Make an Online Report (BeHAVIOR)

Online Reporting for Student Behavioral Misconduct

Make an Online Report (ACADEMIC)

Online Reporting for Student

Academic Misconduct



The Ombuds serves as mediator, as opposed to an advocate. They neutrally and objectively listen to all problems.


What We Do

•  Administer the Student Code of Conduct and Judicial Process

•  Respond to possible Code of Conduct violations and student behavior concerns

•  Educate the campus community about student rights, resonsibilities, accountability and conduct.

•  Work directly with faculty, staff, and students to help solve problems and resolve conflicts

•  Facilitate  student background checks, Dean’s certifications, previous conduct inquiries, etc (only when the student has given permission for such information to be released). 

Our services focus on fairness and equality while promoting responsibility and contributing to individual growth, education, and development. Our commitment to education and restorative justice complements the University’s mission to foster engaged learners; prepare professionally competent people of integrity; and enrich the lives we serve in our globally interdependent community.

The Scales Of Justice Digital Art by Allan Swart

Student & Faculty Resources

Headshot of Wilson the Wolverine

Questions? Ask Wilson