Parking Regulations at UVU


The following Parking Regulations are subject to change. Understanding and adhering to the Utah Valley University (UVU) Parking Regulations is the responsibility of the students of, employees of, and visitors to UVU.


All persons who operate and/or park vehicles on campus property must obtain a valid UVU parking permit, and register valid license plate numbers to their permit, or be parked in a visitor lot having paid the posted rate. PERSONS OR VEHICLES THAT HAVE OUTSTANDING PARKING CITATIONS WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR A PARKING PERMIT UNTIL ALL DELINQUENT DEBTS ARE CLEARED. All campus parking areas are designated by appropriate signs. Parking in an area of campus for which your permit is not valid will result in the issuance of a parking citation. All parking permits remain the property of UVU Parking Services.


UVU uses License Plate Recognition (LPR) technology to patrol and enforce parking permits. When you purchase or obtain a parking permit from UVU, you will not receive a physical parking permit of any kind. Instead, your vehicle license plate number will be registered to the permit in our system, allowing that vehicle to park in the appropriate area. Failure to provide the correct license plate number will result in a citation. Portions in these regulations that discuss displaying the proper permit apply to the other types of permits still issued.

No vehicle may be associated with more than one permit. If you share a vehicle with another UVU student or employee, you need to decide to which permit the vehicle belongs.


Because UVU parking permits are tied to the license plate number of authorized vehicles on campus, the valid and legal license plate for vehicles parked on UVU campus must be visible and clear of debris, mud, snow, etc. Vehicles must be parked in a valid stall with the vehicle’s license plate facing the roadway. Vehicles that do not have a license plate mounted on the front of the vehicle may not back into stalls on campus. Any vehicle parked on campus without a valid license plate facing the roadway will be cited.


Parking Services may verify the UVU Student or Employee status of any applicant before issuing a parking permit as well as establishing, to its satisfaction, the identity of the applicant.


Employee permits are available for any full-time certified teaching faculty member and all full-time staff members. Part-time/hourly classified employees, and Adjunct Faculty, who are enrolled in six credit hours or fewer of classes are also eligible for a semester-long employee permit. Student employees are not eligible for an employee permit.

  1. Employees must have their vehicle(s) license plate number(s) registered to the permit.
  2. Employees may register up to three vehicle license plates to their employee permit. Only one vehicle is allowed on campus at a time.
  3. Motorcycles are not eligible for employee parking permits as free motorcycle specific parking is available in most areas of campus.


Registered full-time and part time students must have a current UVU student parking permit in order to park at Utah Valley University.

  1. Students must have their vehicle(s) license plate number registered to the permit.
  2. Vehicles registered to student permits are restricted to student parking areas.
  3. Students may register up to two vehicle license plates to their student permit. Only one vehicle is allowed on campus at a time.
  4. Parking Permits may be refunded up to ten business days after the date of purchase. No refunds will be given after this time.
  5. Motorcycles are not eligible for student parking permits as free motorcycle specific parking is available in most areas of campus.

100.05 VIP Parking

VIP permit holders may park in designated VIP permit stalls, designated Employee areas, and designation Student areas.

  1. VIPs must have their vehicle(s) license plate number(s) registered to the permit.
  2. VIPs may register up to three vehicle license plates to their VIP permit. Only one vehicle is allowed on campus at a time.
  3. VIP permits are issued to the VIP registered with Parking Services and are not transferable.


Except in parking areas designated for emergency use, a person with a disability, qualifying under rules made in accordance with Utah Code, Section 41-1a-420, may park an appropriately marked vehicle without a permit.

  1. Only those vehicles carrying a person with a disability special group license plate, temporary removable windshield placard, or removable windshield placard and transporting a qualifying person with a disability may park in an accessible parking space.
  1. Vehicles displaying a legal DMV-issued disabled placard/plate may also park in any regular parking stall if there are no disabled-only stalls available. Emergency Vehicle stalls and red curbs are prohibited and must be left available for the use of emergency personnel.


Motorcycles are not required to display a parking permit so long as they are parked in designated motorcycle parking areas on campus. These areas are restricted to motorcycles only. Motorcycles may not park in any other stall on campus. Motorcycles parked outside motorcycle only zones will be cited. Motorcycles and motor-driven cycles are defined by Utah Code, Section 41-6-2, C.D.


Service permits are only valid in service stalls. These permits will be issued to University departments that have the need to occasionally park in a service stall, and each department may only have one service permit, decided at the discretion of the Parking Services department. Service stalls have a two-hour parking limit. Anyone parking in a service stall must display a current UVU service permit or display a disability special group license plate, temporary removable windshield placard, or removable windshield placard and transporting a qualifying person with a disability


Vendor permits are valid for two hours in service stalls, and regular student and employee stalls. These permits will be issued to off campus vendors at a cost of $200 annually. Vendors must provide a business card or business phone number. The Parking Office will verify the individual is employed at the business, is authorized to purchase the permit, and requires a vendor permit. Vendor permits may not be used for personal use, nor may they be used to attend classes at UVU. Vendor permits are valid from July through July each year and are prorated monthly.


State Vehicle stalls are reserved for the use of state vehicles only. All other vehicles, except those displaying a disability special group license plate, temporary removable windshield placard, or removable windshield placard and transporting a qualifying person with a disability, will be issued a citation.


All bicycles must be parked on a bike rack. Bikes not parked in these designated areas are subject to impound. Bicycles are defined by Utah Code, Section 41-2-6, e. UVU will not be held liable for any damage, loss, or theft of bicycles.


Only state vehicles, vehicles with project work orders, and authorized vendors will be permitted in the fenced or signed compounds on campus.


Permits are not required to park in employee or student stalls weekdays from 5:00 p.m. through 12:00 a.m., and Saturdays and Sundays. Permits are not required to park in regular student stalls on school holidays.


Parking in these areas is prohibited. These areas will be enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Vehicles may be towed from these areas at the University's discretion, and at the owner's expense.


All loading zones are limited to 15 minutes and are strictly enforced.


Vehicle maintenance or mechanical work, except for emergency repair, will not be permitted in any parking area on campus. Emergency repair includes but is not limited to the following:

  1. flat tire(s)
  2. out-of-fuel
  3. minor vehicle problems

100.17 PAY LOTS

Visitor pay lots are conveniently located throughout campus. These lots may be used by anyone who wishes to pay the fee. Payment is required in all pay lots from 5:00 a.m. through 10:00 p.m., seven days a week, at the time you park.


UVU does not issue parking permits to visitors; visitors are asked to park in one of the pay lots and pay the associated rate. If you are an invited guest of a UVU department, contact that department to inquire about a parking validation code prior to arriving on campus.


Hanging permits must be displayed from the rearview mirror and be in plain sight, with date facing out.

300.01 DISPLAY

Your permit must be displayed hanging on the rearview mirror with the permit number information facing forward.


UVU permits are not transferable. They cannot be sold by any entity other than UVU Parking Services. Transferring a permit to another party may result in citations and revocation of the permit.


Alteration of the date, number, or any other portion of a physical permit will result in the vehicle being impounded and additional fines will be assessed.


Student Yellow and Purple Permits may be purchased for three consecutive semesters. Yellow permits may also be purchased for one semester at a time. Employee permits are issued for each semester for Part-time, eligible employees and Adjunct Faculty, Full-time employee permits will be available annually in August - September. Parking Garage permits are available to students and employees for three consecutive semesters or for one semester at a time.


Parking Permits may be purchased in the following ways:

  1. On the Parking Services Parking Portal.
  2. At Parking Services main office (936 S 400 W, Orem UT, 84058).

400.02 COST

The cost of permits will be updated each school year on the Parking Services website.


Utah Valley University Parking Services staff will issue parking citations for the violation of UVU Parking Regulations. UVU University Police have authority to issue citations for violations of the Utah Code as well as UVU Parking regulations.

The person who has registered the vehicle with Utah Valley University, regardless of the driver or owner of the vehicle, assumes responsibility for all outstanding University parking citations issued to a vehicle. Citations issued to a vehicle not registered with Parking Services may be investigated through state motor vehicle and other agencies. Any vehicle that is found to be registered to a relative of a current or previous Utah Valley University student will become the responsibility of that current or previous student, unless the registered owner takes responsibility for the parking citations by making payment in full. When no current or previous Utah Valley University student is found, the registered owner of the vehicle will become responsible for the parking citations.

500.01 FINES

Fines are imposed on citations issued for parking violations. Fines are considered a debt to the University; and as such the failure to pay will result in a hold placed on the student's account until the debt is paid. Parking Services reserves the right to collect unpaid parking fines by any action deemed reasonable by the University. All debts are to be paid at the Parking Services Office, or online at our Parking Portal. Any payment brought into the Parking Office without a valid citation number will not clear any debt. Persons that wish to dispute the payment of a citation must provide proof of payment. Any fine paid with a check that does not clear the bank will be subject to all late fees until the returned check is taken care of. For a current list of parking violations and fees, visit the Citations & Appeals webpage.


Any vehicle parked in a pay lot is required to pay the associated rate for that lot. Any vehicle parked with an expired or unpaid status for that lot will be cited.


All have the right to appeal the issuance of any UVU parking citation. An appeal may be submitted online via the Parking Services Parking Portal.


An appeal must be filed with Parking Services within 10 calendar days from the date of issuance. No appeals will be accepted after 10 days. If the due date falls on Saturday, Sunday, or a school holiday, the appeal must be filed no later than the end of the next business day. Paid citations are not eligible for appeal.


The decision of the Appeal Coordinator will be emailed within two weeks. Fines will not increase while the citation is under appeal. If payment is required after the appeal decision, payment must be received by the due date at the bottom of the appeal decision letter. If payment is not received by the due date, the citation will return to the original amount and any applicable late fees will be added.


Vehicles will be towed or impounded/immobilized without warning and at owner’s expense for, but not limited to, the following conditions:


All vehicles with three or more unpaid citations will be immobilized as a warning of excessive unpaid citations. There will be a hold fee citation issued. To have the vehicle released, the driver must come to Parking Services. If the driver chooses to pay all outstanding citations that day, the hold fee citation will be waived. Those wishing to appeal must follow the Parking Services procedure for appealing a citation. 

700.02 IMPOUND

All vehicles with at least three unpaid citations, which have been immobilized with a hold fee previously, will be impounded and an impound fee citation will be issued. All outstanding citations assigned to the vehicle must be paid to have the vehicle released. At 4:30 p.m., these vehicles will be towed off campus if the citations remain unpaid. Once a vehicle is impounded the right to appeal the citations in question is forfeited.


Vehicles will also be impounded for the following conditions:

  1. Displaying a Lost/Stolen permit.
  2. Displaying an altered or counterfeit permit.
  3. Vehicle parked in non-designated area, i.e. on grass, sidewalk, etc.

700.04 TOWING:

Vehicles will be towed by an independent towing company at owner's expense. The University reserves the right to tow any vehicle. A vehicle may be towed for any of the following reasons:

  1. Incident of driver arrest.
  2. Vehicle creates a traffic hazard or unsafe condition.
  3. Vehicles left overnight that obstruct snow removal.
  4. Unauthorized vehicle parked in disabled parking.
  5. Vehicle parked by red curb, in a fire lane, or any non-designated area which would obstruct traffic or campus maintenance.
  6. Three or more unpaid citations.
  7. Display of counterfeit or altered parking permit.
  8. In instances where immobilizing equipment does not fit a vehicle or if installation of the immobilizing equipment may cause damage to a vehicle.
  9. When requested by UVU Police, Orem Police, or other law enforcement entity.


The driver of a motor vehicle is responsible for finding a legal parking space. Lack of space adjacent to any building is not considered a valid reason for violation of regulations. Any changes, errors, or omissions on maps provided by the University shall not relieve the vehicle operator of responsibility for parking in a legal parking space. There is no parking anywhere on campus for the surrounding apartments, community, or businesses.


Any accident involving a vehicle on university property must be reported to the University Police Department immediately.


Legal parking of motor vehicles on university property is confined to areas designated for that purpose. Parking is prohibited on lawn, in construction areas, or any other place that will mar the landscape of the campus, inconvenience or endanger anyone, create a hazard, or interfere with the use of university facilities by others. Violators are subject to citations, and vehicles may be impounded or towed, as per regulation 700.04.

Vehicles must park within the boundaries of a designated parking stall. Vehicles parking on campus must have a valid license plate and park with the license plate facing the roadway.


The person to whom the permit is registered at the UVU Parking Services Office is held responsible for all violations by all vehicles displaying, or registered to, that person’s parking permit. A citation is not excused on the plea that another person was driving the vehicle.


Any vehicle that is apparently abandoned may be towed and stored at the owner’s expense, as per regulation 700.04.


Enforcement of parking regulations is in effect 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  1. Parking at a pay lot described in section 100.16 will require payment from 5:00 a.m. through 12:00 a.m. seven days a week.
  2. Anyone parking a vehicle on campus between 5:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. is required to have a current UVU parking permit registered to that vehicle, except vehicles parked in pay lots. This includes any free permit area as well.
  3. Disabled stalls, Service stalls, State Vehicle Only stalls, sidewalks, red curbs, and other specific zones will be enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Drivers and pedestrians on University Property are subject to all laws and regulations of the City, County, and State.


The University President and Vice President of Administration and Strategic Relations have the authority to make regulations concerning parking, traffic, and traffic-related matters, as outlined in Utah Code 538-3-101 through 103 and 76-8-701.


If your parking permit is lost or stolen, it becomes your responsibility to report it immediately. Any vehicle found displaying one of these permits will be subject to impound. There will be a fee to replace the permit.


Overnight parking is defined as parking from 12:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. Overnight parking is prohibited anywhere on campus. If for some reason, you are forced to leave your vehicle, you should notify University Police immediately as to why the vehicle is being left on campus. Parking Services will not be held liable for any damages that may occur to a vehicle left on campus overnight.


If vehicles obstruct snow removal, they may be towed as per regulation 700.04.


Special events, conferences, workshops, institute, construction projects, reconfiguration of campus parking, or other such activity may cause the reservation, closure, or reclassification of part or the whole of a campus lot. During such occasions, the classifications and/or availability of campus lots or spaces within are subject to change. Any entity that hosts an event on campus is required to notify Parking Services at least 15 business days in advance to the start of the event. The hosting entity will be required to pay for parking for the event attendees, or the attendees may pay the associated rate in our visitor pay lots.


No fliers or handbills are allowed in UVU parking areas and lots. Distribution of handbills and fliers in the UVU parking lots or on cars parked at UVU is prohibited. Cleanup costs incurred for picking up and disposing of fliers and handbills found in UVU parking lots will be billed to the business or organization that distributes them or is advertised on the flier.


Utah Valley University shall not be held liable for any loss, theft or damage, whether accidental or intentional, including vandalism, which may occur to any motor vehicle or its contents while said motor vehicle is: (a) parked on University property, (b) being subject to incidental or necessary contact due to parking enforcement, (c) being towed or otherwise moved or removed from University property, or (d) impounded pursuant to University parking policy. Further, Utah Valley University shall not be liable or otherwise responsible, based upon the issuance of any parking permit, for any bodily injury, death or property damage caused by the operation of a motor vehicle pursuant to university parking policy. Further, in full recognition and understanding of the responsibilities, hazards and dangers inherent in the use of Utah Valley University parking facilities, people using such facilities shall (a) assume all risks and responsibilities involved in using the parking facilities on Utah Valley University property; and (b) for themselves and their successors: (1) release and hold harmless Utah Valley University (UVU) and its trustees, officers, agents, and employees from and against (or with respect to) all claims, demands, actions and causes of action for damages sustained or incurred due to personal injury, property damage, or death, arising from the use of the parking facilities; (2) release and hold harmless or to indemnify UVU and its trustees, officers, agents and employees from and against (or with respect to) all claim demands, actions, and causes of action for damages anyone other than themselves may sustain or incur due to personal injury, property damage, or death arising from their use of the parking facilities; and (3) in the event that their use of the parking facilities causes damage of UVU, to indemnify the University for such loss. This agreement to release and hold harmless or to indemnify shall apply to all claims, demands and actions whether or not the result of negligent acts or omissions on the part of UVU or its trustees, officers, agents or employees.


If any section of these regulations is held invalid by judicial ruling, said invalidation will not have bearing upon any other section contained herein.

1700.02 LICENSE

Persons acquiring parking permits from the University as herein defined do acknowledge, accept and in all ways understand that by the payment of fees stipulated within these regulations they are granted permission to use University property for parking their respective vehicles. This license is granted by the University to the Permit Holder with the understanding that the Permit Holder agrees, accepts and understands that they, the Permit Holder, are granted no right or benefit of ownership of said property in any manner, shape or form. Permit Holders not in good standing are subject to revocation of this license. Good standing shall mean without any outstanding amount owed for fines extending from violation of these regulations, and/or without any fee amounts herein required unpaid to the University.

1800.00 SUBJECT TO

All University students, employees, and visitors are subject to these regulations.

Directions to the Parking Offices in the Facilities Complex building

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 7am - 5pm
Phone: (801) 863-8188
Email: [email protected]

Address: 936 South 400 West, Orem, UT 84058


Front of the UVU Facilities Complex building, Parking Services inside
Headshot of Wilson the Wolverine

Questions? Ask Wilson