Three students standing together in conversation.

5. Timeline

5.1 Engagement Plan Implementation

The Campus Engagement Committee tracks the engagement plan implementation through three main phases:

  1. Create annual action plans. Divisions and colleges revisit their engagement plans and create feasible action plans with associated progress and success metrics.
  2. Develop measures of success. During the first six months of implementation, the Campus Engagement Committee collaborates to create measurable, campus-level success metrics for the Engagement Plan 2024-2028.
  3. The Campus Engagement Committee designs and implements formative and summative evaluations and annual reporting mechanisms to share progress and updates regarding the engagement plan’s impact on student success. 

5.2 Biannual Milestones

Jan.-June 2024

Development of action plans and assessment plan

Develop action items per area and college, timelines, metrics of processes and outcomes, and identify relevant stakeholders.

July-Dec. 2024

Implementation of activities

The plan is implemented, and efforts are coordinated to start implementing the first year’s activities and initiatives.

Jan.-Feb. 2025

Formative evaluation

Quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis that focus on the progress to improve the plan's effectiveness.

Feb.-March 2025

Annual report

Provide an overview of the annual performance of the engagement plan to share with stakeholders and give a transparent view of the plan’s activities.

March-April 2025

Review of action plans

Utilize the formative evaluation results to identify the strengths and opportunities for improvement and adapt to the changes at UVU and in the community.

Jan.-Feb. 2026

Formative evaluation

Feb.-March 2026

Annual report

March-April 2026

Review of action plans

Jan.-Feb. 2027

Formative evaluation

Feb.-March 2027

Annual Report

March-April 2027

Review of action plans

Aug.-Dec. 2027

Summative evaluation

Final evaluation of the Engagement Plan 2024-2028 to determine whether the plan achieved the intended goals and impacted student success.

Jan.-Feb. 2028

Final report