Student Teaching/Internships provide students the opportunity to practice what has been learned on the university campus and, more importantly, to continue academic and professional growth.
The student teaching/internship requires precise observation and feedback of the classroom
experience. This necessitates the involvement of the student teacher/intern, cooperating/mentor
teacher, and university supervisor in an ongoing process of evaluation. Cooperating/Mentor
teachers and university supervisors should be open and honest in providing timely
feedback to the student teacher/intern. Classroom teaching observations are designed
to assist in the growth and development of a student teacher/intern. Student teachers/interns
will be observed a minimum of two times by the cooperating/mentor teacher and four times by the university supervisor. After each formative observation, the cooperating/mentor
teacher or university supervisor will sit down with the student teacher/intern to
discuss her or his strengths and areas for improvement, using the formative evaluation
as a guide.
Near the end of the student teaching experience, the university supervisor and cooperating/mentor teacher should each complete a summative evaluation and review the results with the student teacher/intern. The summative evaluation is a required document for graduation and licensure and is written in the form of a letter of recommendation. All summative evaluations must be signed by the student teacher/intern and the evaluator in order for the student teacher to pass student teaching, graduate, and be recommended for licensure. An overall score of 80% or higher on the summative evaluation must be achieved in order to pass student teaching.
The links below are for reference only. The formative and summative evaluations are digital and a personalized link will be emailed to mentor teacher/intern coach, and university supervisor at the beginning of the student teaching semester.