Dates & Deadlines

Knowing add and drop deadlines is critical for a smooth registration process.

View Dates

Change of Personal Information

Request a change to your legal name, legal sex, date of birth, or Social Security number.

Submit the Form

Order UVU Transcripts

Order your UVU transcript through the National Student Clearinghouse.

Order a Transcript


Set, view, or edit your Security Phrase and add delegates to your account.


Course Syllabi for Mandatory Courses

As required by Utah House Bill 261, find syllabi for UVU's General Education courses and singular courses required for completion of a certificate or an associate, bachelor's, or master's degree where no other course meets academic program requirements.

View Course Syllabi

Add a Class
Learn how to add a class to your schedule during open registration.

Add a Class

We recommend...

Try both options below and see what works best for you!

Option 1: Add/Drop System (Banner)

The Banner Add/Drop system provides a robust tool set for schedule maintenance.

  1. Login to myUVU for Students.
  2. Select Add/Drop System.
  3. Select Add/Drop/Waitlist.
  4. Select the term then click Continue.
  5. Enter your class search criteria and add classes to your summary.
  6. DON'T FORGET! You must click Submit to save your changes.

Did you know...

It is possible that you will not qualify for every class you choose. Sometimes there may be prerequisites or other additional requirements. Your academic advisor can help with these.

If a class is already full, you can add yourself to the waitlist. See how the waitlist works.

Option 2: Mobile App

The UVU Student Mobile App provides a streamlined registration tool on the go!

  1. Download the UVU Student app (if you have not already).
  2. Login to the app.
  3. Tap My Classes.
  4. Choose the semester from the term menu (top left).
  5. Search for courses and the choose your desired section.
  6. Select Register Now or Add to Cart.
  7. If you add to cart, make sure to return to that cart and finalize registration.

Did you know...

The mobile app contains a list of enrollment tasks to guide you through each term. Check them out!


Audit a Class (form)
Interested in a course but don't want credit? Sign up as an auditor.

Audit a Class

Students may choose to be enrolled in a class as an "auditor". This means the student attends or participates in class without receiving credit, usually for personal enrichment.

Audited Courses:

  • Show on the transcript with a grade of "AU".
  • Do not count in financial aid credit requirements.
  • Do not fill any graduation requirements.
  • May not be changed at any time to be credit-bearing.
  • Cost the same as credit-bearing courses (except for senior citizens).

Audit Deadlines

How to Audit a Class

  1. Register for the class online, just as you would do for a regular course.
  2. Complete the Audit form.


Audit Form

Veteran & Senior Citizen Audit

Veterans and Utah residents age 62 and older are eligible for a special audit program.



Change of Personal Information (form)
Request a change to your legal name, legal sex, date of birth, or Social Security number.

Change of Personal Information

  1. Complete the Change of Personal Information form to make changes to the following:
    • Legal Name(requires copy of social security card)
    • Social Security Number(requires copy of social security card)
    • Date of Birth(requires copy of government issued photo ID containing date of birth)
    • Legal Sex(requires copy of court order or driver’s license)

NOTE: As part of the form submission, you will be required to upload a copy or picture of the required document.



Other Information

The following information can be updated through your myUVU account:

  • Email
  • Phone number
  • Address
  • Emergency Contact
  • Preferred name
  • Preferred personal pronouns
  • Gender identification
  • Marital status

myUVU Personal Information

Drop a Class
Learn how to drop a class within normal drop deadlines.

Drop a Class

Using the student registration system, students may drop courses from their schedule, dates and deadlines.

NOTE:Dropping a course reverses all associated tuition and fees, and removes the course from the transcript. Dropping is not the same as withdrawing.

How to Drop a Class

  1. Login to myUVU for Students.
  2. Select Add/Drop System.
  3. Select Add/Drop/Waitlist.
  4. Select the term then click Continue.
  5. Under the Summary section, find the class to be dropped and select Drop Class - 100% Refund* from the menu.
  6. DON'T FORGET! You must click Submit to save your changes.

*Don't see the "drop class" option? You have likely missed the deadline.

Enrollment Verification (form)
Get your enrollment verification through myUVU or the registrar.

Enrollment Verification

An enrollment verification can be used for a variety of purposes including for insurance, for loan requirements, and for employment.

Go To Request Form


Note: May take up to two business days to be issued.

FERPA (Student Privacy Rights)
Learn about how student education records are protected under federal regulations.


FERPA stands for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. The act came about in 1974 and has been amended periodically since that time. Essentially, FERPA governs the disclosure of and access to student educational records.

Many records exist and are maintained across the University that are directly related to students. UVU, in accordance with FERPA, protects student education records and information from unauthorized disclosure.


Information Release (form)
Allow another person to have access to your student records information.

Information Release

Give another person access to your student records information.

Give Access

Late Add (form)
Learn how to add get permissions and add a class late to your schedule.

Late Add

The Registration Dates and Deadlines page outlines the date ranges and limits for adding and dropping classes in the full semester, the 7-week blocks, and for weekend classes. The dates for late registration are relative to the duration of a class and its start date.

After the date when the waitlist period ends, students wanting to add a class may do so with the permission of the instructor. A $45 late registration fee will be assessed for each class added late.


See Registration Dates and Deadlines


Step 1

Students make a request using the late add request system. If the instructor approves, they will grant authorization electronically. The student is notified of approval/denial.

Step 2

Once the authorization is in place, students may register online through myUVU. (This process will not override any unmet prerequisites or classroom limits for that course.)

Step 3

Students must pay the late-add fee and any additional tuition and fees incurred by registration.



Exception to Late Add

Exceptions to late add are handled through the same process outlined above. In the case of exceptions to late add, the department chair must also approve. This is handled electronically through the approval workflow. A $45 late registration fee will be assessed for each class added late.

Leave of Absence (form)
Need to take a break from school? Let us know!

Leave of Absence

At some point in your career at Utah Valley University, you may need to take some time away from your studies- and that is okay! Many students find that taking a leave of absence can be helpful. This time allows for students to focus their energy and time on recovery, self-care, self-improvement, or take care of things that need prioritizing.

Get More Information

Petitions (form)
Late Withdrawal, Record Adjustments, Refunds, and Academic Renewal.

Late Withdrawal, Record Adjustment, and Refunds

  • We know that sometimes classes are just plain hard - trust us, we've been there. Petitions are not for these times. When students perform poorly and fall short of the grade they want or need, the repeat policy allows students to try again for a better grade.
  • We also know that life happens, and sometimes things occur that no one can control. We call these "extenuating circumstances" and it is for these circumstances that petitions are available.
  • When life happens, students have the opportunity to petition for certain changes by providing documents to prove what has happened and how it was out of their control.

These petitions require accompanying documentation.

Academic Renewal

  • The purpose of academic renewal is to assist students who have experienced a period of low GPA. Students can use academic renewal to remove one semester of previous undergraduate coursework from their GPA. Students may petition the Registrar’s Office for academic renewal only one time during their enrollment at the University. Students who are granted academic renewal are not eligible for academic honors status.



Late Withdrawal

Request to withdraw from a class beyond withdrawal deadlines based on extenuating circumstances.


Record Adjustment

Request a retroactive change to your student records based on extenuating circumstances.



Request a refund/reversal of tuition and fees based on extenuating circumstances.


Academic Renewal

Request the removal of one semester of undergraduate coursework from GPA calculation.

Section Swap (form)
A section swap is the process of moving a student from one section of a class to another section.

Section Swap

A section swap is the process of moving a student from one section of a class to another section (often with a different instructor) of the same class after add/drop deadlines have passed.

NOTE: The instructor's permission is required. Students should obtain permission via email before submitting a request.

Section Swap Request Form

Transcripts (Official)
Student academic history and records are recorded and condensed on the student transcript.

Official Transcripts

All UVU official transcript orders are completed online through the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC).

  • Click ORDER MY TRANSCRIPT below to begin the ordering process.
  • Multiple types of transcripts can be requested:
    • A traditional paper transcript
    • A secure electronic PDF transcript
    • Electronic Exchange (to another NSC member institution).
  • Credit card payment is due at the time of the request.
  • Send a transcript wherever you would like, or pick up in person.


Order My Transcript 

Transcript Fees

UVU Transcript Fee: $8.00

Online Processing Fee: $2.90

Depending on the order, additional fees could include:

  • E-PDF Fee: $0.50
  • Shipping/Handing: $5.00


Overnight Delivery of Paper Transcripts

  • Additional fees are charged for overnight orders.
  • Orders must be submitted by 12 pm (noon) Mountain Time for overnight delivery.

Transcripts (Unofficial)
Online, unofficial version of the student academic history.

Unofficial Transcripts

Unofficial transcripts are only available to students with an active account at UVU. Accounts are deactivated 7 semesters (roughly 2.5 years) after the student's last term of registration.

If you have an inactive account, you will not be able to access your unofficial transcript and will have to order an official transcript instead.

View Unofficial Transcript Online (see note)

Learn how waitlisting works.


The waitlist provides students the option to "get in line" for a chance to register for a class that is currently full. After signing up, the student will be notified if a space becomes available and has 24 hours to register before the seat is given to the next person in line.

Make sure you sign up for text notifications!

Opt in to receive Text Notifications


  1. Check your email several times daily.
  2. Sign up for text notifications!
  3. Act immediately after receiving a notice. Don't wait till the last minute!
  4. If something goes wrong, contact the service desk immediately!
  5. Remember the waitlists are cleared out and turned off on specific days. See our dates and deadlines page for more details.

To find your position on a waitlist:

  1. Log in to myUVU for students
  2. Your waitlisted classes and your position will be listed under the My Classes section:

myUVU My Classes Screenshot

Withdraw from a Class
Learn how to withdraw from a class.

Withdraw from a Class

Using the student registration system, students may withdraw from courses according to the published dates and deadlines.

NOTE: Withdrawing from a course does not reverse the associated tuition and fees. A 'W' grade will be published to the transcript and is permanent. A 'W' grade is not counted in the GPA.

How to Withdraw from a Class

  1. Login to myUVU for Students.
  2. Select Add/Drop System.
  3. Select Add/Drop/Waitlist.
  4. Select the term then click Continue.
  5. Under the Summary section, find the class to be withdrawn and select Withdraw from Class ('W' grade) from the menu.
  6. DON'T FORGET! You must click Submit to save your changes.

Late Withdrawal

After the published "last day to withdraw" and before the last day of the semester, withdrawing requires a petition called the Late Withdrawal Request. See Petitions section.

Additional Resources

Business Hours

Our office is open and we are available during the following hours:


8 am to 5 pm

Browning Administration (BA) 113

Walk-ins welcome!

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(801) 876-6499

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(801) 863-8493

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[email protected]

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