Frequently Asked Questions

Accessibility Services (AS) seeks to make UVU as accessible and equitable as possible for all students. There’s a lot to know about eligible conditions, requesting accommodations, and other accessibility processes. The information here will help you get started with AS.

What Qualifies for  Accommodations?

ADA accommodations may help when a disability creates obstacles that make it difficult to access an education or resources on campus. This list is not inclusive; please contact our office with questions about any other disabling conditions or limitations.

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Blind and Low Vision
  • Deaf and Hard of Hearing
  • Physical Disabilities
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Psychiatric Disabilities (depression, anxiety, PTSD, bipolar, etc .)
  • Chronic Medical Conditions (diabetes, migraines, long COVID, etc.)

ADA Accommodations may also help with temporary conditions that last longer than a few weeks (concussion, broken arm, recovery from surgery, etc.).

Title IX accommodations may help when experiencing difficulties during pregnancy or with pregnancy-related conditions including miscarriage, postpartum depression, and lactation. This list is not inclusive, please contact our office with questions. 


More Frequently Asked Questions

Do I qualify for accommodations through Accessibility Services?

Accessibility Services (AS) accommodates students when their disability is a barrier to learning or accessing the university environment. Since accommodations are determined individually for each student, the best way to learn what accommodations are right for you is to talk with an accessibility counselor. Please contact our office at 801-863-8747 to learn more about the application process or to schedule an Information Meeting with an Accessibility Counselor.

Do I need an official diagnosis to qualify for accommodations?

Evidence of a disability is part of the application process. An official diagnosis or formal documentation, such as an IEP or 504 plan, a psychological evaluation, a letter from your medical provider, or the UVU Disability Documentation form, can provide evidence of a disability. Please review our Documentation Guidelines for more information about specific types of documentation. Apparent or visible disabilities do not require documentation, although, additional information about how your disability impacts you may be helpful in determining accommodations.

Can I still apply for accommodations if I only need them temporarily?

Yes. Accessibility Services  (AS) can assist you with accommodations for short-term conditions, such as pregnancy, broken limbs, and concussions.

Can I request an accommodation if I’m visiting UVU for an event or activity?

Yes. Visitors wishing to request an accommodation can call our office at 801-863-8747.

How do I schedule an appointment at the Testing Center?


To schedule an appointment at the Testing Center, call 801-863-7095.

Appointments for testing should be scheduled at 24-48 hours in advance. Many students choose to schedule all appointments at the start of the semester as soon as they know their testing dates. 

UVU Testing Center

Do I need a parking permit to utilize accessible parking stalls?

If you have a valid state-issued accessible parking placard, you may parking in any accessible park spot on campus. For more information, please contact UVU Parking Services

Can I bring my service dog to campus?

Yes, service animals are welcome at UVU. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a service animal as a dog (or miniature horse) that is trained to performs a task for an individual with a disability.

Employees (including student employees) must request an accommodation to bring a service animal to work. Please contact People & Culture for more information.

Emotional support, therapy, comfort, or companion animals are not considered service animals, and require an approved accommodation. Learn more about our service animal policy.

Can I transfer my previous Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan to UVU?

Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 plans can be used as evidence of a disability. However, the plan itself does not transfer to the university level. To receive accommodations, you must complete the application process, including an online application, submitting documentation such as an IEP, and meeting with an accessibility counselor. Once accommodations are approved, you are responsible for renewing accommodations each semester.

What's the difference between receiving accommodations in high school and in college?

The main difference is your role as a student is key; in college, you make the decisions about using accommodations. Also, the school's role in providing accommodations changes from high school to college. At the high school level, the school is responsible for identifying students who need accommodations or services. However, in higher education, students are responsible for identifying themselves to Accessibility Services (AS) and requesting accommodations.

How can I apply for accommodations?

First, fill out the New Student Application on Clockwork. You may upload your documentation directly to the online application, but documentation may also be submitted over email, fax, or in person. After that, schedule an initial meeting with an accessibility counselor to determine reasonable accommodations. View our in-depth guide to applying for accommodations for more information.

What documentation do I need to provide to Accessibility Services?

All documentation should include a disability diagnosis, the impact and/or symptoms of the disability, and may also include recommended accommodations or history of past accommodations. For medical disabilities, ask your doctor to fill out the Disability Documentation form. A letter written by a licensed professional may be provided for other conditions. Past documentation, such as an IEP or 504 plan, may also be included.

For our full list of guidelines, please review our Documentation Guidelines.

Where can I get documentation of my disability to provide my Accessibility Services counselor?

Ask your medical provider, doctor, or other licensed professional to fill out the Disability Documentation form. If you are requesting accommodations for a non-medical disability, they should write a letter detailing your diagnosis, symptoms or impact of your disability, recommended accommodations, and any other relevant information.

For help finding a provider or diagnosis, visit our Resources page.

What will my first appointment look like?

At your initial meeting, you and your accessibility counselor will discuss the nature of your disability, how it impacts your academic and student experience at UVU, and what accommodations may help you succeed. Accessibility Services (AS) may need to consult faculty to ensure that the accommodations won’t fundamentally alter the course curriculum or academic standards.

In some cases, accommodations may not be determined during your initial appointment. If you and your accessibility counselor do not decide on your accommodations, you will be informed of the next steps that need to be taken. This may include submitting further documentation.

What are my next steps once my requested accommodations have been approved?

Once your accommodations are approved, you will need to submit an accommodation request on Clockwork each semester. Accommodations are not retroactive, so it’s important to renew accommodations at the beginning of every semester you need to utilize them. Learn more on our Renew Accommodations page.

What happens if my accommodations are not approved? Can I ask Accessibility Services to reconsider their decision?

If you request an accommodation that is not approved, disagree with your accessibility counselor’s decision, or encounter any other problems during the application process, you can do two things. Contact the Director of Accessibility Services to discuss the decision further, or submit an appeal and request reconsideration through the Grievance Process.

Do I need to meet with my instructor to discuss accommodations?

When you renew accommodations at the beginning of the semester, a Letter of Accommodation (LOA) is sent to each of your instructors. After renewing accommodations, students are expected to confirm that instructors received the LOA and discuss how to best implement accommodations in each class.

Do I have to disclose my disability to my instructor?

You do not have to disclose your disability to your instructors. You have a right to confidentiality, and the information you provide to Accessibility Services (AS) is protected by the Family Educational Rights and Policy Act (FERPA). Faculty are not permitted to require you to disclose your disability or ask you for further details. AS will only provide your instructor with a Letter of Accommodation (LOA) that details your approved accommodations.

Do I need to renew my accommodations each semester?

Yes. You will need to log into Clockwork at the beginning of each semester you wish to utilize your accommodations. Learn more on our Renew Accommodations page.

Will Accessibility Services keep my information private?

All information and documentation you submit to Accessibility Services (AS) is considered private under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). These records are kept separate from your academic record

Under FERPA guidelines, AS cannot guarantee complete confidentiality, as there may be times when sharing some information with other UVU staff and faculty members is necessary to provide accommodations. Note that the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) confidentiality and privacy guidelines do not apply to the documents you submit to AS because they are not being used for medical treatment.

Can my parent, spouse, or other caregiver speak to Accessibility Services directly about my accommodations?

AS will only discuss your accommodations with individuals you have approved as a delegate: SIRA

I am a parent or caregiver of a student with a disability. Where can I find more information about my student’s accommodations?

Due to FERPA regulations, AS will only discuss a student's disability information with individuals who have been approved as a delegate: SIRA

All school records maintained by a post-secondary institution belong to the student, even if they are under the age of 18.

Are there other resources or departments on campus to help me succeed?

Yes. Accessibility Services (AS) offers several programs and workshops for students registered with AS. Outside of AS, there are resources available to help you with both academic and student life. Explore all of the resources available to you on our Resources page.

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