LGBTQ+ Intercultural Engagement Program

Our Mission

The LGBTQ+ Intercultural Engagement Program is dedicated to fostering a welcoming community where all students can find a sense of belonging. Our mission is to offer educational and celebratory programming that promotes understanding, appreciation, and awareness of LGBTQ+ cultures.

Students at a UVU LGBTQ+ Intercultural Engagement Event


Our program hosts a variety of engaging and meaningful events throughout the year. From commemorative days like Transgender Day of Remembrance and National Coming Out Day, to celebratory gatherings like our Lavender Graduation Celebration, we offer spaces for education, celebration, and community building for all students. 

Our events foster understanding and appreciation for the LGBTQ+ community. The best way to stay up to date on our events is to follow us on Instagram and TikTok or stop by our office in WB 112. 


LGBTQ+ Satellite Library

The LGBTQ+ Satellite Library is in our student lounge space in WB 112. This extension of the Fulton Library provides a thoughtfully curated collection of books and media that celebrate and support the LGBTQ+ community. Our friendly staff members are here to assist you in checking out books with your UVID number.


InQueery is a non-mandatory educational program devoted to education, outreach, and advocacy regarding LGBTQ+ issues. Through student panels, we seek to foster an inclusive campus community that welcomes, understands, and supports all identities and lived experiences. Our flexible approach creates space for discussions that meet your group’s needs and works on four basic principles:

  • Providing information.
  • Combating homophobia, transphobia, heterosexism, and cisgender bias.
  • Creating visibility for the LGBTQ+ resources on campus.
  • Communicating through dialogue and personal contact.

Potential InQueery topics include LGBTQ+ terminology, coming out experiences, harassment and violence, religion, and social and cultural constructions of sexuality and gender.

To request a panel for your class, group, or organization, please fill out the form below:

Faculty InQuerry Panel Request

To volunteer as a student panelist fill out the form below:

Volunteer - Student Panelist

If you have questions or concerns please contact us at  or 801-863-8885.

Cultural Competency Trainings

As part of the university’s Cultural Competency Workshops for faculty, staff, and administrators, LGBTQ+ Intercultural Engagement Program staff teach a workshop on queer identity and sexuality. The Cultural Competency Workshops are designed to help participants build caring relationships across Utah Valley University’s campus community by gaining the tools to improve self-reflection and awareness, communicate effectively across diverse cultures, fostering mutual respect, and promoting an inclusive campus.

Cultural Competency Workshop: Queer Identity and Sexuality

Safe Zone Trainings

Safe Zone Trainings are about fostering an environment of inclusion for LGBTQ+ individuals and allies on our campus and in the surrounding community. These non-mandatory trainings raise visibility and promote ally building through:

  • Educating individuals on LGBTQ+ issues relating to gender and sexuality and how one can intervene when they witness discrimination.
  • Increasing visibility of people, departments, and programs who can provide resources to LGBTQ+ students and community members.
  • Creating a safe(r) environment on campus.

Our Safe Zone Trainings are a multilevel program to ensure that there is adequate education and training.  If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at .

Safe Zone Level 1 Sign Up

Safe Zone Level 2 Sign Up

Safe Zone Level 3 Sign Up

More Information

Student Lounge Space

Our LGBTQ+ student lounge located in WB 112 is a welcoming and inclusive space designed for relaxation, community building, and personal growth. Here, students can connect with peers and enjoy a safe environment where everyone is respected and valued. The lounge features comfortable seating, a variety of books and media, and designated areas for eating and studying. All students are welcome in this space.

Support Groups

Student Health Services offers a weekly LGBTQ+ Therapy Group. Group therapy sessions help students gain personal insight, improve communication skills, and explore relationships. The LGBTQ+ group has a particular focus on queer issues and offers an LGBTQ+ only environment.

Learn more on the Student Health Services website.

Personal Information Change

You can update your official personal records at UVU in a few different ways. If you have changed your legal name or legal sex, you can submit a Change of Personal Information form with the Registrar’s Office. You will need to provide copies of your Social Security card and/or a government-issued photo ID or court order.

Learn more on the Registrar’s Office website.

If you have not legally changed your name or sex, you can still update your name, gender, and pronouns on myUVU and Canvas. While these are not considered changes to your official records, updating your records on these services allows your instructors and classmates to see your preferred name and your pronouns on a day-to-day basis.

myUVU Information Change

  1. Log into myUVU and click on the top bar that displays your legal name and photo.
  2. Select the gear graphic, and then click the “Personal Contact Information” link.
  3. Select “Edit” under Personal Details. You will be able to update your preferred first name, personal pronouns, and gender identification.

Canvas Information Change

  1. Log into Canvas and select your profile picture.
  2. Click “Settings.”
  3. Click “Edit Settings” on the right side of the page. You will be able to update your full name used for grading, your display name used in discussions and messages, and your pronouns.

LGBTQ+ Housing Information

Know your rights as a queer person looking for housing. It is prohibited under the Fair Housing Act for any landlord or housing provider to discriminate against LGBTQ+ persons on the basis of sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

Find more tips for finding housing here.

All Gender Restrooms

UVU has all gender restrooms available across campus:

  • UCCU Ballpark: 105 and 126, all gender/family toilet rooms located off the main concourse.
  • Business Resource Center: Down the hall from BRC 200.
  • Browning Administration:  BA 200e coming Summer 2024. Next to the gendered restrooms on the second floor (proxy access to this room will be required. Any student wanting access will be granted).
  • Clarke Building: CB 100x, 100w, and 100v, located on the first floor near the elevator by the northwest entrance.
  • Computer Science: 523, on the 5th floor between the gendered restrooms.
  • UCCU Event Center: 001a and 001b, behind the UCCU and Athletic offices in the inner hallway. First floor walk through management and go through the white door and on the right is two all gendered restrooms.
  • Fulton Library: FL 103h, 203h, 303h, 400h, and 500h. Located on the left of each entrance before the women’s restroom on all levels. Family Study Suite: FL 119: Located on the first floor of the Fulton Library.
  • Gunther Trade: 620f and 620d located in the back hallway near the makeup room, near GT 631.
  • Hanger B (Provo Airport): HB 201a, in the faculty area at the top of the main stairs.
  • Health Professions: 101m and 101p may be used as all gender toilets. These are located in the faculty office area on the west side of the building.
  • Keller Building: 105 on the first floor by the family suite. Second and third floor each have one all-gendered restroom next to the gendered restrooms on those levels (296, 396).
  • Lakemont Museum: 100g, on the first level by the elevator, and 200b on the second level by the elevator.
  • McKay Education: Located in the west pod prior to entering ME 135, also 113c and 113d
  • Noorda Center: NC 699n and 699g, located in the west “back” hallway, behind the theater, and on the 7th level next to the gendered restrooms, 799d
  • Rebecca Lockhart Arena: 145b and 145d, located behind the south bleachers.
  • Science Building: In the biology department 242d and 242e may be use as all gender restrooms.
  • Sparks Automotive: SA 301a and 301c. Toilet rooms located in the auto shop areas.
  • Sorenson Center: First floor across from Campus Connection down the hallway in 109z and on the second level in 205a in the Valley View area.
  • Student Life and Wellness Center: SL 110h in the gaming area. SL 300h near the 3-court gym (also a locker room and shower).
  • Woodbury Business: Second floor on the east side, south of the main hall, 200k.
  • Wee Care Center: First level there are two family restrooms right across from the elevator in 100k and 100j, and WE 200b, across the hall from the elevator on the second floor.
  • Wolverine Service Center: 136, located in the west pod entrance near the soccer locker rooms.
  • Young Living Alumni Center: 100h and 200j

12 of the surrounding houses have all-gender restrooms.

Campus Resources

For a full directory of student resources, visit the Student Success website.

Our Staff

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