Every spring semester, Utah Valley University sends a group of students to the State Capitol to intern for Representatives and Senators during the Utah Legislative Session.  Interns act as a Chief of Staff to legislators during the 45-day period and have a front row seat to the legislative process.  Legislative intern responsibilities may include but are not limited to: constituent correspondence, media relations, policy research, social media outreach, bill tracking, scheduling and secretarial duties. Interns are paid a stipend of roughly $4,000 for their 6 week internship. The 2023 Utah State Legislative Session starts on Tuesday, January 17th and goes until Friday, March 3rd.


For more information on Congressional Internships, click on the link below


*indicates a UVU student has interned, or UVU alumni has worked with this organization

*Senator Mike Lee

Paid, Full-Time and Part-Time

Salt Lake Office and St. George Office

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Congressman Blake Moore

Pay unknown, Full-time and Part-time

Brigham City Office, Ogden Office, Vernal Office

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*Congresswoman Celeste Maloy

Full and Part-Time

Salt Lake Office, DC Office

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*Congressman John Curtis

Paid, Full-Time and Part-Time

Provo Office

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Congressman Burgess Owens

Pay unknown, Full-Time and Part-Time

West Jordan Office

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Local High Impact Internships

*indicates a UVU student has interned, or UVU alumni has worked with this organization

*Utah State Legislature

Paid, full-time. Only available during spring semester.

Application timeline: Applications usually open late August and close mid- October.

Applicable majors: Political Science, communication, English, business, philosophy, and more.

Every spring semester Utah Valley University sends a group of students to the State Capitol to intern for Representatives and Senators during the legislative session. Interns act as assistants to legislators during the 45-day period. Students have the unique opportunity of working directly with their Representative or Senator and having a front row seat to the legislative process. Legislative intern responsibilities may include but are not limited to: constituent correspondence, media relations, policy research, social media, bill tracking, scheduling and secretarial duties. Interns are paid a stipend of roughly $2,700 for their 6 week internship at the Utah State Capitol.

To apply, fill out the application on the follow site:

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*Utah State Attorney General’s Office

Paid and unpaid, full-time and part-time. This office has two different internships, one during the legislative session (compensated) and then regular summer and fall internships (uncompensated).

Application Due Dates: Legislative- December 1st // Summer- April 1st // Fall- August 1st

Applicable majors: Political science, business, pre-law, social work, communications and more.

To apply, fill out the application and attached materials and send to

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Utah State Attorney General’s Office (Victim Advocate Internship)

Unpaid, part-time. Available every semester.

Application Due Dates:Spring- December 1st// Summer- April 1st// Fall- August

Applicable majors: Political Science, pre-law, communications, social work, and more.

Victim Advocate Interns act as a liaisons between victims and members of the justice system by providing victim assistance services. Responsibilities include: explaining the criminal justice process to victims and answering questions; advising victims of their victims’ rights; notifying victims of hearings and accompanying victims to court; identifying victim’s needs and providing referrals/resources; offering reassurance and empathetic listening; following up with victims regarding case status; assisting Victim Coordinator with case work; answering questions/concerns from the general public; and assisting with trainings and special projects.

To apply, fill out the application and attached materials and send to

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*Utah State Auditor’s Office

Paid, full-time, offered each semester.

Application due dates: Spring- November // Summer-March // Fall-June

This internship will entail working with local government team members on a rotating basis to gain a comprehensive look at each Local Government Division initiative. Interns will select a core project that aligns with their individual interests. Interns will also perform ongoing general tasks, such as monitoring local news outlets for local government articles and contacting local government agencies to gather or distribute information.

To apply, reach out to the high impact internship manager.

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Governor’s Office of Economic Development

This internship is offered on an ad-hoc basis. If interested, please reach out to the Internship Office.

The Utah Governor’s Office of Economic Development (GOED) charter is based on Governor Herbert’s commitment to economic development statewide. The mandate for this office is to provide rich business resources for the creation, growth and recruitment of companies to Utah and to increase tourism and film production in the state.

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*Governor’s Office of Management and Budget

This internship is offered on an ad-hoc basis. If interested, please reach out to the Internship Office.

Along with developing the budget and addressing critical policy issues, Governor Herbert has charged our office with helping agencies to improve performance. The GOMB website will feature our combined efforts to achieve the Governor’s ambitious vision and goal.

To apply, reach out to the high impact internship manager.

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*Governor’s Office and Lt. Governor’s Office

Unpaid, Part-Time and Full-Time, available all semesters.

Application Due Dates: Spring-November // Summer-April // Fall-June

  • General - will help with general office duties, front desk coverage, opening and logging mail and assisting with special events.  They also may conduct special research projects, draft correspondence, and compile documents for senior staff.
  • Communication - will assist the communications team with press events, documenting state events, i.e. taking photographs, and attending meetings.  They may also assist in writing press releases, social media posts and providing support for press conferences.  
  • Constituent Services - will assist with casework, opening the mail, assisting with walk ins, etc.  
  • (Spring Only) Legislative Intern will assist the General Counsel and staff attorney during the Utah Legislative Session.  They will also track bills and conduct research on how proposed bills will affect government agencies and the public. 
  • To apply, reach out to the high impact internship manager.

To apply, reach out to the high impact internship manager.

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Utah State Board of Education Internship

Spring Only, Paid, Full-Time

Interns dive deep into education related policy and aide the board on legislative matters regarding education. The intern will work directly with the USBE Deputy Superintendent and the Policy Advisor to monitor and track legislation. Example of duties are: attending committee meetings, monitor and track public education related legislation, communicate with USBE staff, conduct research related to bills, analyze and review data, etc.

To apply, reach out to Jakell Larson

Salt Lake County Internship Program

Paid and Unpaid, full time and part time, available all semesters.

Internships available in aging and adult services, animal services, assessor, auditor, behavioral health, Center for the Arts, Clark Planetarium, SL County clerk, contracts and procurement, SL County Council, criminal justice, district attorney, facilities services, fleet management, flood control engineering, health HR, information services, library, Mayor’s Office, parks and recreation, public works, recorder, sheriff, solid waste management, surveyor, treasure, volunteer services, youth, zoo, arts and parks.

To apply, reach out to the high impact internship manager.

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Salt Lake County Mayor’s Office

Paid, full-time and part-time, available all semesters.

Application Timeline: Fall-June // Spring- October // Summer- February

Internships available in community engagement, Office for New Americans, Government Relations, Diversity Affairs, and Special Projects.

Students with an interest in government, public service, and politics and of all majors should consider an internship in the Salt Lake County Mayor’s Office. This program is intended to be a semester long with mentorship and learning opportunities. Some of our special programs include Speaker Series, Walk In the Mayor’s Shoes for a day, and a student legislative day at the State Capitol.

To apply, reach out to the high impact internship manager.

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Salt Lake City Mayor’s Office

Paid and unpaid, part-time, available all semesters.

Internships available in the Mayor’s Office, City Attorney’s Office, Department of Community and Neighborhoods, Department of Human Resources, Salt Lake City Police Department, Department of Public Services, Department of Public Utilities, Department of Sustainability, and Youth City.

Salt Lake City offers a unique and exciting opportunity for students to be introduced to the functions of City government. The Salt Lake City Internship Program gives interns an insider’s view of local government and stimulates future interest in a possible career in the public sector. The goal of the program is to introduce students to the many aspects of municipal government through public policy and management. The intern position is designed to provide students with a real life experience to enhance their academic and professional pursuits. Interns serve as a vital piece in the overall effort to articulate the Mayor’s vision for Salt Lake City. Upon appointment, interns will develop learning objectives in partnership with the internship coordinator, administrative staff supervisor and academic intern advisor.

To apply, reach out to the high impact internship manager.

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*Sutherland Institute

Paid, full-time, available all semesters

Application timeline: Fall-July// Spring-November// Summer-March

Internships available in public policy and research, communications, and legislative affairs

Sutherland Institute is intensely invested in the future of Utah, and our desire for freedom extends to future generations. As a part of this commitment, we see equipping future leaders with experience, connections and foundational principles as a crucial piece of our work. Sutherland’s emerging leaders are mentored by the best and given meaningful work that equips them with tangible and marketable skills.

To apply, fill out the application at the link below and talk to the high impact internship manager.

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Utah Division of State History

Unpaid, part-time, available all semesters

Application timeline: Fall-July// Spring- November // Summer- March

Internships available in archaeology section, administration/communications, cemeteries and burials, historic preservation, library and collections, Utah Historical Quarterly, Utah History Day

The Utah Division of State History (UDSH) and the Utah State Historical Society (USHS) offer internship opportunities for select university or college students. Applicants are encouraged to be at least in their third year of undergraduate work. Recent college or university graduates or master’s students are also encouraged to apply. Interns are not paid but may receive college credit.

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Utah Democratic Party

available all semesters

Internships available in communications/digital, and political

Democrats across Utah are committed to the needs and interests of all families, our land, and our local businesses. We seek to build communities where every Utahn has the opportunity to work hard and succeed in our state.

To apply, follow the link and application instructions online

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Utah Republican Party

This internship is offered on an ad-hoc basis. If interested, please reach out to the Internship Office.

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Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Full-time. Summer Only.

Application Timeline: Applications are open September- mid October for following summer

Our 10-week paid internship for undergraduate and graduate students offers an unparalleled opportunity to work alongside FBI employees and get a head start on an exceptional career. (Honors Internship Program)

To apply, please meet with UVU’s National Security Department

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Utah Council for Citizen Diplomacy International Exchange Internship

Part-time, six months commitment, Stipend.

The Utah Council for Citizen Diplomacy (UCCD) believes that everyone has the right, even the responsibility to help shape U.S. foreign policy “one handshake at a time,” and since 1967, we at UCCD have fostered citizen diplomacy by creating meaningful person-to-person interactions with individuals from other countries and cultures. Example of duties include: research local professional resources and programming themes, contact local resources, meet with international visitors, assist in preparation for attend community events including World Affairs Lecture Series.

To apply, reach out to the high impact internship manager.

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Orem City

Unknown payment, part-time, available all semesters

Internships available in City Manager’s Office, Recorder’s Office, Police/Fire Departments, Development Services, Library.

To apply, contact the HR Department at or call 801-229-7186

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Lehi City

Unknown payment, part-time, available all semesters.

To apply, complete the application online.

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World Trade Center Utah

Paid, Full-Time and Part-Time, Available All Semesters

WTC Utah is at the heart of Utah’s international business community. Our mission is to lead Utah’s international business development and elevate Utah’s global status to promote prosperity and build economic resilience. WTC Utah internships offer an array of professional experience in a fast-paced and rewarding environment. Interns will interface directly with business leaders and partners in the public and private sectors, and will have the opportunity to contribute to expanding Utah’s global reach through meaningful responsibilities and tasks.

To apply, send your resume and references to WTC Trade Services Manager, Jim Porter at

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Please contact me if you have any questions.

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