801 Adding a blog to a site

Using a blog on a department site

Department blogs can be a great way to foster engagement from your audience. Through Omni CMS, departments can create blogs that can be seamlessly integrated into department sites, and which are edited just like other content in Omni CMS.

Benefits of blogs

Blogs can improve your site through:

  • Allowing for in-depth coverage of specific topics related to the department and its functions.
  • Advertising and promoting department events
  • Spotlighting faculty, staff, and students.
  • Promoting discussion through comments and social media.
  • Providing regular updates about the department.

Things to consider

If your department is interested in using a blog, there are a few things to consider:

  • What will the main purpose of the blog be?
  • Who will be the primary contributor to the blog?
  • Are there adequate resources and content to ensure that the blog will be updated regularly (preferably at least once a week)?
  • Will the blog be consistently used, even if site ownership shifts?

Request a new blog

Submit a web fix to add a new blog to a department site. Include information about the desired URL (within your own department site) and title for the new blog.