On Thursday, May 27, 2021, UVU's President's Council approved the following policy actions:
Policy 101 Policy Governing Policies
Process: Regular
Sponsor: Linda Makin
Steward: Cara O'Sullivan
President's Council Action: Approved for entrance to Stage 3 of the Regular policy process. Stage 3 will end June 4, 2021.
Summary of Changes
During Stage 2, university governance entities reviewed the proposed policy draft and provided feedback to the policy steward. Some of the changes made during this stage include the following:
- Clarifying what constitutes a limited scope change with the insertion of a definition (section 3.4) and language in section
- Refining the definition for regular policy approval process (section 3.6.3)
- Defining the Summary of Comments Form (section 3.18)
- Revising the language in section 4.1.4 to clarify hierarchy of authority
- Inserting language in section and 5.11.3 to clarify that the temporary policy process may not be used for policy drafts that affect compensation, retention, tenure, promotion, performance review, academic freedom, or disciplinary procedures, and that the compliance change process may be used in cases where a law mandates changes to such policies
- Inserting language throughout to account for the creation and implementation of an Equity Assessment Committee (EAC) and their involvement in the policy process
- Inserting a provision in section that stipulates that policy sponsors and stewards shall have six months to complete their Stage 1 drafts unless otherwise indicated on their executive summary. Extensions may be granted by President's Council upon request.
To view the full list of comments received, the steward's responses, and the changes made to the draft, click on the link below.
Policy 133 Compliance with Government Records Access and
Management Act
Process: Regular
Action: Revision
Sponsor: Linda Makin
Steward: Jacob Atkin
President's Council Action: Approved for entrance to Stage 2 of the Regular policy process. Stage 2 will end on
October 29, 2021.
Individual Rights Bundle: 162, 165, and 168
Process: Regular
Action: Revision
Sponsor: Linda Makin
Stewards: Laura Carlson, Jeremy Knee
President's Council Action: Approved for entrance to Stage 3. Stage 3 will end on June 4, 2021.
This bundle includes the following policies:
- Policy 162 Title IX Sexual Harassment
Policy 162 Regular Stage 3 Draft and Summary of Comments » - Policy 165 Discrimination, Harassment, and Affirmative Action
Policy 165 Regular Stage 3 Draft and Summary of Comments » - Policy 168 Whistleblower Anti-Retaliation
Policy 168 Regular Stage 3 Draft and Summary of Comments »
Summary of Changes
During Stage 2, university governance entities reviewed the proposed policy drafts and provided feedback to the policy steward. Some of the changes made during this stage include the following:
- Revising the definition of "sex discrimination" in Policy 162 (section 3.13) and "discrimination" in Policy 165 (section 3.2) for clarity
- Inserting a section in Policy 165 on confidentiality (section 5.6) to mirror similar sections in Policy 162 (section 4.8)
- Inserting language in section in Policy 162 and section 5.12.4 in Policy 165 to clarify the composition of hearing panels
- Revising section 5.7 in Policy 165 to remove language that restricted a party's ability to have a support person/advisor present to only certain cases, and to provide additional guidance on the role of support persons/advisors
To view the full list of comments received, the steward's responses, and the changes made to the drafts, click on the links above.
Leave Policy Bundle
Process: Regular
Sponsor: Linda Makin
Steward: Marilyn Meyer
President's Council Action: Approved for entrance to Stage 3. Stage 3 will end June 4, 2021.
This bundle includes the following policies and actions:
- Policy 355 Sick Leave Pool (deletion)
Policy 355 Stage 3 Draft and Summary of Comments » - Policy 360 Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) (deletion)
Policy 360 Stage 3 Draft and Summary of Comments » - Policy 361 Leave of Absence (revision)
Policy 361 Stage 3 Draft and Summary of Comments »
Summary of Changes
During Stage 2, university governance entities reviewed the proposed policy drafts and provided feedback to the policy steward. Some of the changes made during this stage include the following:
- Inserting clarifying language in section 4.2.3 in Policy 361 regarding advance notice of requesting leave
- Revising section 4.2.5 in Policy 361 to use a general term for the University's time management system
- Inserting language in section 5.2 in Policy 361 to allow faculty members the equivalent of one working day (seven hours) of paid community service leave provided that such leave does not alter or interfere with course schedules, content, or delivery
To view the full list of comments received, the steward's responses, and the changes made to the drafts, click on the links above.
For questions or comments regarding any of the above actions, contact the policy sponsor or steward(s) listed, or contact the Policy Office. To learn more about the policy approval process at UVU, visit the Policy Office's Policy Process webpage.
Please note that some of the above links may become outdated or broken as the policy drafts progress through the policy approval process, or are approved for adoption to or deletion from the Policy Manual. For the most up-to-date status regarding a policy or proposed policy draft, see the Policy Manual and Policy Approval Pipeline pages. To request a previous version of a policy or policy draft or for addition questions, contact the Policy Office.