- Noyce Scholarship - Biology Education
- NSF S-STEM Scholarship - Biology
- Brooks, Lauren - Microbiology
- Cusick, Jessica - Behavioral Ecology, Animal Behavior, Stress Physiology and Microbiology, Biology
Education, Conservation
- Domyan, Eric - Genetics
- Dunn, Paul - Ecology, Marine Biology
- Egan, Ashley N. - Botany, Evolution
- Hjelmen, Carl - Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Entomology, Evolution
- Hough, Colleen - Biotechnology
- Kopp, Olga - Plant Biology
- Kuddus, Ruhul - Molecular Biology/ Microbiology/ Boethics
- Laney, Alma - Virology / Arbovirolgy/Plant Pathology
- Liang, Yu-Ya - Plant Genetics and Breeding/ Bioinformatics
- Ogden, Heath - Bioinformatics / Entomology / Evolution / Pedagogy
- Olroyd, Savannah - Paleontology, Evolution, Vertebrate Anatomy
- Premo, Josh - Science Education, Psychology, Social Psychology of Education
- Price, Jim - Genetics
- Riggs, Erin - Botany
- Ross, Micah - Developmental Biology, Developmental Toxicology
- Rotter, Michael - Botany, Evolutionary Ecology, Zoology
- Stevens, Michael - Botany
- Tauzin, Sebastien - Molecular Biology
- Taylor, Dani - Neurophysiology
- Taylor, Devin - Neurophysiology
- Thompson, Zoe - Neurobiology / Physiology
- Townsend, Michelle - Biotechnology
- Vaccaro, Elyse - Chemical Ecology, Animal Behavior
- Wilson-Ashworth, Heather - Education
- Wyatt, Britt - Education
- Zahn, Geoff - Mycology / Bioinformatics
- Noyce Scholarship - Chemistry Education
- NSF PRO-STEM Scholarship - Chemistry
- Chamberland, Steve - Synthetic Organic
- Goldfarb, Nate - Biochemistry
- Halling, Merrill - Physical
- Ham, Young - Organic
- Heider, Emily - Analytical
- Horn, Matt - Physical / ChemEd
- Laricheva, Elena - Computational / Physical
- Rocks, Sally - Inorganic / Environmental
- Scott, Dan - Bioanalytical
- Shurtleff, Kevin - Physical
- Thulin, Craig - Biochemistry
- Viswanath, Lakshmi - Organic
- Yu, Ming - Analytical
Earth Science
- Noyce Scholarship - Earth Science
- NSF PRO-STEM Scholarship - Earth Science
- Atkins, Rachel
- Bishop, Tara - Ecology, GIS Remote Sensing
- Bunds, Mike - Tectonics, Earthquakes, Structural Geology, Landslides, Geodetics
- Cadet, Eddy - Environmental Science and Management
- Czajka, Doug - Geoscience Education/ Vertebrate Paleontology
- Hungerford, Hilary - Human Geography
- Mosher, Stella - Physical Geography/ Paleofire/ Paleoecology
- Olson, Matt - Physical Geography
- Stearns, Mike - Petrology of Igneous & Metamorphic Rocks / High-Temperature Geochemistry / Geochronology
- Stephen, Dan - Stratigraphy / Paleontology / Evolutionary Biology
- Toke, Nate - Geologic Hazards; Geomorphology; Interdisciplinary Geography (GIS and Remote Sensing);
Geologic Mapping
- Wang, Weihong - Biogeochemistry, GIS and remote sensing
- Zanazzi, Alessandro - Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology, Ecology, Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Atmospheric
Exercise Science/ Outdoor Recreation
Mathematical & Quantitative Reasoning
- Noyce Scholarship - Mathematics Education
- Abramson, Mark - Optimization, Numerical Analysis
- Bhatt, Harish - Applied and Computational Mathematics, Scientific Computing
- Bhattacharjee, Debanjan - Statistics
- Fagan, Joshua B. - Math Education
- Gundlach, Michael - Math Education
- Islam, Mohammad - Statistics
- Kidd, John - Statistics
- Lee, Inyoung - Math Education
- Ling, Patrick - Reinsurance Contract Theory
- Mogliski, Wiktor - Geometry & Topology
- Parry, Alan
- Smith, Jessica - Math Education
- Vasilevska, Violeta - Graph Theory / Recreational Mathematics / Math Education
- Ward, Debra D. - Math Education
- Noyce Scholarship - Physics Education
- NSF S-STEM Scholarship - Physics
- Andersen, Bonnie - Acoustics
- Coughenour, Benjamin - Astronomy
- Draper, Christian - Astronomy
- Durfee, Dallin - Optics
- Hart, Vern - Medical Imaging, Optics, Machine Learning
- James, Dan - Nanotechnology, Experimental Physics
- Jensen, Joe - Astronomy
- Matheson, Phil - Plasma Physics, Computational Physics
- Nielsen, Kim - Atmospheric physics
- Panin, Alex - Laser Physics, Theoretical Physics, Computational Physics
- Patchett, Brian - Acoustics
- Rossi, Vince - Biophotonics
- Shipp, Dustin - Optics, Biophysics, Raman Spectroscopy
- Slezak, Cyrill - Bio-Medical Physics, Computational Physics, Physics Education
- Weber, Paul - Nanotechnology, thin films physics, particle physics
- Young, York - Optical Physics