Policy Pipeline Updates: Policy Actions Approved by President's Council, August 22, 2024

On August 22, 2024, President’s Council approved the following policy actions:

Entrance to Stage 1

Policy 117 Distinguished University Employee Awards

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Marilyn Meyer
Policy Stewards Daniel Delgadillo
Policy Actions New
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 1
Pipeline Draft Executive Summary


Who does this apply to? Faculty and staff

What is being added in this policy? This new policy will define, clarify, and communicate the following: 

  • A name for the awards so as to avoid confusion with the University Awards of Excellence
  • Award eligibility criteria
  • Guidelines for People and Culture for overseeing and monitoring processes to ensure fairness
  • Flexibility in terms of number of awards, types of awards, and monetary amount for each award

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 1, what does this mean for me? If you have comments or concerns, email the policy steward or the Policy Office.


Policy 158 Tobacco

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Marilyn Meyer
Policy Stewards Drew Burke
Policy Actions Revision
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 1
Pipeline Draft Executive Summary


Who does this apply to? All university community

What are the biggest revisions to the policy? The revisions to this policy will add the following: 

  • Language to comply with updated state law regarding e-cigarettes, vaping, and smoking paraphernalia
  • Definitions to provide clarity and understanding
  • Procedures for reporting concerns and potential violations to ensure incidents are handled consistently and fairly
  • Procedures for handling law or policy violations and ensuring a fair, safe environment for all
  • Language to include the exemption from the state statute for "American Indian tribal" religious ceremonies

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 1, what does this mean for me? If you have comments or concerns, email the policy steward or the Policy Office.


Policy 331 Performance Evaluation for Staff Employees

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Marilyn Meyer
Policy Stewards Drew Burke
Policy Actions Revision
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 1
Pipeline Draft Executive Summary


Who does this apply to? Staff

What are the biggest revisions to the policy? The revisions to the policy will include the following: 

  • Changes to the annual review period to follow the fiscal, not calendar year
  • Guidance for those who have changed positions during the annual review period, stating which supervisor is responsible for the review, and handling changes to goals and reporting structures
  • Updates to the appeals process
  • Procedures to handle FMLA and military leave occuring during the annual review
  • Procedures for requesting accommodations to participate in and complete the process

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 1, what does this mean for me? If you have comments or concerns, email the policy steward or the Policy Office.


Policy 334 Probationary Period for Staff Employees

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Marilyn Meyer
Policy Stewards Drew Burke
Policy Actions Revision
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 1
Pipeline Draft Executive Summary


Who does this apply to? Staff

What are the biggest revisions to the policy? The changes to the policy will include procedural guidance for transitioning benefits when the employee will not complete their probationary period, address the probationary period for former employees when they are rehired, update and clarify procedures for extending a probationary period, and add guidance for when an employee is transferred, promoted, or changes jobs, among other editorial changes.

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 1, what does this mean for me? If you have comments or concerns, email the policy steward or the Policy Office.


Policy 610 Credit Hour

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Wayne Vaught
Policy Stewards Laurie Sharp
Policy Actions Revision
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 1
Pipeline Draft Executive Summary


Who does this apply to? Faculty and students

What are the biggest revisions to the policy? This revisions to this policy will do the following:

  • Revise section 4.3 to include that reviews will be conducted during cyclical program reviews.
  • Remove section 4.4.
  • Remove the word "curriculum" in 5.2.
  • Revise section 5.3 to state that new and revised courses must be submitted along with their credit hours and the reasoning for review.
  • Revise section 5.5 to say that faculty are responsible for determining whether credit hours are accurately assigned and ensure courses are appropriately aligned with published learning objectives during scheduled cyclical program reviews.
  • Revise section 5.6 to say that the Office of Accreditation and Academic Assessment reviews academic department reports to ensure the accuracy and reliability of credit hour assignments and that if deficiencies are identified, the academic department is required to make necessary corrections to align with the university's credit hour definition before obtaining approval.
  • Remove section 5.7.

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 1, what does this mean for me? If you have comments or concerns, email the policy steward or the Policy Office.


Policy 655 Graduate Faculty

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Wayne Vaught
Policy Stewards Jim Bailey
Policy Actions Revision
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 1
Pipeline Draft Executive Summary


Who does this apply to? Faculty and students

What are the biggest revisions to the policy? The suggested changes to the policy will do the following: 

  • Eliminate the three categories of graduate faculty and replace it with one: graduate faculty.
  • Develop and focus on minimum uniform graduate faculty qualifications for the University.
  • Allow program directors access to the graduate course SRIs of graduate faculty teaching in the program so they can evaluate teaching effectiveness and recommend faculty to specific courses.
  • Eliminate service criteria and college/school graduate faculty criteria requirements.
  • Allow graduate programs to adopt more stringent criteria for their graduate faculty.
  • State that graduate program directors should approve graduate faculty applications instead of department chairs and deans. 
  • Reevaluate and perhaps redefine length of graduate faculty appointment.
  • State that Graduate Council members should be tenured or tenure-track.
  • State whether non-tenure track faculty are permitted to work in graduate program service roles.

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 1, what does this mean for me? If you have comments or concerns, email the policy steward or the Policy Office.


Policy 105 Reporting Organizational Changes

Policy 322 Employment Responsibilities and Standards

Policy 353 Group Healthcare Coverage for Benefits-Eligible Employees

Policy 374 Termination Clearance for Hourly Employees

Policy 375 Termination Clearance for Salaried Employees


Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Marilyn Meyer
Policy Stewards Drew Burke
Policy Actions Deletions
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 1
Pipeline Draft Policy 105, Policy 322, Policy 353, Policy 374, Policy 375


Who does this apply to? Employees (including both faculty and staff)

What are the biggest revisions to the policies? The policies listed are being deleted for the following reasons:

  • Policy 105: The organizational changes stated in this policy are currently handled through People and Culture and departmental processes and procedures and do not need to be in policy.
  • Policy 322: The conduct standards in this policy are covered by Policy 371 Performance Management and Development for Staff Employees and Policy 635 Faculty Rights and Professional Responsibilities and the content is redundant.
  • Policy 353: The provisions for continued group healthcare coverage for eligible employees in this policy are covered by a required "Plan Document" that is already in place that could potentially be in conflict with the policy.
  • Policy 374 and 375: The offboarding procedures in these policies are covered through People and Culture and departmental processes and procedures.

Now that these deletions in Stage 1, what does this mean for me? If you have comments or concerns, email the policy steward or the Policy Office.


Entrance to Stage 2

Policy 101 Policy on Policies

Approval Process Regular
Policy Sponsor Clark Collings
Policy Stewards Jeremy Knee, Cara O'Sullivan
Policy Actions Revision
President's Council Action Entrance to Stage 2
Pipeline Draft Stage 1 Draft


Who does this apply to? All university entities

What are the biggest revisions to the policy? Proposed revisions to this draft include, among others, the following: 

  • Removing Stage 3 University Community Review from the regular process
  • Adding a waiver for Stage 2 where university governing bodies may forgo  their review 
  • Moving the EAC review to Stage 2 University Governance Entities Review
  • Removing President's Council approval from  the non-substantive change process  

Now that this policy draft is in Stage 2, what does this mean for me? You can now send your comments to your elected representative in Faculty Senate, PACE, or UVUSA. Stage 2 ends October 17.


Information Item

The following policies have been moved from Student Affairs to now be owned by Academic Affairs: 

Policy 510 Graduate Admissions and Continuation

Policy 521 Undergraduate Academic Standards

Policy 523 Grading

Policy 524 Graduate Program Credit and Graduation Requirements

For questions or comments regarding any of the above actions, contact the policy sponsor or steward(s) listed, or contact the Policy Office. To learn more about the policy approval process at UVU, visit the Policy Office's Policy Process webpage.

Please note that some of the above links may become outdated or broken as the policy drafts progress through the policy approval process, or are approved for adoption to or deletion from the Policy Manual. For the most up-to-date status regarding a policy or proposed policy draft, see the Policy Manual and Policy Approval Pipeline pages. To request a previous version of a policy or policy draft or for addition questions, contact the Policy Office.