On March 14, 2024, President’s Council approved the following policy actions:
Policy 113 University Awards of Excellence
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Kara Schneck |
Policy Steward | Tearsa Burke |
Policy Actions | Revision |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 2 |
Pipeline Draft | Stage 2 Draft |
Who does this apply to? Employees
Why is this policy going through the regular process? Policy revisions will clarify and communicate expectations and responsibilities around award giving, as well as ensure consistency and fairness in award amounts and selection of award recipients. Revisions will also include clarifying eligibility; guidelines for nominations, approvals, and monitoring, and rubrics; and policy definitions and guidelines for ensuring fairness in the process.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 2, what does this mean for me? You can now send your comments to your elected representative in Faculty Senate, PACE, or UVUSA. Stage 2 ends May 2.
Policy 335 Staff Grievance
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Marilyn Meyer |
Policy Stewards | Drew Burke, Cathy Jordan |
Policy Actions | Revision |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 2 |
Pipeline Draft | Stage 2 Draft |
Who does this apply to? Staff employees
Why is this policy going through the regular process? The proposed revisions will bring Policy 335 into alignment with current Utah Board of Higher Education and UVU policies. The revisions establish an informal and formal resolution process for grievances, provide staff employees who have a right to the staff employee grievance procedure with reasonable time off with pay during scheduled working hours, and require parties' and witnesses' testimony be under oath during termination hearings. For more details, see the executive summary at the bottom of the draft in the Policy Pipeline.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 2, what does this mean for me? You can now send your comments to your elected representative in Faculty Senate, PACE, or UVUSA. Stage 2 ends May 2.
Policy 111 Academic Calendar (Deletion)
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Wayne Vaught |
Policy Stewards | Kat Brown |
Policy Actions | Deletion |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 3 |
Pipeline Draft | Stage 3 Draft |
NOTE: No comments were received in Stage 2.
Who does this apply to? Employees and students
Why is this policy being deleted? This policy is out of date and does not reflect current procedure. Therefore, this policy is being deleted.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 3, what does this mean for me? Individuals may submit their comments directly by email to the policy owners. Stage 3 ends March 22.
Policy 135 Copyright (Deletion)
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Wayne Vaught |
Policy Stewards | Kat Brown |
Policy Actions | Deletion |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 3 |
Pipeline Draft | Stage 3 Draft |
NOTE: No comments were received in Stage 2.
Who does this apply to? Employees and students
Why is this policy being deleted? The essential components of this policy will be in the revised version of Policy 135 Intellectual Property. All legally required copyright notifications can be posted in easily accessible university websites.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 3, what does this mean for me? Individuals may submit their comments directly by email to the policy owners. Stage 3 ends March 22.
Policy 647 Faculty Grievance
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Wayne Vaught |
Policy Stewards | Kat Brown |
Policy Actions | Deletion |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 3 |
Pipeline Draft | Stage 3 Draft |
NOTE: No comments were received in Stage 2.
Who does this apply to? Faculty
Why is this policy being deleted? This policy is no longer needed. Most grievances typically fall under other UVU policies, including Policy 326 Workplace Conduct, which was updated last year.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 3, what does this mean for me? Individuals may submit their comments directly by email to the policy owners. Stage 3 ends March 22.
Policy 654 Faculty Merit Awards
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Wayne Vaught |
Policy Stewards | Kat Brown, John Anderson |
Policy Actions | Revision, Limited Scope |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 3 |
Pipeline Draft | Stage 3 Draft |
NOTE: No comments were received in Stage 2.
Who does this apply to? Faculty
Why is this policy in the process? The current version of Policy 654 is sunsetting this year—the policy mandates it be reviewed every 5 years. A drafting committee is working on a complete rewrite of the policy, which will not be ready April 1. A current faculty merit pay policy must be in place for the upcoming review cycle. Therefore, stewards have made limited scope revisions to the current policy to address the gap between the version that is sunsetting and the completely rewritten version.
To create a relevant gap policy, stewards made the following limited scope changes: (1) removed references to the five-year-only awards and (2) placed the process deadlines into a guidelines document to allow for more flexibility to change deadlines as needed.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 3, what does this mean for me? Individuals may submit their comments directly by email to the policy owners. Stage 3 ends March 22.
Policy 136 Intellectual Property
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Wayne Vaught |
Policy Stewards | Daniel Fairbanks |
Policy Actions | Revision |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 4 |
Pipeline Draft | Stage 4 Draft |
NOTE: No comments were received in Stage 3.
Who does this apply to? Students and staff/faculty who create a work or invention using university resources or under a sponsored program
Why is this policy in the process? Policy 136 was enacted in 2006 prior to UVU becoming a university. Since then, much has changed, including significant university growth, changes in intellectual property law/court decisions, rapid development of technology, and online teaching.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 4, what does this mean? The Board of Trustees will review this policy at their March meeting. If they approve the policy, it will go into effect on March 28.
Policy 445 Institutional Data Governance and Management
Policy 450 Processing and Control of Distributed Administrative Data (Deletion)
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Christina Baum |
Policy Stewards | Laura Busby |
Policy Actions | Revision |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 4 |
Pipeline Draft | Policy 445, Policy 450 |
NOTE: No comments were received in Stage 3.
Who does this apply to? All employees and university leadership who manage or access data in the course of their university duties
Why is this policy in the process? This policy needed to be updated to address the University's ever expanding need to collect, assess, and use data for planning and assessment, student records, etc. The policy establishes a data governance council that will create enterprise guidelines.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 4, what does this mean for me? The Board of Trustees will review this policy at their March meeting. If they approve the policy, it will go into effect on March 28.
Policy 632 Academic Rank Advancement
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Wayne Vaught |
Policy Stewards | Kat Brown |
Policy Actions | Revision |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 4 |
Pipeline Draft | Stage 4 Draft |
NOTE: The policy owners received comments in Stage 3 and made some revisions to the draft.
Who does this apply to? Faculty seeking advancement in rank and those involved in the rank advancement evaluation process
Why is this policy in the process? The key revisions to the policy did the following:
- Clarified the criteria and the processes for approval of initial assignment of rank and for awarding years toward tenure;
- Distinguished the differences between requirements for initial assignment of rank and rank advancement;
- Clarified the criteria to qualify and apply for rank advancement to professor and for rank advancement for non-tenure track faculty.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 4, what does this mean for me? Faculty may wish to review the revisions made in Stage 3, which may be viewed in the Summary of Comments Form at the bottom of the draft in the Policy Pipeline. The Board of Trustees will review this policy at their March meeting. If they approve the policy, it will go into effect on March 28.
Policy 649 Faculty Sanction and Dismissal for Cause
Approval Process | Regular |
Policy Sponsor | Wayne Vaught |
Policy Stewards | Kat Brown |
Policy Actions | New |
President's Council Action | Entrance to Stage 4 |
Pipeline Draft | Stage 4 Draft |
NOTE: The policy owners received comments in Stage 3 and made some revisions to the draft.
Who does this apply to? Faculty
Why is this policy in the process? In compliance with law and USHE policy, this UVU policy will set forth procedures for (1) investigations and disciplinary processes for full-time faculty and (2) discontinuance processes for non-tenured faculty. The policy has been drafted with the intent to ensure that these processes will reflect fair investigations, due process, and, when appropriate, progressive disciplinary action. This policy will not apply to violations of Policies 162 and 165.
Now that this policy draft is in Stage 4, what does this mean for me? Faculty may wish to review the revisions made in Stage 3; these may be viewed in the Summary of Comments Form at the bottom of the draft in the Policy Pipeline. The Board of Trustees will review this policy at their March meeting. If they approve the policy, it will go into effect on March 28.
For questions or comments regarding any of the above actions, contact the policy sponsor or steward(s) listed, or contact the Policy Office. To learn more about the policy approval process at UVU, visit the Policy Office's Policy Process webpage.
Please note that some of the above links may become outdated or broken as the policy drafts progress through the policy approval process, or are approved for adoption to or deletion from the Policy Manual. For the most up-to-date status regarding a policy or proposed policy draft, see the Policy Manual and Policy Approval Pipeline pages. To request a previous version of a policy or policy draft or for addition questions, contact the Policy Office.