On March 28, 2024, President’s Council approved the following policy actions:
Policy 611 Credit for Prior Learning
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Michelle Kearns |
Policy Steward | Wade Oliver |
Policy Actions | Revision |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 1 |
Pipeline Draft | Executive Summary |
Who does this apply to? Employees working with credit for prior learning
Why is this policy going through the regular process? This new revision of what was formerly Policy 525 will clarify and refine the language of the policy as well as ensure university standards for awarding credits for prior learning comply with institutional, state, and accreditor expectations. Revisions will include ensuring alignment with USHE policy and NWCCU requirements, updating fee structure parameters, and adjusting student CPL eligibility requirements. This policy will move from Student Affairs to Academic Affairs.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 1, what does this mean for me? This policy is now in the drafting stage and will be open for commentary in Stage 2.
Policy 633 Faculty Performance Evaluation and Feedback
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Wayne Vaught |
Policy Stewards | Kat Brown |
Policy Actions | Revision |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 1 |
Pipeline Draft | Executive Summary |
Who does this apply to? Faculty
Why is this policy going through the regular process? This policy's due dates and timeline from differ from those in Policies 632 and 637 and does not address key topics such as what to do when an issue is addressed in the annual review. Key changes to this policy include:
- Combining the goals and annual review templates
- Revising the annual review process and removing self-rating
- Allowing the dean to approve/recommend new ratings
- Aligning the appeal process with UVU Policy 654 Faculty Merit Awards
- Aligning all timelines with other related policies
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 1, what does this mean for me? This policy is now in the drafting stage and will be open for commentary in Stage 2.
Policy 116 Student Communications
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Michelle Kearns |
Policy Stewards | Derek Kent |
Policy Actions | New |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 2 |
Pipeline Draft | Stage 2 Draft |
Who does this apply to? Employees and students
Why is this policy going through the regular process? This policy outlines parameters for texting and emailing students and streamlines the process. The policy, once implemented, will
- Identify and define the purpose of texting and emailing students
- Establish best practices for one-to-many communications for students
- Provide structure to support current student communication guidelines.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 2, what does this mean for me? You can now send your comments to your elected representative in Faculty Senate, PACE, or UVUSA. Stage 2 ends September 27, due to Faculty Senate and UVUSA disbanding for the summer.
Policy 606 Adoption of Course Materials and Textbooks
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Wayne Vaught |
Policy Stewards | Kat Brown |
Policy Actions | Revision |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 2 |
Pipeline Draft | Stage 2 Draft |
Who does this apply to? Faculty and students
What is included in the policy? This revision to policy is meant to lower textbook costs for students and ensure that royalties and compensation are designated into an institutional scholarship fund. This revision will also clarify that only self-delt direct sales of course materials are prohibited and allow referrals to third-party vendors.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 2, what does this mean for me? You can now send your comments to your elected representative in Faculty Senate, PACE, or UVUSA. The close date for Stage 2 is September 27, due to Faculty Senate and UVUSA disbanding for the summer.
Policy 371 Corrective Action
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Marilyn Meyer |
Policy Stewards | Drew Burke |
Policy Actions | Revision |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 3 |
Pipeline Draft | Stage 3 Draft |
NOTE: Suggested end date for Stage 3 is April 5.
Who does this apply to? Employees
What is included in this policy? This policy was updated to bring it into alignment with Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R841. Major updates include
- Defining clearly the grounds for imposing sanctions
- Introducing a mandatory notice period prior to imposing a sanction and grant employees the opportunity to present their response
- Providing clarity on the timeline for initiating an appeal process
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 3, what does this mean for me? Individuals may submit their comments directly by email to the policy owners. Stage 3 ends April 5.
Policy 654 Faculty Merit Awards
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Wayne Vaught |
Policy Stewards | Kat Brown, John Anderson |
Policy Actions | Revision, Limited Scope |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 4 |
Pipeline Draft | Stage 4 Draft |
NOTE: No comments were received in Stage 3.
Who does this apply to? Faculty
Why is this policy in the process? The current version of Policy 654 is sunsetting this year—the policy mandates it be reviewed every 5 years. A drafting committee is working on a complete rewrite of the policy, which will not be ready April 1. A current faculty merit pay policy must be in place for the upcoming review cycle. Therefore, stewards have made limited scope revisions to the current policy to address the gap between the version that is sunsetting and the completely rewritten version.
To create a relevant gap policy, stewards made the following limited scope changes: (1) removed references to the five-year review period and (2) placed the process deadlines into a guidelines document to allow for more flexibility to change deadlines as needed.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 4, what does this mean for me? Once the Board of the Trustees approves this policy for entrance into the Policy Manual, faculty and those engaged in the merit award process may wish to become familiar with the policy revisions.
For questions or comments regarding any of the above actions, contact the policy sponsor or steward(s) listed, or contact the Policy Office. To learn more about the policy approval process at UVU, visit the Policy Office's Policy Process webpage.
Please note that some of the above links may become outdated or broken as the policy drafts progress through the policy approval process, or are approved for adoption to or deletion from the Policy Manual. For the most up-to-date status regarding a policy or proposed policy draft, see the Policy Manual and Policy Approval Pipeline pages. To request a previous version of a policy or policy draft or for addition questions, contact the Policy Office.