The WSB Bachelor of Science in Personal Financial Planning (PFP) prepares students
to become financial planners, helping individuals and families with budgeting, asset
management, and other financial planning needs. Graduates will complete the necessary
courses to meet the educational requirements for the Certified Financial Planner (CFP)
Department Chair, Finance & Economics
Dr. Qianwen Bi is an associate professor in the Personal Financial Planning program
and the head of the Finance and Economics Department at Utah Valley University Woodbury
School of Business. She has been teaching financial planning software in the classroom
for over 12 years and has been leading the Technology Applications in Personal Financial
Planning course at Utah Valley University for eight years. Working with students at
the WSB FinTech Center, Dr. Bi has been exploring new business applications using
cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Cloud
Computing, and Machine Learning. The FinTech center has a mission to advance our education
and promote for student successes through interdisciplinary hands-on innovative projects.
Program Manager, PFP
Professor Stratton received a Juris Doctorate and a MS in Financial Planning from
Texas Tech University. He also has a BS in Business Administration and another BS
in Information Systems from the University of Utah. Professor Stratton has been teaching
at UVU in the finance department nearly since the Personal Financial Program started.
Previously, he was an adjuct professor at UVU and SLCC for seven years. Additionally,
Professor Stratton is a practicing attorney, financial planner, and an entrepreneur.
Faculty Member, PFP
Luke Dean is proud to be from Orem, UT. He received a Bachelors and Masters degree
from BYU and then received his PhD from Texas Tech University. He is married (Angela)
and has 5 healthy, hyperactive children. He was named to InvestmentNews inaugural
list of the 40 most influential people under the age of 40 in the financial planning
What can you do with a Personal Financial Planning (PFP) degree?
Top Employers: Fidelity, Vanguard, Diversify, and RIA firms
Job placement
Median Income in Utah: $65,540
for Personal Financial Advisors
Semester 1
Credit Hours |
Course Title |
3 |
ENGL 1010 or ENGH 1005Introduction to Academic Writing/Literacies and Composition Across Context |
3 |
Math 1050 or MATH 1055 or MATH 1090College Algebra or College Algebra with Preliminaries or College Algebra for Business |
3 |
Physical Science
2 |
HLTH 1100 or EXSC 1097Personal Health and Wellness or Fitness for Life |
3 |
American Institution |
Notes: Milestone courses (pre-requisites for a course in one of the subsequent semesters) are marked in red and italicized.
Semester Total:
Semester 2
Credit Hours |
Course Title |
3 |
MGMT 2240or MATH 1100Business Calculus or Survey of Calculus |
3 |
ENGL 2010Intermediate Writing-Academic Writing & Research |
3 |
ECON 2010Principles of Economics I (fulfills Social/Behavioral Science credit) |
3 |
3 |
Fine Arts
Semester Total:
Semester 3
Credit Hours |
Course Title |
3 |
ACC 2110Principles of Accounting I |
3 |
MGMT 2400Macroeconomics |
3 |
MGMT 2340Business Statistics I |
3 |
PHIL 2050Ethics and Values |
3 |
FIN 3060
3 |
FIN 483RColloquium in PFP Professionalism |
Semester Total:
Semester 4
Credit Hours |
Course Title |
3 |
MKTG 3600Principles of Marketing |
3 |
My Educator or IM 2010 or IM 2600*Business Computer Proficiency |
3 |
FIN 3200Financial Counseling |
3 |
MKTG 220G**Written Business Communication WE |
3 |
3 |
3rd Science
Notes: *Students will be required to complete My Educator with a score of 80 percent or higher or complete the IM 2010 or 2600 course with a score of 80 percent or higher. Course could count for 2 credit of General Elective. Notes: **Complete with a B- grade or higher
Semester Total:
Semester 5
Credit Hours |
Course Title |
3 |
FIN 3100Principles of Finance |
3 |
FIN 4200 or FIN ElectiveFinancial Counseling Practicum |
2 |
FIN 4290Technological Applications in Personal Financial Planning |
3 |
MGMT 3000Organizational Behavior WE |
3 |
MGMT 3450Operations Management |
Semester Total:
Semester 6
Credit Hours |
Course Title |
3 |
FIN 3210Retirement Planning |
3 |
FIN 3400Investment Management |
3 |
FIN 4210Estate Planning Fundamentals |
3 |
FIN 3220Risk Management and InsuranceV |
3 |
FIN 457R or FIN ElectiveAdvanced Topics in Finance |
Semester Total:
Semester 7
Credit Hours |
Course Title |
3 |
FIN 3300Risk Management and Insurance |
3 |
FIN 4270Wealth Management Seminar |
3 |
FIN 481RPersonal Financial Planning Internship |
3 |
ECON 305G or MGMT 330G or MGMT 332GInternational Economics or Survey of International Business or Cross-Cultural Communications for International Business |
3 |
General Elective
Semester Total:
Semester 8
Credit Hours |
Course Title |
3 |
MGMT 4860Business Strategy Formulation and Implementation |
3 |
FIN 4800Personal Financial Planning Capstone |
3 |
General ElectiveCould be filled with Computer Proficiency |
2 |
FIN 5700 or FIN ElectiveCFP Examination Preparation |
2 |
MKTG 2390Professional Business Presentations |
Notes: Matriculation can be completed after grades are posted for this semester and the N/C Matri. Orient. Completed.
Semester Total:
Our bachelor's degree is designed to set students up for success in their career as a financial professional, including their efforts to pursue the CFP(R) certification.