Policy Pipeline Updates: Policy Actions Approved at December 9, 2021, President's Council

On Thursday, December 9, 2021, President’s Council approved the following policy actions:

Personal Use Bundle: Policies 115, 421, and 448

Process: Regular
Linda Makin
Steward: Jacob Atkin
President's Council Action: Approved to enter Stage 2 Campus Entities Review. Stage 2 ends February 24, 2022. 

This bundle includes the following policies:

  • Policy 115 Personal Use of University Property

    Action: New policy
    Summary: This policy explains the authorized and unauthorized personal use of university property by UVU employees. This policy helps university employees comply with state statute and avoid potential criminal penalties.
    Policy 115 Stage 2 Draft »
  • Policy 421 Property and Equipment

    Action: Revision (no longer limited scope)

    Summary: This policy addresses the use of university property, equipment, and technology by individuals and organizations that are not part of the university community. It describes how the use of university equipment by external individuals and organizations is not permitted unless the responsible department head grants approval in accordance with certain specifications. Transfers of property within the University and disposal of property can also be completed by following the appropriate procedures.
    Policy 421 Stage 2 Draft »

  • Policy 448 Use of University Technology Equipment

    Action: Limited scope revision
    Summary: This policy described the general guidelines for university information technology equipment. The policy sponsor has requested to delete this policy because Policies 115 (new) and 421 (revised) in this bundle now address all the information found in this policy. 
    Policy 448 Stage 2 Draft »

Policy 131 Editing and Review of Official and Other Publications

Process: Regular
Kara Schneck
Steward: Matt Chambers
President's Council Action: Approved for entrance to Stage 3 University Community Review.  Stage 3 ends December 17.
Summary: This policy documented a process no longer in use. Per the outdated process, University Marketing and Communications had the authority and responsibility to proofread and edit all official university publications. It also gave University Marketing and Communications the right to review, monitor, proofread, and edit other materials published by the University. The policy sponsor has requested to delete this policy because it is out of date and the University’s editorial processes have changed since the policy’s effective date.

Policy 131 (DELETION) Stage 3 Draft »

Policy 133 Compliance with Government Records Access and Management Act

Process: Regular
Sponsor: Linda Makin
Jacob Atkin
President's Council Action:
Approved for entrance to Stage 3, Regular Process. Stage 3 ends December 17.
This policy states UVU’s compliance with GRAMA and the procedures the public will use to request access to certain university physical or electronic records and the procedure The Office of General Counsel and the GRAMA Office use to handle GRAMA requests. The policy also explains how the Vice President of Planning, Budget, and Finance receives the notice of appeal to begin the appeal process.

Policy 133 Stage 3 Draft »

Policy 161 Freedom of Speech (Temporary and Regular)

Process: Regular and Temporary
Action: Revision
Sponsor: Kyle Reyes
Stewards: Alexis Palmer, Ashley Larsen 
President's Council Action: Approved for extension of temporary policy to June 2022. Approved regular policy for Stage 2. Stage 2 ends February 24, 2022.
Summary: The policy sponsor and steward request a limited scope revision to delete section 4.12.1 because this may restrict some constitutionally protected speech regarding anonymous written expression. This revision will allow Campus Connection to approve materials for posting on campus that have anonymous authors.

Policy 161 Stage 2 Draft »

Policy 607 Course-Based Fees for Credit Courses

Process: Regular
Action: Revision
Sponsors: Wayne Vaught, Linda Makin
Stewards: David Connelly, Scott Wood
President's Council Action: Approved to enter Stage 1, regular process, revision. 
Summary: The Utah Board of Higher Education has revised its policy on course-based fees. To comply with USHE’s new policy, UVU needs to update Policy 607. Please see the executive summary in the Policy Pipeline for details.

Policy 607 Executive Summary »

Policy 611 Auto Repairs

Process: Regular
Wayne Vaught
Steward: Kat Brown
President's Council Action: Approved to enter Stage 4, Board of Trustees review for deletion.
Summary: This policy is being deleted because it is out of date.

Policy 611 DELETION Stage 4 Draft »

For questions or comments regarding any of the above actions, contact the policy sponsor or steward(s) listed, or contact the Policy Office. To learn more about the policy approval process at UVU, visit the Policy Office's Policy Process webpage.

Please note that some of the above links may become outdated or broken as the policy drafts progress through the policy approval process, or are approved for adoption to or deletion from the Policy Manual. For the most up-to-date status regarding a policy or proposed policy draft, see the Policy Manual and Policy Approval Pipeline pages. To request a previous version of a policy or policy draft or for addition questions, contact the Policy Office.