PASSAGES: Transition Services for Individuals with ASD

OUr Services

The Melisa Nellesen Center for Autism’s Passages Transition Services provide supports for young
adults with autism spectrum disorder during their journey to adulthood. There are currently two
options available. First, the Personal Empowerment Program includes access to a series of courses
and activities focused on successful transition to adulthood and is available to individuals in the
community between the ages of 18- 40. Secondly, the Educational Coaching Program offers
personalized support while attending Utah Valley University through regular weekly meetings with a
peer, who assists with student led academic goals.

Our Values

  • Each individual with autism and their potential to become an independent, contributing member of society.
  • Each individual's need to develop social relationships and recreational/leisure outlets.
  • Each family's desire for their child with autism to have the supports and services they need to succeed.
  • Each individual's right to equal access under the law (ADA).
  • Each individual's right to be treated with respect, regardless of disability, race, creed or ethnicity.

What is personal empowerment program?

The Personal Empowerment Program is a series of classes and activities that occur every semester on campus at UVU. The program encourages enriched lives through higher education, social experiences, independent living, and career guidance. 

Participants can enroll in a specific track every semester that they wish to attend. Each track is aligned with intended outcomes in both Career Readiness Skills and Quality of Life attributes. Across all programming we infuse the principles of Self-Determination and ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) to facilitate individuals in their journey of personal empowerment. We hold classes on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM and Social Activities every Thursday from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. The cost of the program is $600 for each semester. We accept personal pay and payment through Vocational Rehabilitation. Options for financial assistance are available upon request and eligibility approval.

Here are the dates of the Personal Empowerment Program for 2024: 






Full Semester 

Jan. 11 - May 1 

May 6 - Aug. 15 

Aug. 26 - Dec. 12 

1st Block 

Jan. 11 - Feb. 29  

May 6 - June 20 

Aug. 26 - Oct. 10 

2nd Block 

March 4 - May 1 

June 24 - Aug. 15 

Oct. 21 - Dec. 12 


*Note: Dates are tentative. These dates do not match exact dates for UVU student semesters - please refer to academic calendars for that information* 


We accept new students at the starting of every block. 


For more information about the Personal Empowerment Program please set up an appointment with the Program Director, Michael Davies, using this link:

Book time with Michael Davies

For other questions please send an email to

Presenter gesturing towards presentation.

Personal Empowerment Program Tracks and Classes

Personal Empowerment Track:

  • Life Independent - Learn skills for independent living, personal finances, medical needs, emergency situations, transportation and more. 
  • Independent and Engaged - Learn skills for engagement and growth as a member of the community like going to college, getting a job, and attending community events. 
  • Hobby Exploration - Take time explore hobbies and interests. Learn how to stay motivated and set goals for hobbies and interests to become a meaningful part of independent life. 

Body and Mind Empowerment Track:

  • My Mind and Me - Learn skills to understand the mind, manage anxiety and depression and increase executive functioning skills like managing time and staying organized. 
  • My Mind and My Goals - Learn skills to work with significant mental barriers that may come in the way of reaching goals and then solidify skill sets needed to make meaningful goals and take effective action. 
  • Body Nourishment - All about exploring and trying new things to have a healthy diet, understand personal nutritional needs and make an exercise plan that will aid in boosting personal physical wellness. 

Social Empowerment Track:

  • I'M READI (Independent Mature Relationship Education And Dating Instruction) - Learn about and develop skills to engage in safe and consensual friendships, dating, and deeper relationships. 
  • I CARE (Intimacy, Consent, Anatomy and Reproductive Education) - Learn skills needed to be well in personal reproductive health through understanding reproductive anatomy and how to engage in healthy, consensual and safe intimate relationships. 
  • Living in a Social World - Look at all the ways one must socially engage to move through independent adult life - from going to the grocery store to giving a speech. Make plans to bring on all that may come and feel comfortable doing it. 

Autism in Adulthood:

  • An introductory class for all tracks about becoming an adult, taking on more responsibilities and engaging in independence. 

 Social Nights:

  • Join classmates for weekly scheduled social activities that include bowling, gaming, and hanging out. 


What Students Are Saying

"It has always been my goal to go to college at UVU and get the knowledge I need for a career, but there are extra challenges I face because of my autism."

"This program can help me with study skills and ways of communicating with my instructors and peers. It can help me with independent living skills like budgeting, so that I can live on my own. I want to have better social skills that will help me with friends and dating."

"I want to go to college and have a great experience more than anything. I'm excited that this program can help me in all the areas of life where I struggle."

"Thank you for this program. Without it, I wouldn't have been able to make new friends. I have learned a lot about myself and others who share my disability. I have also learned about those without disabilities. This program gives me a sense of belonging, and it lets me know I am not the only one with autism. It has also taught me how others may perceive my actions. The activities we've done in class are fun and allow me to get to know others better, too. I have also learned social manners and how to respond to certain social situations. I hope the program continues."

Accessibility Services

The Accessibility Services Department is committed to helping students with disabilities receive reasonable accommodations during their college experience at UVU. We provide a variety of services, software, and equipment for students with a wide range of disabilities. Come in and see how we can help you achieve your best!