301 Approved UVU web colors

Approved UVU web colors

The following colors have been approved by University Marketing for use on UVU websites, and as part of the UVU web presence. Please choose from these colors when formatting content in your department site, to ensure cohesion and unity among UVU websites. If UVU sites use colors beyond those provided without prior approval from University Marketing, they may be subject to review by SWAT or University Marketing.

Using web colors

Web colors can be used to change text, background, or border color of page elements. The colors are included as CSS classes at a global level, meaning that these standard colors are available for use on any page on uvu.edu. Using these classes to change colors requires some familiarity with applying CSS classes in HTML.

To apply color changes, open the source code view for the region of the page you are editing by clicking the HTML icon:

Screen capture showing HTML source icon in Omni CMS editor toolbar.

This will open a window displaying the code making up that region of the page. The code displayed here will vary from page-to-page and region-to-region, which is where some familiarity with HTML code is useful. Find the HTML tag that you would like to modify, and either add the applicable color class to an existing class="" attribute, or create a new class attribute.

Example of source code with class attribute to apply green text color to paragraph.

The color classes are created by combining the element you would like to change with the color name:

  • To change the text color: class="text-mycolor"
  • To change the background color: class="bg-mycolor"
  • To change the border color: class="border-mycolor" (Border color only works for items that already have a border applied)

For example, to apply a text color of Orange to text, use the attribute: class="text-orange"

Primary palette

UVU green - primary color

-uvu-green, .bg-primary #275d38

-uvu-green-l3 #6f937a

-uvu-green-l2 #578164

-uvu-green-l1 #3f6f4e

-uvu-green-d1 #235332

-uvu-green-d2 #1e482c

UVU silver - primary color

-silver #8e8c89

UVU white - primary color

-white #fff

UVU black - primary color

-black #000


-grey, .bg-gray #e8e8e8

-grey-xlight, .bg-gray-xlight #f9f9f9

Accent colors and variations

Forest green

-forest #00843d

-forest-l3 #e6f3ec

-forest-l2 #99ceb1

-forest-l1 #4da977

-forest-d1 #005c2b

-forest-d2 #1e4119

Clover green

-clover #4ba23f

-clover-l3 #edf6ec

-clover-l2 #b7dab2

-clover-l1 #81be79

-clover-d1 #35712c

-clover-d2 #1e4119

Fern green

-fern #78be20

-fern-l3 #f2f9e9

-fern-l2 #c9e5a6

-fern-l1 #a1d263

-fern-d1 #548516

-fern-d2 #304c0d

Lime green

-lime #c5e86c

-lime-l3 #f9fdf0

-lime-l2 #e8f6c4

-lime-l1 #d6ef98

-lime-d1 #8aa24c

-lime-d2 #4f5d2b


-aqua #86c8bc

-aqua-l3 #f3faf8

-aqua-l2 #cfe9e4

-aqua-l1 #aad9d0

-aqua-d1 #5e8c84

-aqua-d2 #36504b


-teal #00bfb3

-teal-l3 #e6f9f7

-teal-l2 #99e5e1

-teal-l1 #4dd2ca

-teal-d1 #00867d

-teal-d2 #004c48


-blue #0095c8

-blue-l3 #e6f4fa

-blue-l2 #99d5e9

-blue-l1 #4db5d9

-blue-d1 #00688c

-blue-d2 #003c50

Light blue

-blue-light #bdd6e6

-blue-light-l3 #f8fbfd

-blue-light-l2 #e5eff5

-blue-light-l1 #d1e2ee

-blue-light-d1 #8496a1

-blue-light-d2 #004c48


-purple #595478

-purple-l3 #eeeef2

-purple-l2 #bdbbc9

-purple-l1 #8b87a1

-purple-d1 #3e3b54

-purple-d2 #242230


-beige #ddd0ce

-beige-l3 #fcfafa

-beige-l2 #f1eceb

-beige-l1 #e7dedd

-beige-d1 #9b9290

-beige-d2 #242230

Light brick red

-brick-light #bc8279

-brick-light-l3 #f8f3f2

-brick-light-l2 #e4cdc9

-brick-light-l1 #d0a8a1

-brick-light-d1 #845b55

-brick-light-d2 #4b3430

Brick red

-brick #823b34

-brick-l3 #f3ebeb

-brick-l2 #cdb1ae

-brick-l1 #a87671

-brick-d1 #5b2924

-brick-d2 #341815


-red #e15230

-red-l3 #fceeea

-red-l2 #f3baac

-red-l1 #ea866e

-red-d1 #9e3922

-red-d2 #5a2113


-orange #d45d00

-orange-l3 #fbefe6

-orange-l2 #eebe99

-orange-l1 #e18e4d

-orange-d1 #944100

-orange-d2 #552500


-gold #ffb500

-gold-l3 #fff8e6

-gold-l2 #ffe199

-gold-l1 #ffcb4d

-gold-d1 #b37f00

-gold-d2 #664800


-yellow #fbd865

-yellow-l3 #fffbf0

-yellow-l2 #fdefc1

-yellow-l1 #fce493

-yellow-d1 #b09747

-yellow-d2 #645628


-brown #696158

-brown-l3 #f0efee

-brown-l2 #c3c0bc

-brown-l1 #96908a

-brown-d1 #4a443e

-brown-d2 #2a2723

Dark grey

-grey-dark, .bg-gray-dark #a7a8aa

-grey-dark-l3, .bg-gray-dark-l3 #f6f6f7

-grey-dark-l2, .bg-gray-dark-l2 #dcdcdd

-grey-dark-l1, .bg-gray-dark-l1 #c1c2c4

-grey-dark-d1, .bg-gray-dark-d1 #757677

-grey-dark-d2, .bg-gray-dark-d2 #434344