Giving Warmth This Holiday Season

On November 18, 2022, Utah Valley University Rotaractors participated in a service project “Coats for Kids” of the Orem-Lindon Rotary Club members and delivered coats to needy students at 8 elementary schools in Orem


On November 18, 2022, Utah Valley University Rotaractors, including me were given the opportunity to participate in a service project named “Coats for Kids” with the Orem-Lindon Rotary Club members. The Rotary Club (RI) mission is to help the community the best way they can. From volunteer clean-ups to planting trees, they spread good energy wherever they go. It is a true blessing that we have groups of people who come together to better the community without anything in return. Rotaract is a student club at the university representing RI.


Orem-Lindon Rotarians and Utah Valley University Rotaractors present coats at the Windsor Elementary School in Orem, Utah

Orem-Lindon Rotary Members, such as Cholpon Akmatalieva and Baktybek Abdrisaev, UVU Rotaractors, such as Tristin Juarez-Smith, McKay Brooks and I traveled to a Windsor elementary school in Orem, Utah to drop off warm coats for those who needed them most, children. It is hard to believe that in America we have children suffering from poverty, but there are kids without food, shelter, or even a coat to wear during the winter season. Just in the Orem area there is a percentage of close to 20% of children suffering from poverty. It surprised me to know that near to me there were kids walking to school without a warm coat.


                                                  Coats in bags are ready for delivery                                                                             (L to R): Sheryl Merkley, Cholpon Akmatalieva and Lynn Hillstead,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Orem Lindon Rotarians in action

Orem Lindon Rotarians purchased and delivered 254 coats for children in need in 8 elementary schools in Orem city, Utah. This marks the tenth year of Orem-Lindon Rotarians contributions of efforts and funds to this service project, and the third year to do this jointly with Rotaractors.


Clark and Sheryl Merkley, Orem Lindon Rotarians deliver coats to Cherry Hills, Sharon Elementary Schools in Orem and Freedom Prep Academy in Vineyard

The experience was anything short of amazing. Being a mother myself, I did not want to miss an opportunity to teach my youngest the importance of giving, so I brought my 4-year-old along with me. We gathered bags of assorted coats of varied sizes and handed them to the school's principal. You could tell she was grateful to be receiving them as I am sure she cares deeply for the students at her school. Although we could not see the children's faces when they received their new coats, I can imagine a big smile or inner happiness overcame them.


Orem-Lindon Rotarians and UVU Rotaractors present coats at the Noah Webster Academy of Science in Orem, Utah

Overall, I am grateful I was able to participate even in the smallest way to give back to our most vulnerable citizens. Learning how events are organized, and the interactions that follow, was also a wonderful experience for me. My little boy learned a valuable lesson in gratitude for the things he has, and that we should help others in need. I hope I can continue such amazing opportunities to give back to my community and perpetuate the gift of kindness.

                 Megan Strader, Utah Valley University Rotaractor


Utah Rotary Newsletter 




23-01-06-McKay Brooks A Special Delivery For Children In Need
