Third Virtual Meeting Between UIMF and Osh Technological Institute in Kyrgyzstan

Third Virtual Meeting Between UIMF and Osh Technological Institute in Kyrgyzstan

As of November 5, 2021, students from Utah Valley University had the third virtual meeting with students of the Osh Technological University, Kyrgyzstan.

UIMF members and students OshTU preparations for 2021 IMD observation

As of November 5, 2021, the members of the Utah International Mountain Forum (UIMF), a coalition of student clubs at UVU, had the third virtual meeting with members of the Osh Technological University (OshTU) in Kyrgyzstan.

The main goal of the meeting was to be prepared for co-hosting by UIMF members and  students and faculty from OshTU of the Kyrgyz Republic, the International Mountain Day (IMD) observation on December 1, 2021. This will be the twelfth time that UIMF members will observe IMD at UVU. Additionally, during the meeting participants discussed a preparation for the participation as one joint delegation at the sixty-sixth session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, (CSW66). As one of the activities the joint delegation plans to co-host a parallel event in March 2022 through the student-engaged learning model implemented by the UIMF at Utah Valley University. Meetings help participants from OshTU to become gradually acquainted with the model and contribute to it in the most effective ways during CSW66.  

Alitha speaks


Alitha Thompson, UIMF Vice-President and President of Foreign Affairs, goes over preparations


            As part of our mission, this partnership will allow us to include the voice and perspective of the mountain communities around the globe. As citizens of a country that is covered 95% by mountains, students of OshTU will provide valuable knowledge and experiences to both IMD observation and CSW66 and to the advocacy of the mountain cause in general. UIMF members are proud to have a longstanding relationship with students and faculty representing the mountainous country of Kyrgyzstan.

Alitha Thompson, Vice President of UIMF and host of the event, spoke to the group about upcoming preparations, discussed potential opportunities and ideas for joint activities. The following faculty and students from OshTU attended the meeting: Tariel Talantbek uulu, Tatiana Panfilenko, Bayel Abibilaev, Ms. Nazik and Dr. Almas Atabekov.

This meeting allowed me to be introduced to the students and faculty in Kyrgyzstan and share my experiences and insight regarding my work on the international level, and in particular by leading the UIMF delegation during the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW65)  in March 2021.

Dallas speaks

Myself, speaking to the group about my experience at CSW65 and other relevant info


            As a result of the meeting, I was also able to become more familiar with several participants from OshTU and the country of the Kyrgyz Republic. During the meeting our respective members were able to interact and ask questions about the other’s country, experience and expertise, and engage in dialogue about current issues. Bayel Abibilaev, OshTU student majoring in geology and mentored by Tatyana Panfilenko,  asked about the upcoming deadlines and preparations for the upcoming  IMD and CSW66. 

Bayel speaks

Bayel Abibilaev, OshTU student tells us about his country

Tariel Talantbek uulu, OshTU faculty, shared with us photos taken in Kyrgyzstan which he plans to submit to the International Mountain Day Photo Contest hosted by UN-FAO and the Mountain Partnership. I expressed my opinion on the specific photos I thought should be submitted. The photos were of high quality and included tourists from France during the visit with Tariel and his colleagues to one of the lakes in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan. Dr. Almas Atabekov, Chair of the OshTU department, participated in the meeting for the first time. In 2012, he hosted UVU faculty and students in Osh.  

Almas speaks

Dr. Almas Atabekov participates at the meeting 


We will continue to work with the students and faculty from Osh and collaborate in preparatory activities leading up to IMD and CSW66. Alitha Thompson will serve as the head contact for the group and oversee joint activities, including weekly meetings. As a coalition, we highly anticipate the future prospects of this alliance.

             Dallas Karren, UIMF President



21-11-07-Alitha Thompson-Furthering the OshTU - UVU Cooperation in Joint Advocacy of the Sustainable Mountain Development

21-11-20-Baiel Abibilaev-My participation at Third Virtual Meeting between Osh Technological University  in Kyrgyzstan and members of the Utah International Mountain Forum