Your students can benefit from our services. Including a peer tutoring statementin your syllabus can let students know how to take advantage of free, one-on-one support. If Supplemental Instruction is offered for your course, you can use ourSI statementto encourage students to utilize free support via group sessions. Please contact our director,Kristen Hornberger, or our Supplemental Instruction Coordinator,Aubrey Ryan, if you have questions.

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Post Syllabus Statements & Canvas Announcements

Typically at the beginning or end or each semester, we assess the needs of the department and advertise any openings. Our peer tutoring syllabus statement is availablehere.

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Schedule a Class Visit

During the first few weeks of the semester, Academic Tutoring staff try to visit courses to inform students about our free resources. Most visits take 10-15 minutes and cover the types of support offered and what to expect in sessions. To schedule a visit, please contact our director,Kristen Hornberger.

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Request Workshops

Members of our staff visit with a detailed presentation/activity specific to the needs of the course. The workshops are designed in collaboration with faculty and the Academic Tutoring Director,Kristen Hornberger.

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Host In-Lab Office Hours

Interested in holding office hours in our labs? You are welcome to do so! We love professors in our spaces because students visiting can benefit from your expertise—as can the tutors. Please contact our administrative assistant, Jamie Watchman, to let us know when you’ll be coming in.

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Add Supplemental Instruction Support

Academic Tutoring sponsors a limited number of Supplemental Instruction leaders each semester. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in pairing with your course, contact our SI coordinator Aubrey Ryan.

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Recommend a Potential Tutor

We rely heavily on faculty referrals to find great tutors. When you have an exceptional, motivated student who has great people skills, please tell us about them (or send them our way).

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Have questions about resources for faculty? Read our FAQ

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