke about the similarities Yemen and Wyoming have in the empowerment of women. Kory Armitstead, Vice President of Technology for the UVU Foreign Affairs club, talked about the importance education plays in mitigating climate change and empowering girls worldwide. William Clark spoke about the initiatives Utah is leading to combat climate change. Cody Conklin talked about the effects Covid-19 has had on the world and the effect Bamboo HR is having to increase women’s equality. Noyonkhangai Enkhtur, a native of Mongolia, spoke about the devastation climate change is having on his home and the role students can have to mitigate it. Alexandria Lamb addressed the importance of timely information to help women have control over their family and their own health. Nicholas Bradley brought to light the impact women in technology can have on the mitigation of climate change. Tristin Juarez-Smith, President of the UVU Rotaract club, a student club under the Orem-Lindon Rotary Club, talked about his heritage in Guatemala and the need for education to combat violence and oppression that has been growing due to the poverty caused by climate change. Carolina Yauyo, a native of Peru, proudly described the role Peru has to improve the quality of life in the worlds’ mountain regions and SMD. Rusden Scott spoke about the droughts found in India and Utah that are causing arsenic to be found in the local air and how the SEL method can bring awareness to this issue.
Alexandria Lamb speaks during the event
Nicholas Bradley speaks during the event
Tristin Juarez-Smith speaks during the event
Carolina Yauyo speaks during the event
The members of the Snow College Student Nation Organization joined the delegation in February. Led by President Phillip Johnson, Catalina Cusano, Jan-Erik Ingwersen, and Ethan Wilks gave a new perspective and technical knowledge to the event. Catalina, a native of Argentina, addressed how the lack of healthcare, infrastructure, and professional care within mountain regions affects the lives of mountain people. Phillip, Jan-Erik, and Ethan provided technical knowledge that helped the event run smoothly. They handled the transition of speakers, monitoring of participants, and documentation of the event. In the question and answer portion of the event, Phillip Johnson gave his voice to the positive effect the SEL model has had on their club over the past few months in their professional and personal development.
Catalina Cusano speaks during the event
Rusden Scott speaks during the event
Ms. WWendy Jiang speaks during the event
I opened the event by describing the role UIMF has in the advocacy of mountain women and the anticipation of the role the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development will have to bring further knowledge on the poverty and neglect found in mountain regions globally. I mentioned my experience growing up in the rural mountains of Mayfield, Utah. The challenges found in the mountains of India and Kyrgyzstan are the same challenges we face, including the constant fear of having enough fresh water to survive. As a mom of 5 kids, I have a deep love for other mountain moms and hope to provide them the same opportunities I have. I gave my voice to the power the SEL method can give to rural mountain communities to bring better prosperity and hope to mountain mothers, women, and families. Ms. WWendy Jiang, President of the Utah China FISH D&C, as a sponsor, followed me describing the role students of all ages have to protect the world from the effects of climate change. She gave her support of the student-engaged learning model and to the student delegation that was leading the proceedings. Dallas Karren, President of UIMF, concluded the event with his experiences in leading the efforts of the SEL method and the success UIMF has had in its advocacy of these mountain regions.
Dallas Karren speaks during the event
The question and answer section of the event was focused on the role the SEL model plays in areas with limited resources. I handled the questions by expressing the ease and adaptability the model has. An example was our events time conflict with a diplomatic conference being hosted at the same time at UVU. Dallas, William, Carolina, and Alexandria's obligations required their speeches to be recorded. As the SEL method adapts to the lives of students, this was another great example of the success the SEL method has for all types of students. Since the SEL method works through student clubs as well as peer-to-peer learning, it works on limited funds and resources. Many mountain regions face a lack of technology, infrastructure, and quality education, however, they have a strong sense of community and experiences that can be used to grow and develop sustainable methods. Professor Abdrisaev, as a mentor, stepped in to help clarify the role mentors have to further encourage and engaged students of all ages and means.
Tariel Talantbek uulu speaks during the event
The event gained the support and inclusion of different universities worldwide which we hope to continue working with to bring further advocacy of mountain communities and bring these communities into the focus of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Alitha Thompson, Vice President of UIMF and President of the UVU Foreign Affairs Club
Alitha Thompson Alitha Thompson
Stephan Atkinson Stephan Atkinson
Kory Armitstead Kory Armitstead
Catalina Cusano Catalina Cusano
Noyonkhangai Enkhtur Noyonkhangai Enkhtur
Alexandria Lamb Alexandria Lamb
Nicholas Bradley Nicholas Bradley
Tristin Juarez-Smith Tristin Juarez-Smith
Nazik Erkinbek kyzy Nazik Erkinbek kyzy
Gulnura Amatova Gulnura Amatova
Maisalbek Zakirov Maisalbek Zakirov
Tatiana Panfilenko Tatiana Panfilenko
Baktybek Abdrisaev
22-03-27-Phillip Johnson Snow College Student Nation Organization presents at CSW 66
22-04-01-Dallas Karren My Second Experience at the UN Commission on the Status of Women
22-04-01-Ethan Wilks My Role in the Parallel Event held by UIMF, OshTU, and Snow College
22-04-23-Rusden Scott A Rousing Success Reflections on a Student-run Event at CSW66
The Mountain Partnership About UIMF Hosting Parallel Event at CSW66
Utah District Rotary Newsletter About UIMF Hosting Parallel Event at CSW66
22-03-04-UIMF Discussed Mountain Targets with Ambassador Harold Forsyth Chair of the OAS and Permanent Representative of Peru to the OAS
22-02-23-Orem-Lindon Rotary and UVU Rotaractors Hold Annual California Orange Fundraiser
22-01-29-Written Statement for CSW66 Highlights Mountain Women Advocacy by Students from Utah and Kyrgyzstan