• Faculty Rights

    Faculty have the responsibility and authority to establish expectations for their classes that students are expected to meet, and in a manner consistent with University policies. They have the right to:

    • establish classroom standards of behavior
    • establish attendance requirements
    • establish practices for addressing academic infractions.

    If a student is unable to meet these expectations for any reason, they should make contact with faculty members as soon as possible.

    While most departments have a unique approach in responding to issues of academic misconduct or classroom disruptions, the University expects all academic departments to apply fair, consistent, and commensurate actions, and to report misconduct to Student Conduct.


    The Office of Student Rights & Accountability is a resource for faculty on setting classroom expectations, responding to academic misconduct or classroom disruption, and reporting options.

    We are available for consultation if faculty are unsure how to respond to a particular issue.


Professor showing something to students.

Cheating & Plagiarism

Faculty may not remove a student from class or deny a student access to a final exam until the student has exhausted all appeals; except in cases where a significant threat of distruption or of undermining the academic integrity of the course exists.

Cheating is the act of using or attempting to use or providing others with unauthorized information, materials or study aids in academic work. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, passing examination answers to or taking examinations for someone else, or preparing or copying other's academic work.

Plagariasm is the act of appropriating another person's or group's ideas or work (written, computerized, artistic, etc.) or portions thereof and passing them off as the product of one's own work in any academic exercise or activity.

Fabrication is the use of invented or falsified information, research or other findings.

Unintentional plagiarism is still plagiarism

Examples of academic misconduct include, but are not limited to:

  • Classroom disruption
  • Copying from another persons assignment or exam
  • Letting someone else copy from your assignment or exam
  • Copying and pasting, without giving proper credit to or paraphrasing the source
  • Unauthorized group work
  • Passing off your own past or current work for other assignments, without permission from the instructor(s)
  • Using online test banks

Online Plagiarism Resources

If you catch or suspect Academic Misconduct

  1. Discuss the concern with the student in a confidential environment (via email, during office hours, or in a hallway that's not crowded).
  2. Use the preponderance of evidence standard or what most likely occurred.
  3. If you determine an academic infraction occurred, the student must be notified of any action you take (sanctions), within ten (10) business days.
  4. Faculty may establish a student-faculty resolution in place of traditional sanctions for first time infractions. These resolutions are typically informal, and must still be reported to Student Conduct to make sure the student doesn't have a pattern of infractions. As long as the student is not found responsible for past or future academic infractions, the record will not be made permanent.
  5. Sanctions and resolutions may include warning, retaking an assignment or exam, failing the assignment or exam, failing the class, suspension, or withholding a degree. For a complete list, refer to the Student Code of Conduct. Sanctions should be applied fairly and consistently, and should be commensurate to the infraction.
  6. REPORT THE INFRACTION AND SANCTION/RESOLUTION TO THE STUDENT CONDUCT OFFICE. Reports may be made on a formal or informal basis. Typically, less severe, first time incidents are not entered on to a student’s permanent disciplinary record.
  7. Students may appeal an academic sanction within ten (10) days of outcome notification to the appropriate chair or dean.

Academic misconduct process flow chart

Classroom Management

Setting Classroom Expectations

Classroom instructors are integral in setting classroom expectations. Make sure you are setting and maintaining conduct expectations in all you interactions with students. Clearly state your classroom policies in you syllabus, including absence policies, make-up policies, grade policy, office hours, and adherence to university policies on conduct and academic integrity.

Responding to Inappropriate Behavior


  • Give yourself permission to feel uncomfortable
  • Don't overreact (respond instead of react)
  • Manage/address what you can
  • Be concise and do not let the situation drag on
  • Stay safe
  • Document, report, and get assistance for the rest


  • Ignore them or pretend it's not happening
  • Hand it off to someone else
  • Do nothing so you don't upset the student

Removing a Student from Class

If a student poses a significant threat to others or of disruption to the class, faculty, department chairs, and deans may impose an interim suspension and have a student removed immediately from a classroom or academic area.

The removal must be reported immediately to Student Rights & Accountability (complete the online report form). This does not replace normal due process, and more permanent sanctions must then be determined. For more information, refer to the “Interim Suspension” section of the Student Code of Conduct.

Faculty should refrain from removing a student from class or denying a student access to a final exam until the student has exhausted all appeals; except in these urgent cases.

  • Clearly state all your policies in your syllabus (absence polidy, make-up policy, grade policy, office hours, academic integrity).
  • Confront inappropriate behavior as soon as you can in a calm, respectful manner.
  • End the meeting or ask the disruptive student to leave and allow them to return when they've calmed down.

Reporting Academic Misconduct


Once you catch an act of academic misconduct, discuss it with the student, and makes a final decision/sanction, it must be reported to the Office of Student Rights & Accountability according to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Code,  Policy 541.


Reports can be made using the online reporting feature, or by emailing the Director of Student Conduct.


Academic misconduct records are retained one of two ways, based on faculty recommendation:


Not entered in to the student's disciplinary file. Typically, informal reports are made  for first-time and/or minor offenses that do not result in grade reduction, failing grade, or removal from class. Informal records may become formal records if a student is found responsible for multiple academic infractions.


Entered in to the student's disciplinary file with the University. Formal records usually result from academic infractions that result in a failing grade, academic probation, suspension, or expulsion. Egregious violations or multiple violations will be entered as permanent records.

The Office of Student Rights & Accountability retains all records of misconduct and sanctions in order to maintain a single institutional standard for the retention of records. Records are kept in order to hold students accountable for remedying violations of the Student Rights and Responsibilities Code, and to hold administrators and faculty accountable for their disciplinary decisions.

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