

Late Withdrawal, Record Adjustment, and Refund Requests are all considered petitions that require extenuating circumstances and supporting documentation (see below). Academic Renewal does not require extenuating circumstances or documentation.


Select a petition type to see more details.

Academic Renewal

  • No documentation needed
  • Removal of one semester of undergraduate coursework from GPA calculation
  • Students who are granted academic renewal are not eligible for academic honors status
  • Not eligible for refund 

Records Adjustment (exclude grade from GPA) 

  • Retroactive change to your student records to exclude coursework from GPA caulculation
  • Only 'E' and 'UW' grades are eligible for records adjustment

Refund (or cancellation) of tuition and fees

  • Refunds are not available for courses taken in previous/closed fiscal years
  • If petition is approved, certain fees, such as materials & collections fees, may not be refunded
  • Only 'E', 'UW' and 'W' grades are eligible for refund 

Retroactively Add Course

  • Add a completed course retroactively (previous semester)
  • If approved, tuition & fees may be assessed to student's account

Withdraw from Course(s)

  • Request to withdraw from a course beyond withdrawal deadlines
  • Withdrawls can only be approved during the current semester

Extenuating Circumstances

The following are examples of extenuating circumstances that are beyond a student's control. Regardless of the circumstance, documentation to verify must be provided for late withdrawal, record adjustments, or refund requests. Documentation is not required for academic renewal.


Incapcitating illness or medical event of a student or a student’s *immediate family member which prevented the student from attending or participating in class(es) for the minimum time period.

Required Documentation: Completed Medical Verification form



Change in work schedule during the semester as required by your employer. Online courses and self-employment are not eligible for consideration.

Required Documentation: Completed Employment Verification form


Family Member Death

The death of an *immediate family member occuring during the semester being petitioned.

Required Documentation: Obituary, death certificate, or funeral services program.


Divorce proceedings of the student occuring during the semester being petitioned.

Required Documentation: Official signed and dated court documentation or decree.

Military Duty

Unexpected active military duty preventing a student from attending classes.

Required Documentation: Official notice of military requirements, or letter (on letterhead) from a military official, clearly outlining the dates of required service.


Other extenuating circumstances deemed may be considered. Examples include jury duty, subpoenas, and other unexpected events. The Registrar's Office determines which circumstances are considered extenuating.

Required Documentation:
Must provide documentation to support the claim. Additional documentation may be required and requested of the student.

*Immediate family member for this policy is defined as a student's spouse, child, stepchild, child-in-law, foster child, parent, stepparent, parent-in-law, sibling, step sibling, sibling-in-law, grandparent, step grandparent, grandparent-in-law, grandchild, step grandchild.

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